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Groundless paths the prajnaparamita sutras, the o ( (179)

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Snow Lion Publications P O Box 6483 Ithaca, NY 14851 USA (607) 273-8519 www.snowlionpub.com Copyright © 2012 Tsadra Foundation All rights reserved No part of this book may be reproduced without prior written permission from the publisher Printed in USA on acid-free recycled paper Typeset by Stephanie Johnston based on a design by Gopa & Ted2, Inc Drawing of Patrul Rinpoche by Chris Banigan ISBN-10: 1-55939-375-0 ISBN-13: 978-1-55939-375-1 Library o f Congress Cataloging-in-Publication Data O-rgyan-jigs-med-chos-kyi-dbaň-po, Dpal-sprul, b 1808 [Selections English 2012] Groundless paths : the Prajňápáramitá sutras, the Ornament of clear realization, and its commentaries in the Tibetan Nyingma tradition / translated and introduced by Karl Brunnholzl p cm — (The Tsadra Foundation series) Includes translations from Tibetan Chiefly based on Tsoň-kha-pa Blo-bzaň-grags-pa s Legs bšad gser phreň Includes bibliographical references and index ISBN-13: 978-1-55939-375-1 (alk paper) ISBN-10: 1-55939-375-0 (alk paper) Abhisamayálaňkára Criticism, interpretation, etc. Early works to 1800 Rňiň-ma-pa (Sect) Doctrines Early works to 1800.1 Brunnholzl, Karl II Tsoň-kha-pa Blo-bzaň-grags-pa, 1357-1419 Legs bšad gser phreň III Title BQ1955.07513 2012 294.3’85—dc23 2011030232 Contents I N T R O D U C T IO N 19 T R A N SL A T IO N S 35 The General Topics o f The Treatise on the Pith Instructions on Prajnaparam ita, The O rn a m e n t of Clear Realization1 37 Presentation o f the body o f the text 58 Detailed explanation o f the b ranches 71 Explanation o f the knowledge o f all aspects 72 Generation o f bodhicitta (the nature o f the path) 72 Receiving the instructions (what purifies the generation o f bodhicitta) 79 The branches conducive to penetration (the fruition o f the instructions) 114 The foundation o f practice 124 The focal object o f practice 134 The aim o f practice 136 The practice o f donning the armor o f the mahàyàna 138 The practice o f engagement 142 The practice o f the equipments 156 The practice o f final deliverance 185 Detailed explanation o f the branches o f the knowledge o f the path (the means o f attainment) The branches o f the path 186 186 The path o f Sràvakas 199 The path o f pratyekabuddhas 201 The path o f seeing 204 The function o f the path o f familiarization 210 The path o f familiarization a s aspiration 211 Its benefit 213 Groundless Paths The path o f familiarization as dedication 213 The path o f familiarization as rejoicing 214 The path o f familiarization a s accomplishment 215 The pure path o f familiarization 216 Detailed explanation o f the branches o f the knowledge o f entities (what is to be relinquished) 219 The nature o f the knowledge o f entities 219 The reasons for presenting closeness and distance 220 The divisions o f the factors to be relinquished and their remedies 225 The nature o f the training 228 The aspects o f the training 231 Explaining the actual path o f seeing 231 Detailed explanation o f the complete training in all aspects— the cause that makes one gain mastery 235 Explaining the aspects to be trained in 235 T he trainings o w n nature 274 The qualities to be attained 276 The flaws to be rejected 278 The defining characteristics to be known 283 The factors conducive to liberation (what is to be relied on in the mind stream) 289 The tim e o f the arising o f the special training 291 The irreversible persons 294 What makes one attain buddhahood (the supported) 302 What purifies the twofold buddha realm (the support) 303 The cause for promoting the welfare o f others in this buddha realm, the training in skill in means 303 Detailed explanation o f the branches o f the culminating training— the result over which mastery is to be gained The culmination o f the path o f preparation 309 310 The culmination o f heat 310 The culmination o f peak 311 The culmination o f poised readiness The culmination o f the supreme dharma 312 312 The culmination o f the path o f seeing 313 The culmination o f the path o f familiarization 337 T he culmination o f the uninterrupted path 346 Its factors to be relinquished 347 Contents Detailed explanation o f the branches o f the serial training (the cause o f stabilization) 355 The serial training that is the path 355 The serial training that makes the path special 356 The serial training that makes the path pure 357 Detailed explanation o f the branches o f the instantaneous training (the result o f stabilization) 358 The instantaneous training in terms o f nonmaturation 358 The instantaneous training in terms o f maturation 359 The instantaneous training in terms of the lack of characteristics 359 The instantaneous training in terms o f nonduality 359 Detailed explanation o f the branches o f the dharmakàya (the fruition o f having engaged in the trainings) 360 The svàbhàvikakâya 362 The wisdom kàya 363 The sàmbhogikakàya 363 The nairmànikakàya 364 The nature o f enlightened activity (their activity) 367 A W ord C om m entary on The Treatise on the Pith Instructions on Prajnàpâram itâ, The O rn a m e n t o f Clear Realization 397 Presentation o f the body of the text 400 Detailed explanation o f its branches 406 The explanation o f the knowledge o f all aspects 406 Generation o f bodhicitta 406 Receiving the instructions (what purifies the generation o f bodhicitta) 409 The branches conducive to penetration (the fruition o f the instructions) 414 The foundation o f practice 422 Its focal object 424 Its aim 425 The armorlike practice (the practice o f donning the armor through motivation) 425 The practice o f engagement 426 The practice o f the equipments 427 The practice o f final deliverance 437 Groundless Paths The detailed explanation o f the branches o f the knowledge o f the path (the means to attain the knowledge o f all aspects) 438 The branches o f the path 439 The knowledge o f the path o f knowing the path o f ¿ravakas 440 The knowledge o f the path o f knowing the path of pratyekabuddhas 441 The path o f seeing 443 The function o f the path o f familiarization 447 The path o f familiarization as aspiration 447 Its benefit 448 The path o f familiarization as dedication 449 The path o f familiarization as rejoicing 450 The path o f familiarization o f accomplishing the qualities 451 The pure path o f familiarization 451 The detailed explanation o f the branches o f the knowledge o f entities (what is to be relinquished) 454 The nature o f the knowledge o f entities 455 The reasons for presenting closeness and distance 455 The divisions o f the factors to be relinquished and their remedies 456 The nature o f the training that is the manner o f practicing it 458 The equality o f the training 460 The fruition o f having practiced in this way 460 Detailed explanation o f the branches o f the complete training in all aspects—the cause that makes one gain mastery 463 The aspects to be trained in 464 The training s own nature 469 The qualities to be attained 471 The flaws to be rejected 472 The defining characteristics to be known 473 The factors conducive to liberation (what is to be relied on in the mind stream) 483 The time o f the arising o f the special training 485 The persons who are the supports for the arising o f the special training in the mind stream 487 What makes one attain buddhahood (the supported) 498 What purifies the twofold buddha realm (the support) 499 The cause for promoting the welfare o f others in this buddha realm (the training in skill in means) 500 ... explanation o f the branches o f the knowledge o f the path (the means to attain the knowledge o f all aspects) 438 The branches o f the path 439 The knowledge o f the path o f knowing the path o f... instructions (what purifies the generation o f bodhicitta) 79 The branches conducive to penetration (the fruition o f the instructions) 114 The foundation o f practice 124 The focal object o f practice... purifies the generation o f bodhicitta) 409 The branches conducive to penetration (the fruition o f the instructions) 414 The foundation o f practice 422 Its focal object 424 Its aim 425 The armorlike

Ngày đăng: 31/10/2022, 13:39