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Four hundred stanzas on the middle way with commentary (54)

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Var C.W St a Being alive does not avert death and one should not trust in just that (1) Actual explanation „„„.„„„„„„„„„„ „„ „„ 12.13 (2) Refuting lack of fear through thinking one will live long „ „„„„.„„ „ „„„ „ „13.18 b lnappropriateness of not fearing death because it is common to all„„„„ „ „„„„„„„„.15.3 c Inappropriateness of not fearing death because of treatments for sickness and aging „.„ „ „ „„„„ „.„„„ „„„„.„ 15.8 d Extreme inappropriateness of not fearing death because the time of one's death is uncertain (1) Need to fear death because of being common to all and directly visible „„„„„„ 16.20 (2) Refuting unnecessariness of fear because a definite time of death is not foreseen „„ 19.2 e Refuting that death does not cause the brave fear (1) Unfeasibility of only cowards fearing death „„„„„„„„„ „„„„ „„„.„„„„„ 18.3 (2) Unsuitability of doing ill deeds to safeguard one's life „„„„„„„„„„„„„„ „.19.2 Meditation on subtle impermanence a Since life diminishes moment by moment, not trust it „ „„„.„„„„„„ „„„„ „„„„„ 19.13 b lnappropriateness of attachment to continuation because liking to live long and not wanting to be old are contradictoiy „.„„„„„.„„ 20.4 B Inappropriateness of grieving only at others' deaths whiłe overlooking the disadvantages of not being free from fear of death oneself Brief explanation „ „.„ • •••.•••••••••• „.„ •• „ •.••• „ 20.5 516.5 517.6 519.1 519.6 520.6 522.6 521.6 522.6 523.3 10 523.6 11 524.3 12 Extensive explanation by answering objections a Refuting the appropriateness of grief because one's son went to the next world without asking (1) Actual explanation „„ „„„„„„„„„„„„.„„„„ 21.17 525.3 (2) But for one's confusion, implicitly hedidasktogo„.„„.„„.„„„„„.„„„„„„„„„ 22.11 525.3 b Inappropriateness of being very attached to one's son (1) Reasons for the lnappropriateness of extreme attachment to one's son „.„„„„„„ 23.3 526.4 13 14 15 Var C.W St (2) Inappropńateness of attachment whether he is obedient or disobedient 23.16 (3) Unfeasibility of a father's attachment to his son being steadfast without depending on other factors 24.5 c Inappropńateness of gńeving over a dead person in front of other people „„.„ • „„„„„„„„ 24.19 d lnappropńateness of gńeving for a dead relative to ensure a close relationship with surviving relatives „„ • „„ ••••••• „.„ •• „„„.„„„.„.„ 25.8 e Inappropriateness of attachment to being with relatives and so forth (1) Actual explanation „ • „„ • „ „ „ • 25.20 (2) Inappropńateness of attachment to lasting friendships „ • „ „ „ • „.„„.„„.„ „ 26.8 f Inappropńateness of attachment to the seasons' marvels „.„ •.• „„„„.„„ „„ „„„„ 26.20 C Advice to make effort to practice the path to liberation, giving up attachment to bad actions Inappropriateness of relying on punitive action regarding what must be done „ „ • „ „„ 27.10 Advice as to the appropńateness of giving up bad actions to live in seclusion from the very start „.„„„ „ „ „.„„ „„„„ 28.3 III The benefits of meditating on impermanence „ 28.11 527.2 16 527.4 17 528.2 18 528.5 19 529.2 20 529 21 530.1 22 530.5 23 531.1 531.4 24 25 Chapter li Explaining how to abandon erroneous belief in pleasure by meditating on the contaminated body as suffering I Explaining the stanzas individually A How to meditate on the suffering nature of the coarse body Way of showing the suffering body a Necessity of protecting the body from deterioration despite recognizing its suffering nature „ 1.13 b Eliminating strong attachment to the body „ „ 2.8 Explaining extensively how to meditate on suffering a Considering how this body mainly has suffering (1) Actual explanation „.„„„„„.„„„„ „ „„„ „„ 3.13 (2) Considering how suffering fellows one though one wants pleasure and does not want suffering „.„.„ „.„„.„ • „.„ •••• „ • • 4.5 b Considering how suffering comes easily without the need for great effort 533.3 534.1 26 27 535.1 28 535.5 29 Var C.W St (1) If one wishes for rare pleasure, it is appropriate to fear plentiful suffering 4.17 (2) Valuing the body out of attachment is like :valuing a foe „„„ ••• „„ •• „.„„ ••••• „.„„ ••.•• 5.6 c Considering how the body does not transcend its suffering nature „„ „„„ 5.14 d Considering how suffering causes harm „ 6.1 e Considering how very poweńul pain is „„„„„„ 6.13 f Considering how the sensation of pleasure is like a visitor to the body „„„„„„„„„„„„„„.„„„ 7.5 g lt is therefore proper to develop aversion to the suffering nature of the body „„„„ „„„„„„„ 7.14 Refuting the existence of real pleasure a Showing that though real suffering exists, real pleasure does not (1) Reasons why seeing a slight increase in pleasure does not prove the existence of real pleasure „ • • ••••.••••••••••••••• „.„ •• „ •• 8.12 (2) Although there are causes produclng real suffering, there are none producing real pleasure „ •.•.••••••.•••••••••••••••••• „ 9.1 b Showing it is erroneous to think of suffering as pleasure (1) Inappropriateness of considering the process of dying pleasurable „„„„.„.„„„.„„„ 9.15 (2) Inappropriateness of considering belng afflicted pleasurable „„ „„ „„.„„„„.„.„„ 10.5 (3) Inappropriateness of considering pleasurable a composite of various incompatible factors which is like an enemy „„ 10.11 (4) Inappropriateness of considering being destroyed pleasurable „„.„„„„„„„„„„„„.„„10.19 (5) Inappropriateness of considering the doing of tiring actions pleasurable „„ „.„„ 11.3 (6) Inappropriateness of considering pleasurable the creation of the causes of suffering for the sake of a little pleasure „.11.10 c From the start there is no real pleasure in riding and so forth „„.„„„ „„ „„.„ „.„„ „ 12.1 d Ordinary people think of the feeling of satisfaction from alleviated pain as real pleasure „„ ••••.• •••• „„ •• „ •• „.„„„.„„ ••• 12.12 e Showing other reasons why there is no real pleasure 536.2 30 536.4 31 536.6 537.2 537.5 32 33 34 538.2 35 538.5 36 539.4 37 539.6 38 540.4 39 541.1 40 541.2 41 541.5 42 541.6 43 542.2 44 542.5 45 543.2 46 Var C.W St (1) Real pleasure's existence is not established by seeing slight indpient pain stop intense pain „„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„.13.17 544.3 (2) Common beings not have pleasure that can effectively override pain „„„„„„.„14.12 545.1 B The Teacher therefore spoke of meditating on the body as suffering „ •••••.••.••••••• ••.•.•• •••.•.• 15.12 545.6 C How to meditate on the pervasive suffering of conditioning „ • • • .• 16.10 546.5 II Summarizing the purpose of this chapter A Actual purpose „„ „ „ „.„ „ „ „ „ „ „ 16.20 547.2 B Showing that real pleasure does not exist „.„.„.„„„„ 18.3 548.2 C Eliminating others' critidsms „ „.„„„ „„.„.„„„ 18.10 548.4 47 48 49 50 a b c ... pleasure by meditating on the contaminated body as suffering I Explaining the stanzas individually A How to meditate on the suffering nature of the coarse body Way of showing the suffering body a... how the sensation of pleasure is like a visitor to the body „„„„„„„„„„„„„„.„„„ 7.5 g lt is therefore proper to develop aversion to the suffering nature of the body „„„„ „„„„„„„ 7.14 Refuting the. .. punitive action regarding what must be done „ „ • „ „„ 27.10 Advice as to the appropńateness of giving up bad actions to live in seclusion from the very start „.„„„ „ „ „.„„ „„„„ 28.3 III The benefits

Ngày đăng: 31/10/2022, 13:39