Handbook of Medicinal Herbs 193 CHRISTMAS ROSE, BLACK HELLEBORE (Helleborus niger L.) X C Activities (Christmas Rose) — Abortifacient (f; PHR; PH2); Anthelminthic (1; EFS); Cardiotonic (1; CRC; EFS; PH2); Choleretic (f; MAD); CNS-Depressant (1; MAD); Diuretic (f; CRC; EFS); Emetic (f; HHB); Emmenagogue (f; CRC; EFS; MAD); Expectorant (f; MAD); Hydragogue (f; EFS); Irritant (1; PH2); Laxative (f; CRC; EFS; HHB; PHR; PH2); Longevigenic (f; MAD); Mydriatic (f; CRC); Narcotic (f; CRC; EFS); Nervine (f; CRC; EFS); Poison (1; CRC); Rodenticide (f; CRC); Sternutator (f; CRC); Toxic (1; HH2; PH2); Vermifuge (f; CRC) Indications (Christmas Rose) — Amenorrhea (f; MAD); Anasarca (f; MAD); Angina (f; MAD); Arthrosis (f; MAD); Bronchosis (f; MAD); Cancer (f; CRC); Cancer, spleen (f; JLH); Carcinoma (f; JLH); Cardiopathy (f; MAD); Cold (f; PHR; PH2); Collapse (f; CRC); Confusion (f; PH2); Constipation (f; PHR; PH2); Dementia (f; CRC); Diarrhea (f; PH2); Dropsy (f; MAD); Dysmenorrhea (f; MAD; PHR; PH2); Edema (f; MAD); Encephalosis (f; CRC; MAD); Epilepsy (f; CRC; MAD); Gout (f; MAD); Head Cold (f; PHR; PH2); Heart (f; CRC); Hydrocephaly (f; CRC; MAD); Induration (f; CRC; JLH); Jaundice (f; MAD); Lichen (f; MAD); Mange (f; MAD); Mania (f; CRC; MAD); Melancholy (f; CRC); Meningosis (f; CRC); Nausea (f; HH2; PHR; PH2); Nephrosis (f; CRC; MAD; PHR; PH2); Neurosis (f; MAD); Otosis (f; MAD); Psychosis (f; MAD); Rheumatism (f; MAD); Scabies (f; MAD); Scirrhus (f; JLH); Scrofula (f; MAD); Splenosis (f; CRC; JLH); Syncope (f; MAD); Toothache (f; MAD); Tuberculosis (f; MAD); Tumor (f; CRC); Uremia (f; MAD); Uterosis (f; MAD); Vertigo (f; MAD); Wart (f; CRC; JLH); Water Retention (f; CRC; EFS); Worm (f; CRC; HH2; PHR; PH2); Wound (f; MAD) Dosages (Christmas Rose) — Dangerous (JAD) 50-mg root or rhizome; maximum single dose 200 mg; largest daily dose 1000 mg (HHB; HH2; PHR); 250–1000 mg powdered root (MAD) CHRYSANTHEMUM, MUM (Chrysanthemum x morifolium Ramat.) ++ Synonyms — Anthemis grandiflorum Ramat., A stipulacea Moench, Chrysanthemum sinense Sabine, C stipulaceum (Moench) W Wight, Dendranthema grandiflorum (Ramat.) Kitam., D morifolium Tzvelev., Matricaria morifolia Ramat Activities (Chrysanthemum) — Allergenic (f; WO2); Antibacterial (1; AKT; DAA); Antiinflammatory (f; X8987908); Antipyretic (f; DAA); Antiseptic (1; AKT; DAA); Antiviral (1; AKT); 194 Handbook of Medicinal Herbs Aperient (f; WO2); Carminative (f; FAY); Collyrium (f; WO2); Depurative (f; WO2); Detoxicant (f; FAY); Digestive (f; WO2); Fungicide (1; AKT; FAY); Laxative (f; HHB); Sedative (f; DAA); Stomachic (f; WO2); Tonic (f; WO2) C Indications (Chrysanthemum) — Adenopathy (f; WO2); Allergy (f; AKT); Alopecia (f; WO2); Amenorrhea (f; WO2); Angina (2; FAY); Anxiety (f; FAY); Atherosclerosis (1; FAY); Bacteria (1; AKT; DAA; FAY); Boil (f; DAA); Bronchosis (f; FAY); Bubo (f; DAA); Burn (1; FAY); Cancer (f; DAA; WO2); Cancer, breast (f; DAA); Carbuncle (f; DAA); Cardiopathy (1; AKT; FAY); Cold (f; FAY; WO2); Congestion (f; AKT); Conjunctivosis (f; DAA; FAY); Constipation (f; HHB); Cough (f; AKT); Dizziness (f; DAA); Dysmenorrhea (f; WO2); Fever (f; DAA); Flu (f; DAA); Fungus (1; AKT; FAY); Gas (f; FAY); Gonorrhea (f; WO2); Gray Hair (f; WO2); Headache (f; FAY); Hepatosis (f; AKT); High Blood Pressure (1; FAY); Infection (1; DAA; FAY); Inflammation (f; X8987908); Insomnia (f; DAA); Mastosis (f; DAA); Menopause (f; DAA); Migraine (f; WO2); Mycosis (1; AKT; FAY); Nervousness (f; DAA); Numbness (1; FAY); Ophthalmia (f; AKT; DAA); Palpitation (1; FAY); Parkinson’s Disease (f; WO2); Respirosis (f; FAY); Rheumatism (f; WO2); Scrofula (f; DAA); Sinusosis (f; AKT); Sore Throat (f; FAY); Stomachache (f; WO2); Swelling (f; FAY); Tinnitus (f; DAA); Tonsilosis (1; FAY); Tuberculosis (1; DAA); VD (f; WO2); Vertigo (1; FAY); Virus (1; AKT); Wound (f; DAA) Dosages (Chrysanthemum) — 4.5–12 g flower (FAY) Contraindications, Interactions, and Side Effects (Chrysanthemum) — Class (AHP) Not covered (KOM; PH2) Unfortunately, Tillotson has mixed feverfew in with the mums, such that I don’t know to which he means his warning to apply, “Should not be used during pregnancy as it is a uterine stimulant .Some scientists voice concern about potential allergic reactions or cross reactivity with blood thinning agents such as warfarin or Ticlopidine” (AKT) CILANTRO (Eryngium foetidum L.) + The name cilantro is also applied to leaves of coriandrum Activities (Cilantro) — Abortifacient (f; JFM); Analgesic (1; TRA); Antibacterial (1; TRA); Anticonvulsant (1; TAD); Antiplasmodial (1; TRA); Antipyretic (1; TRA); Antiseptic (1; TRA); Antispasmodic (1; TRA); Antiviral (1; TRA); Aperitif (f; JFM); Aphrodisiac (f; JFM); Carminative (1; DAV; FNF); Diaphoretic (f; JFM); Emmenagogue (f; HHB; JFM); Expectorant (1; TRA); Fungicide (1; TRA); Hemostat (f; JFM); Hypotensive (1; JFM; TRA); Laxative (f; JFM); Pectoral (f; DAV); Stimulant (f; HHB; JFM); Vermifuge (f; JFM) Handbook of Medicinal Herbs 195 Indications (Cilantro) — Anemia (f; MPG); Anorexia (f; JFM); Arthrosis (f; DAV; MPG); Asthma (f; IED; MPG); Bacteria (1; TRA); Biliousness (f; JFM); Bleeding (f; JFM); Bronchosis (f; DAV); Cardiopathy (f; IED; MPG); Catarrh (f; IED); Cold (f; DAV; JFM); Colic (f; DAV); Constipation (f; JFM); Convulsion (1; JFM; TAD); Cough (f; DAV; JFM); Cramp (1; TRA); Debility (f; MPG); Diabetes (f; JFM; MPG); Diarrhea (f; DAV); Fever (1; DAV; JFM; TRA); Fits (f; JFM); Flu (f; DAV; JFM); Fungus (1; TRA); Gas (1; DAV; FNF; JFM); High Blood Pressure (f; DAV; IED; JFM; MPG; TRA); High Cholesterol (f; MPG); Infection (1; TRA); Insomnia (f; DAV); Malaria (1; TRA); Mycosis (1; TRA); Nausea (f; DAV; TRA); Obesity (f; MPG); Otosis (f; MPG; TRA); Pain (1; TRA); Parasite (f; IED); Pneumonia (f; DAV); Rheumatism (f; DAV; JFM); Snakebite (f; HHB; JFM); Stomachache (f; DAV; MPG); Syncope (f; JFM); Tumor (f; DAV; JLH); Virus (1; TRA); Water Retention (f; HHB); Worm (f; IED; JFM); Yellow Fever (f; JFM) Dosages (Cilantro) — Take juice of leaves before meals for anorexia (JFM); infuse root in rum or wine as a vermifuge (JFM) Contraindications, Interactions, and Side Effects (Cilantro) — Not covered (AHP) The emmenagogue folklore might suggest caution for use, if at all, by pregnant women CINCHONA, QUININE, REDBARK (Cinchona pubescens Vahl) + Synonym — C succirubra Pav ex Klotzsch USDA prefers this species be called redbark; and that C callisaya be called quinine, or yellowbark, or yellow cinchona, or yellow quinine Both seem to share many morphological, chemical, and folkloric attributes They are probably pretty tough to distinguish when reduced to powdered bark Consider the entries below as likely to accrue to one as the other FEL entries below are sometimes based on medical uses of quinine at the beginning of the 20th century Activities (Cinchona) — Abortifacient (1; FEL; WO2); Analgesic (1; CRC; PNC; WO2); Anesthetic (f; CRC); Anthelminthic (1; FNF; JAD); Antiarrhythmic (f; CRC); Antibacterial (1; WO2); Antiinflammatory (f; HAD); Antimalarial (1; CRC; PNC); Antiperiodic (f; CRC); Antipyretic (1; CRC; FNF; JAD); Antiseptic (1; CRC; FNF; MPI); Antitumor (1; JFM); Aperitif (2; HHB; KOM); Astringent (1; CRC; FNF; HHB); Bitter (2; CRC; JAD; SHT); Cardiodepressant (1; PNC; WO2); Cardiotonic (1; 60P); CNS-Depressant (1; WO2); Contraceptive (f; CRC); Dentifrice (f; CRC); Digestive (f; 60P); Gastrostimulant (2; KOM); Hypoglycemic (1; WO2); Hypotensive (1; WO2); Insecticide (f; CRC); Oxytocic (1; CRC; WO2); Schizonticide (f; CRC); Sialagogue (2; KOM; PH2); Stimulant (f; WO2); Stomachic (f; CRC; HHB); Teratogenic (1; WO2); Tonic (f; CRC; 60P); Uterotonic (f; CRC) Indications (Cinchona) — Adenopathy (f; CRC; JLH); Ague (f; FEL); Alcoholism (1; PH2); Allergy (f; FEL; MPI); Alopecia (f; CRC); Amebiasis (f; CRC; WO2); Anemia (f; FEL; HHB; PH2); Anorexia (2; HHB; KOM; PHR; PH2); Arrhythmia (1; CRC; WO2); Arthrosis (f; 60P); Asthma (f; HHB); Bacteria (1; WO2); Bleeding (1; HHB); Cachexia (f; FEL); Cancer (1; CRC; JFM; JLH; PHR; PH2); Cancer, breast (f; CRC); Cancer, gland (f; CRC; JLH); Cancer, liver (f; CRC); Cancer, mesentery (f; CRC); Cancer, spleen (f; CRC); Carcinomata (f; CRC); Cardiopathy (f; CRC); Catarrh (f; MPI); Childbirth (f; FEL); Chill (f; 60P); Chlorosis (f; FEL); Cold (1; CRC; PNC; 60P); Conjunctivosis (f; FEL); Cough (f; WO2); Cramp (1; CRC; PH2; PNC; 60P); Debility (f; FEL; GMH; PH2); Dermatosis (f; PH2); Diabetes (1; WO2); Diarrhea (f; CRC; PH2; 60P); Diphtheria (f; FEL); Dysentery (1; CRC; MPI; WO2); Dyspepsia (2; FEL; KOM; PHR; PH2; 60P); Elephantiasis (f; WO2); Erysipelas (f; FEL); Felon (f; CRC; JLH); Fever (1; CRC; FNF; JAD; PH2); Flu (1; CRC; PH2; PNC; WO2); Gas (2; PHR; PH2); Gastrosis (f; PHR); Gonorrhea (f; FEL); Hangover (f; CRC); Headache (f; FEL; WO2); Heart (1; MPG); Heatstroke (f; FEL); Hemicrania (f; MPI); Hemorrhoid (1; CRC; WO2); Hepatosis (f; JLH); Hiccup (f; CRC); High Blood Pressure (1; WO2); Hydrocele (f; CRC); Hyperglycemia (1; WO2); Infection (1; MPI); Inflammation (f; HAD; PH2); Lumbago (f; CRC); Malaria (2; CRC; FNF; PHR; PH2; PNC; 60P); Metastasis (f; JLH); Myalgia (f; FEL); Myotonia (1; WO2); C 196 C Handbook of Medicinal Herbs Neuralgia (f; CRC; FEL; HHB; MPI; PH2); Neurosis (f; CRC; PH2); Pain (1; CRC; FEL; PH2; PNC; WO2); Palpitation (1; MPG); Pertussis (f; CRC; HHB; MPI); Pinworm (f; CRC; WO2); Pneumonia (f; FEL; CRC; MPI); Pyemia (f; MPI); Rash (f; PH2); Respirosis (f; PH2); Rheumatism (f; FEL; MPI); Rhinosis (f; MPI); Sciatica (f; CRC; PH2); Septicemia (f; CRC); Sore (f; JLH; PHR; PH2); Sore Throat (f; CRC; MPI); Splenomegaly (f; PHR; PH2); Splenosis (f; JLH; MPI); Stomatosis (f; CRC); Tachycardia (1; 60P); Tonsilosis (1; MPI); Trachoma (f; FEL); Tumor (1; CRC; JFM); Typhoid (f; CRC; FEL); Ulcer (f; JLH); Varicosis (f; CRC; WO2); Wen (f; JLH); Wound (f; PHR; PH2) Dosages (Cinchona) — tsp bark boiled 5–10 min, ×/day (MPG); 1–3 g bark (KOM); 10 grains for hay fever, hemicrania, neuralgia, pertussis, splenomegaly (MPI); 0.3–1 g powdered bark (PNC); 0.3–1 ml liquid extract (PNC); 0.3–1 ml cinchona extract (PNC); 2–4 ml cinchona tincture (PNC); maximum dose 50 mg alkaloids (PNC) Contraindications, Interactions, and Side Effects (Cinchona) — Commission E reports contraindications; pregnancy and hypersensitivity; adverse effects: allergic reactions, rarely thrombocytopenia; and interaction: potentiation of coumarin derivatives Other sources report contraindication for GI-ulcer, adverse effects for allergic skin reactions and fever Overdosing or prolonged use may produce toxic effects (AEH) 8–20 g quinine may be fatal in humans (WO2) Extracts (Cinchona) — Cinchonidine, cinchonine, hydroquinine, quinidine, and quinine all oxytocic in experimental animals at levels of 0.5–10 mg/kg (WO2) Cinchonidine, cinchonine, quinidine, and quinine are some of the antipyretic compounds in this growing medicine chest called quinine From an amebicidal point of view, compounds modified from quinine and quinidine were not as potent as emetine and derivatives (I might mix my ipecac and quinine in Amazonia) Chloro9-desoxy-quinine and quinidine were least active, while 9-desoxy-dihydro derivatives showed fair activity More compounds that showed slight in vitro activity were also active in vivo, exceptions being 9-desoxy-dihydro quinine and quinidine, which were active in vivo (MPI) CINNAMON (Cinnamomum verum J Presl) +++ Synonyms — C zeylanicum Blume, Laurus cinnamomum L Handbook of Medicinal Herbs 197 I have aggregated cinnamon and cassia here, as the spice dealers, so who knows which they have studied when it is reduced to powdered bark, in this HDR entry Activities (Cinnamon) — Allergenic (1; APA); Analgesic (1; APA; CAN; ZUL); Anesthetic (1; APA; CAN; TRA; ZUL); Antibacterial (2; APA; KOM; PH2; TRA; WHO); Antidiarrheal (1; CAN; TRA); Antiemetic (1; WO2); Antihistaminic (1; WHO); Antileukemic (1; TRA; WO2); Antilymphomic (1; WO2); Antioxidant (1; CRC); Antiprostaglandin (1; TRA); Antipyretic (1; CAN; CRC; TRA); Antiseptic (1; APA; CAN; CRC; TRA; WO2; ZUL); Antispasmodic (1; CAN; MPI; TRA; WHO; ZUL); Antiulcer (1; APA; WHO); Antiviral (1; APA; BGB; CAN; TRA); Aperitif (f; CAN); Aromatic (f; CRC); Astringent (1; CAN; TRA; ZUL); Candidicide (1; APA; CAN; WO2); Carminative (1; APA; CAN; TRA; WHO); Choleretic (1; APA); Cordial (f; CRC); Cyclooxygenase-Inhibitor (f; ZUL); Cytotoxic (1; CAN; TRA); Depurative (f; APA); Diaphoretic (f; AHP); Emollient (f; JLH); Estrogenic (1; PHR; PH2); Expectorant (1; WO2); Fungicide (1; CRC; KOM; PH2; TRA; WHO); Hemostat (f; MPI); Hypotensive (1; ZUL); Insectifuge (1; TRA); Insecticide (1; PHR; PH2; WO2); Larvicide (1; APA; BGB; CAN; TRA); Lipolytic (1; APA; BGB; LAF; TRA; WO2); Lipoxygenase-Inhibitor (f; ZUL); Mutagenic (1; TRA; WHO; WO2); Myorelaxant (1; TRA; WHO); Nematicide (1; TRA); Neurotonic (f; MPI); Sedative (f; CRC); Sialagogue (1; APA); Stimulant (f; CRC; WO2); Stomachic (f; AHP; MPI); Teratogenic (1; WHO); Tonic (f; IED); Uterorelaxant (f; APA); Uterotonic (f; APA); Vibriocide (1; WO2) Indications (Cinnamon) — Amenorrhea (1; CRC; WHO; WO2); Amnesia (f; ZUL); Anorexia (2; CAN; KOM; PH2; WHO); Arthrosis (f; CRC); Asthenia (1; BGB); Asthma (f; CRC); Bacteria (2; APA; KOM; PH2; TRA; WHO; WO2); Bleeding (1; APA; MPI); Bloating (1; BGB); Bronchosis (2; CRC; PHR); Cancer (f; CRC); Cancer, abdomen (f; JLH); Cancer, bladder (f; JLH); Cancer, breast (f; JLH); Cancer, colon (f; JLH); Cancer, diaphragm (f; JLH); Cancer, ear (f; JLH); Cancer, gum (f; JLH); Cancer, kidney (f; JLH); Cancer, liver (f; JLH); Cancer, mouth (f; JLH); Cancer, neck (f; JLH); Cancer, rectum (f; JLH; WO2); Cancer, sinus (f; JLH); Cancer, spleen (f; JLH); Cancer, stomach (f; JLH); Cancer, uterus (f; JLH); Cancer, vagina (f; JLH); Candida (1; APA; CAN; CRC; WO2); Chill (f; PHR; PH2); Cholera (1; CRC; WO2); Cold (2; CAN; PHR; ZUL); Colic (1; APA; CAN; TRA); Condylomata (f; JLH); Conjunctivosis (f; WHO); Cough (2; CRC; PHR); Cramp (1; APA; CAN; DEP; MPI; TRA; WHO; ZUL); Diarrhea (1; DEP; PHR; TRA; WHO); Dysentery (f; CRC; DEP; WO2); Dysmenorrhea (1; APA; WHO); Dyspepsia (2; CAN; IED; KOM; PH2; WHO); Dyspnea (f; WHO); Enterosis (1; JLH; WHO); Enterospasm (2; KOM; WHO); Escherichia (1; CRC); Fever (2; AHP; CAN; CRC; PHR; TRA); Fistula (f; CRC); Flu (f; PHR; PH2); Frigidity (f; WHO); Fungus (1; CRC; KOM; PH2; TRA; WHO); Gas (2; APA; CAN; DEP; KOM; TRA; WHO); Gastrosis (f; DEP; WO2); Gastrospasm (2; KOM); Gingivosis (f; JLH); Halitosis (f; PH2); Headache (1; DEP; WO2; ZUL); Heart (f; CRC); Hepatosis (f; JLH); High Blood Pressure (1; ZUL); Impotence (f; WHO); Infection (2; CRC; KOM; PHR; PH2; TRA; WHO; WO2); Insomnia (f; CRC); Leukemia (1; TRA; WO2); Leukorrhea (f; WHO); Lumbago (f; CRC); Lung (f; CRC); Lymphoma (1; WO2); Mastosis (f; JLH); Menorrhagia (f; CRC); Mycosis (1; CRC; KOM; PH2; TRA; WHO; ZUL); Nausea (f; CRC; TRA; ZUL); Nephrosis (f; CRC); Nervousness (f; CRC); Neuralgia (f; DEP; WHO; WO2); Pain (1; APA; CAN; TRA; WHO; WO2; ZUL); Paralysis (f; DEP; WO2); Pharyngosis (2; PHR); Phthisis (f; CRC); Phymata (f; JLH); Proctosis (f; JLH); Prolapse (f; CRC); Proctosis (f; CRC); Psoriasis (f; CRC); Rheumatism (f; APA; WHO; WO2; ZUL); Salmonella (1; WO2); Sinusosis (f; JLH); Sore (f; JLH); Spasm (f; CRC); Splenosis (f; JLH); Staphylococcus (1; CRC); Stomatosis (2; CRC; DEP; JLH; PHR; WO2); Syncope (f; WO2); Toothache (f; DEP; PH2; WHO); Tumor (f; CRC; JLH); Ulcer (1; APA; WHO); Vaginosis (f; CRC; JLH; WHO); Virus (1; APA; BGB; CAN; TRA); Vomiting (1; CRC; PH2; WO2); Wart (f; CRC; JLH); Wen (f; JLH); Worm (f; PHR; PH2); Wound (f; PHR; PH2; WHO); Yeast (1; APA; CAN; WO2) C ...194 Handbook of Medicinal Herbs Aperient (f; WO2); Carminative (f; FAY); Collyrium (f; WO2); Depurative (f; WO2);... TRA); Laxative (f; JFM); Pectoral (f; DAV); Stimulant (f; HHB; JFM); Vermifuge (f; JFM) Handbook of Medicinal Herbs 195 Indications (Cilantro) — Anemia (f; MPG); Anorexia (f; JFM); Arthrosis (f;... PHR; PH2; PNC; 60P); Metastasis (f; JLH); Myalgia (f; FEL); Myotonia (1; WO2); C 196 C Handbook of Medicinal Herbs Neuralgia (f; CRC; FEL; HHB; MPI; PH2); Neurosis (f; CRC; PH2); Pain (1; CRC; FEL;