PropionateCoA-transferase from
Clostridium propionicum
Cloning ofthegeneandidenti®cationofglutamate324attheactive site
Thorsten Selmer, Angela Willanzheimer and Marc Hetzel
FB Biologie, Philipps-Universita
t, Marburg, Germany
Propionate CoA-transferasefromClostridium propionicum
has been puri®ed andthegene encoding the enzyme has been
cloned and sequenced. The enzyme was rapidly and irre-
versibly inactivated by sodium borohydride o r h ydroxyl-
amine in the presence of propionyl-CoA. The reduction of
the t hiol ester between a catalytic siteglutamateand Co A
with borohydride andthe cleavage by hydroxylamine were
used to introduce a site-speci®c label, which was followed
by MALDI-TOF-MS. This allowed theidenti®cation of
glutamate 324attheactive site. Propionate CoA-transferase
and similar proteins deduced fromthe genomes of
Escherichia c oli, Staphylococcus aureus, Bacillus halodurans
and Aeropyrum pernix are proposed to form a novel subclass
of CoA-transferases. Secondary structure element predic-
tions were generated and compared to known crystal
structures in the d atabases. A h igh degree of structural
similarity w as obse rved between the arrange ment o f s ec-
ondary structure elements i n these proteins and glutaconate
CoA-transferase f rom Acid aminoc occus fermentans.
Keywords: Clostridium propionicum; alanine metabolism;
CoA-transferase; active site; thiol ester.
Clostridium propionicum has been isolated as an alanine
fermenting organism fromthe black mud of San Francisco
bay [ 1]. Th e fermentation products were acetate, ammonia,
carbon dioxide andpropionate [2]. In contrast to other
organisms, which ferment alanine according to the
so-called randomising pathway with succinate a s a symmet-
ric intermediate, C. propionicum ferments alanine via the
nonrandomising pathway with acrylyl-CoA as c haracter-
istic intermediate. This pathway seems to be restricted to a
limited number of o rganisms, including Megasphaera
elsdenii [3], Bacteroides ruminic ola [4], C. propionicum and
Clostridium homopropionicum [5]. Serine and cysteine are
fermentedinasimilarmannerbyC. propionicum yielding
acetate and propionate. Likewise, threonine is fermented
to propionateand butyrate as volatile fatty acid end
As outline d in Fig. 1, alanine undergoes an initial
oxidative cleavage to a mmonia and pyruvate, the latt er
being either oxidized to carbon dioxide and acetate o r
reduced to (R)-lactate. (R)-Lactate is subsequently reduced
to propionate by reactions carried out atthe c oenzyme A
thiol ester level rather than using the free carboxylates. A
critical step in the reductive branch of this pathway is the
activation of (R)-lactate as its (R)-lactoyl-CoA derivative.
This reaction is carried out by the enzyme propionate:ace-
tyl-CoA CoA-transferase (EC 2 .8.3.1, also known as pro-
pionate CoA-transferase), which has b een demonstrated to
activate (R)-lactate using the end product ofthe reduction,
propionyl-CoA, or acetyl-Co A as a c oenzyme A donor [6]
(Eqn 1).
RÀlactate propionyl À CoA
propionate RÀlactoyl À CoA 1
The enzyme has been p reviously puri®ed and character-
ized as a homotetrameric enzyme (a
) with an apparent
molecular subunit m ass o f 6 7 kDa [6]. Although a prefer-
ence of (R)- lactate over (S)-lactate was observed, the
enzyme exhibited a rather broad substrate speci®city for
monocarboxylic acids including acrylate, propionate and
butyrate whereas dicarboxylic acids were not used.
The g eneral mechanism for the C oA-transferases has
been suggested to proceed via the successive formation o f
a m ixed anhydride between the C oA-donor carboxylic
acid an d an essential glutamate residue ofthe enzyme,
followed by t he formation of an e nzyme-CoA thiol ester
intermediate. The product is then f ormed by a n inverted
sequence of these steps with the acceptor carboxylate [7].
More recently, a number of CoA-transferases have been
discovered, which apparently do not follow this general
mechanism [8,9]. Formation of an enzyme-CoA thiol ester
can be detected either by site-speci®c cleavage of the
polypeptide chain [10], reduction ofthe t hiol ester w ith
sodium borohydride [11±13] or directly by mass spect-
rometry [14]. Alternatively the mixed anhydride interme-
diates can be detected by the formation of stable
derivatives ofthe catalytic glutamateand hydroxamic
acids [15] or indirectly by oxygen exchange experiments
To date, only the crystal structure of glutaconate CoA-
transferase (EC from Acidaminococcus fermentans
has been solved. In contrast to the homotetrameric propi-
onate CoA-transferaseof C. propionicum,theformer
enzyme is a hetero-octameric protein (a
), whose structure
belongs t o t he open a he lix/b sheet protein family and has
Correspondence to T. Selmer, FB Biologie, Philipps-Universita
D-35032 Marburg, Germany. Fax: + 4 9 6421 2828979,
Tel.: + 49 6421 2825606, E-mail:
Enzymes: propionateCoA-transferase (EC; glutaconate
CoA-transferase (EC
(Received 3 August 2 001, revised 5 November 2001, accepted 7
November 2001)
Eur. J. Biochem. 269, 372±380 (2002) Ó FEBS 2002
been described as four-layered a helix/a helix/b she et/a
helix type with a novel topology [17]. T his topology is
found in both subunits and differs considerably from other
a helix/b sheet proteins including nucleotide-binding
In this communication, we report thecloning and
sequencing ofthegene encoding propionate CoA-transfer-
ase from C. prop ionicum and present experimental evidence
that glutamate324 acts as the catalytic carboxylate.
Sequencing grade proteases were pur chased from Boehrin-
ger Mannheim (Germany). Coenzyme A (trilithium salt)
was from ICN Biomedicals (Eschwege, Germany). All other
chemicals were ofthe highest grade available and from
common commercial sources. C. propionicum (DSMZ
1682) was purchased fromthe German collection of
microorganisms and cell cultures (DSMZ, Braunsc hweig,
Synthesis of acyl-CoA substrates
Acetyl-, butyryl- and propionyl-CoA were prepared from
the corresponding anhyd rides and CoA by the method of
Simon & Shemin [18]. All CoA-derivatives were puri®ed as
described previously [14].
Enzyme assay
The enzyme test for propionateCoA-transferase activity
was carried out at 25 °C as described previously [19].
Cultivation and storage of microorganisms
C. pr opionicum was cultivated in a complex medium
-alanine as the s ole s ource of energy, as
described previously [6]. Freshly prepared anaerobic media
were inoculated with 5 to 20% stationary or late exponential
precultures and grown for 24 to 36 h at 37 °C. The cells
were harvested by centrifugation and stored at )80 °C.
Preparation of cell free extracts of
C. propionicum
Frozen cells (20 g) were suspended i n 100 mL of 25 m
potassium ph osphate, 1 m
dithiothreitol, 1 m
, pH 7.0 (Buffer A). The suspension was
homogenized by sonication on ice for 15 min. Poly(eth yl-
eneimine) (0.2% m/v ®nal concentration) was added and the
crude extract w as centrifuged for 45 min at 100 000 g.The
clear supernatant was stored on ice until used.
Puri®cation ofpropionate CoA-transferase
All puri®cation steps were carried out at 4 °C. The
clear extract was applied to a Q-Sepharoseä column
(2.6 ´ 10 cm, Pharmacia) equilibrated with buffer A. The
column was w ashed with 50 mL o f buffer A and developed
NaCl in b uffer
A. Fractions containing CoA-transferase activity w ere
pooled and adjusted t o a ®nal concentration o f 1
. The solution was centrifuged for 45 m in at
100 000 g and app lied i n four aliquots to a Resource-Pheä
column (1 mL vol., Pharmacia) equilibrated with 1
in buffer A. The column was washed with
5 m L ofthe starting buffer andthe proteins were eluted in a
50-mL linear gradient from 1 to 0
pooled enzyme was dialysed overnight against 5 m
of each
boric, citric and phosphoric acids and 5 m
Tris adjusted to
pH 7.0 with KOH (buffer B) and then applied on a
Resource-Qä column (1 mL vol., Pharmacia) equilibrated
with buffer B. T he protein w as eluted by a linear gradient
(50 m L) from 0% to 100% of buffer B adjusted to pH 2.0
with HCl. The collected fractions at pH 5.0±5.1 were
immediately neutralized by the addition of potassium
phosphate, pH 7.5. When required, the protein solution
was adjusted t o a ®nal concentration of 200 m
acetate and subjected to gel ®ltration o n S ephadex G 25,
equilibrated with buffer A, t o obtain CoA-free protein. T he
puri®ed enzyme was ®lter-sterilized and stored a t 4 °Cfor
several months without signi®cant loss in activity. The
purity ofthe enzyme was con®rmed by SDS/PAGE with
Coomassie-staining ofthe proteins and by RP-HPLC
followed by mass spectrometry [14].
Fig. 1. The fermentation o f alanine by Clostridium propionicum. Th e
amino acid alanine is fermented according to Eqn (1)
alanine + 2 H
0 ® 3NH
+ aceta te
+ 2 propionat e
DG° )135 kJ ámol
acetate. The enzymes in volved are p yru-
vate:glutamate transaminase ( 1), g lutamate dehydrogenase (2)
(R)-lactate dehydrogenase (3), propionate C oA-transferase (4)
(R)lactoyl-CoA dehydratase (5), acrylyl-CoA reduc tase complex (6),
pyruvate:formate lyase (7), pho sphotransacetylase (8), acetate kinase
(9) and formate dehydrogenase (10). 2OG, 2-oxoglutarate. Ac-CoA,
acetyl-CoA. Ac-P
, acetylphosphate.
Ó FEBS 2002 PropionateCoA-transferase (Eur. J. Biochem. 269) 373
N-Terminal sequencing
Puri®ed e nzyme (20 lg) was subjected to SDS/PAGE and
blotted onto a poly(vinylidene di¯uoride) m embrane. A fter
staining ofthe membrane w ith Coomassie blue R 450, the
protein band was cut out and subjected t o N -terminal
sequencing by gas-phase Edman degradation.
Generation and puri®cation of internal peptides
The p uri®ed enzyme (20 0 lg) was freeze-dried, reductively
carboxymethylated and digested with trypsin as described
previously [14]. T he peptides were puri®ed by RP-HPLC
using a Supelco sil-LC318 column (4.6 ´ 250 mm, 5 lm,
300 A
) equilibrated with 0.1% ( v/v) tri¯uoroacetic acid and
eluted with a line ar gradient of 0±42% (v/v) acetonitrile
within 42 min. The elution ofthe peptides was monitored
simultaneously at 210 and 280 nm. Peptides exhibiting an
absorbance at 280 nm were re-applied to the same column
using an identical gradient in the presence of 0.1% (v/v)
hexa¯uoroacetone-ammonia, pH 6.0, and analysed by
MALDI-TOF-MS as described previously [14]. Two pep-
tides of suitable size and purity were subjected to N-terminal
Cloning and DNA-sequencing
A degenerated primer pair was deduced from the
N-terminus ofthe enzyme a nd from an in ternal peptide
(Table 2) and used to amplify a % 300-bp PCR p roduct
from genomic DNA of C. propionicum. T he PCR p roduct
was cloned and sequenced using the TOPO TA-cloning kit
according to the manufacturer's instructions.
The PCR-product w as labelled with digoxygenin a nd
used to screen EcoR1 fragments of genomic DNA from
C. propionicum cloned in a k-ZAP-Express phage. Two
positive clones were isolated, plasmids were excised from the
vector andthe inserts were sequenced using standard
laboratory protocols. The sequence data w ere analysed
using the
(Expert Protein Analysis System) server of
the Swiss Institute of Bioinformatics, the c omputational
molecular biology facilities provided by the National
Institute of H ealth andthe 3
Web Server V 2.0
provided by the I mperial Cancer Research Fold Re cogni-
tion Server [20,21].
Site-speci®c label ofthe catalytic glutamate residue
Propionate CoA-transferase (50 lg) was incubated for
2 m in at 25 °Cin50m
potassium phosphate, pH 7.0,
either in the presence o r absence of 100 l
CoA. Either hydroxylamine hydrochloride (pH 7.5,
200 m
®nal concentration) or sodium borohydride
(20 m
®nal concentration) were added andthe reaction
was a llowed t o proceed for another 10 min at 25 °C.
Aliquots of t he samples were assayed for CoA-transferase
activity. The samples were reductively carboxymethylated
50 m
ammonium acetate, pH 8.0, 10% (v/v) acetonitrile.
Each sample was s plit into four equal volumes and
digested for 16 h at 37 °C i n the presence of either 2%
(w/w) chymotrypsin, endoproteinase AspN, endoprotein-
ase GluC ( V8 protease) or 2% ( w/w) trypsin. The samples
were acidi®ed with 0.01 vo l. of 2
tri¯uoroacetic acid and
analysed by MALDI-TOF-MS.
Puri®cation ofpropionate CoA-transferase
The propionateCoA-transferase was puri®ed from C. pro-
pionicum grown on a lanine as the sole s ource of energy and
carbon. Ion exchange chromatography on Q-Sepharose
completely separated t he propionateCoA-transferase (elu-
tion at 270±285 m
NaCl) from phosphotrans-acetylase
(elution at 130±150 m
NaCl), which contributed to 50%
of the apparent transferase activity in cell-free extracts.
Most ofthe contaminating proteins w ere removed by
hydrophobic interaction chromatography on a Resource-
Phe column [elution at 700 m
]. The remaining
impurities were removed b y ion exchange chromatography
on Resource-Q u sing a d ecreasing pH-gradient (elution at
pH 5.1±5.0).
As demonstrated in Fig. 2 and Table 1, t he enzyme was
essentially pure after these puri®cation steps. The enzyme
was 37-fold enriched to a speci®c activity of 85 U ámg pro-
. In addition to the predominating polypeptide with an
apparent molecular mass of 60 kDa in SDS/PAGE, t wo
faint bands were observed around 40 and 20 kDa. These
additional bands were completely absent when the puri®ed
enzyme was incubated in t he presence of sodium acetate
followed by gel ®ltration on Sephadex G25, but accounted
for up to 30% ofthe total protein when the enzyme was
incubated with 100 l
propionyl-CoA, prior to sample
preparation. These data indicated that a small but signi-
®cant fraction ofthe puri®ed CoA-transferase w as trapped
as the enzyme-CoA thiol ester intermediate. It has been
Fig. 2. The p uri®cation ofpropionate CoA-tran sferase. ACoomassie
blue staine d 10% SDS/PAGE is shown. The arrows indicate the
position of two faint bands at 40 kDa and 20 kDa in lanes 2±4 which
are absent in lane 5. Cell free extract (lane 1, 50 lg), Q-Sepharose (lane
2, 10 lg), Resource-Phe (lane 3, 5 lg) , Resource-Q (lane 4, 5 lg). The
protein in lane 5 is ide ntical to lane 4 , but has been i ncub ated with
200 m
sodium acetate prior sample preparation.
374 T. Selmer et al. (Eur. J. Biochem. 269) Ó FEBS 2002
previously shown that glutamate thiol ester-containing
proteins, such as CoA-transferases and a2-macroglobulin,
are site-speci®cally cleaved at elevated temperature [22]; a
nucleophilic attack ofthe p eptidyl amide nitrogen of the
glutamyl residue to the thiol ester carbonyl, releases the thiol
forming a protein-bound 4-oxoproline residue. The peptide
bond between this residue andthe preceding amino acid is
easily hydrolysed to yield a truncated pr otein and a
C-terminal polypeptide, which is N-terminally blocked b y a
pyroglutamyl residue [23]. To our knowledge, the propio-
nate CoA-transferase is the ®rst CoA-transferase that has
been partially puri®ed in this catalytic intermediate form.
The protein exhibited rather broad signals for the single
and double protonated m olecular ions in MALDI-TOF-
MS measurements, indicating a molecular mass of
56 607 6 0 D a. The molecular mass ofthe transferase
increased by 750 Da when the enzyme was incubated i n the
presence of 100 l
propionyl-CoA prior to the measure-
ments, indicating the f ormation of an enzyme CoA-thiol
ester as a covalent catalytic intermediate.
Cloning and sequencing ofthegene encoding
propionate CoA-transferase
The enzyme w as blotted onto a poly(vinylidene di¯uoride)
membrane and subjected to Edman degradation. Internal
peptides were generated by cleavage with trypsin and
puri®ed to homogeneity by RP-HPLC. Two of these
peptides were sequenced by Edman degradation. A degen-
erated primer pair was d educed fromthe N-terminus and
from one of these peptides (Table 2), which was used to
amplify a 3 00-bp fragment o f genomic DNA from C. pr o-
pionicum by PCR. The fragment was cloned into a TOPO
TA vector and sequenced. The sequence w as in accordance
with the amino-acid sequences used for primer deduction
and was similar to other CoA-transferases in the databases.
A labelled PCR-product was used to screen a library of
genomic DNA from C. propionicum in a k-ZAP-Express
vector. Two clones were isolated and excised fromthe phage
to yield the corresponding plasmid, which was subsequently
sequenced. The clones contained identical inserts of 2.7-kb
and e ncoded t he complete 524 amino-acid ORF corre-
sponding to thepropionateCoA-transferase (Fig. 4).
According to the amino-acid sequence, an average molec-
ular mass of 56 553 Da and a n isoelectric point of 4.9 1 was
predicted for the encoded p rotein. B oth values w ere in
agreement with the observed molecular mass andthe elution
of the enzyme during the ®nal puri®cation step.
In addition to theCoA-transferase gene, a second ORF
(lcdB), encoding 122 C-terminal amino acids of a protein
similar to the 2-hydroxyglutaryl-CoA dehydratase b subunit
of A. fermentans, was detected upstream ofthe transferase
gene. This gene probably encodes one subunit ofthe (R)-
lactoyl-CoA d ehydratase required in the reductive pathway
from alanine to propionate. Directly downstream of the
propionate CoA-transferasegene (pct), an AT-rich region
was found that resembles rho-independent termination
signals. The nucleotide sequence ofthe full insert has b een
deposited under t he accession number AJ276553 in the
EMBL nucleotide sequence database.
Sequence analysis
The amino-acid sequence ofpropionate CoA-transferase
was compared to o ther proteins in the database using the
algorithm [24,25]. The protein was most similar t o a
putative acetoacetate:acetyl-CoA CoA-transferase from
B. ha lodu rans (B84137, 56% identity, 519 amino-acid
overlap [26]), and hypothetical proteins f rom E. coli
(E85777 ydiF, 45% i dentity, 519 amino-acid overlap [ 27]),
Aeropyrum pernix (D72478, 38% ident ity, 541 amino-acid
overlap [28]), and Staphylococcus aureus (F89786, 36%
identity, 519 amino-acid overlap [29]). Other hits were
CoA-transferases from various microorganisms including
Table 1. Puri®cation of pro pionate CoA-transferasefrom C. propionicum. The enzyme Activity was measured as described e arlier [6]. O ne unit of
propionate CoA-transferase act ivity corresponds to the f ormation of 1 lmol a cetyl-CoA p er min from propionyl-CoA (100 l
) a nd ace tate
(200 m
)at25°C. No te that the activity in the cell free extract is the sum ofCoA-transferaseand phosphotransacetylase and that the l atter enzyme
is completely s eparated fromtheCoA-transferase by t he ®rst colu mn.
Puri®cation step
Total activity
Speci®c activity
Puri®cation factor
Cell free extract 3200 1391 2.3 1 100
Q-Sepharose 1560 46 34 15 49
Resource-Phe 1428 20 70 30 45
Resource-Q 1306 15 85 37 41
Table 2. N-terminal sequencing and PCR-primer deduction. The N-terminal amino acid sequences ofthe puri®ed, blotted protein andof two internal
peptides are shown. These sequ ences have been used to deduce a degenerated prime r pair for ampli®cation of a propionateCoA-transferase speci®c
probe f rom C. propionicum genomic DNA. M AorC,N A, G, C or T, R AorG,H A, C o r T, Y CorT.
Region/peptide Amino-acid sequence Deduced PCR primer
Ó FEBS 2002 PropionateCoA-transferase (Eur. J. Biochem. 269) 375
Deinococcus radiodurans, B acillus s ubtilis, Streptomyces
coelicolor, Heliobacter pylori, Mycobacterium tuberculo-
sis, Haemophilus in¯uenzae andClostridium acetobutylicum.
These latter e nzymes belong to the 3 -oxoadipate CoA-
transferase protein superfam ily and consist of t wo diff erent
subunits. The similarity of these latter sequences to propi-
onate CoA-tansferase was lower (23±28%) and restricted to
the larger subunit of these enzymes (232±255 amino-acids
overlap). However, when the C-terminal half ofthe amino-
acid sequence of propionate-CoA-transferase was used for
database search, t his part o f the sequ ence showed similarity
to the smaller subunits ofthe latter enzymes.
The catalytic glutamate residue of hetero-oligomeric
enzymes b elonging to the 3-oxoadipate CoA-transferase
superfamily is found in the small subun it and is located
within a so-called (S)ENG motif [11]. This characteristic
motif is not found in the sequence ofpropionate CoA-
transferase or i n any ofthe putative proteins from
B. halodurans, E. coli, A. pe rnix or S. aureus.Therefore,a
multiple sequence alignment o f the b subunits of 3-oxoadi-
pate CoA-transferase a nd the C -terminal h alf (starting with
Leu276) ofpropionateCoA-transferasefrom C. propioni-
cum was generated using
. The most likely
candidate for the catalytic glutamateofpropionate CoA-
transferase based on these data was glutamate324 (Fig. 3 ).
Detection ofglutamate324 as the catalytic
carboxylate ofpropionate CoA-transferase
As the sequence analysis d id not allow an unequivocal
identi®cation ofthe catalytic glutamateofpropionate CoA-
transferase, this residue was s peci®cally labelled. The thiol
ester in the proposed enzyme-CoA intermediate ofthe CoA-
transferase reaction cycle is more reactive than, for example,
free propionyl-CoA. This higher reactivity allows the
reduction ofthe thiol ester with sodium borohydride to
yield a protein-bound 2-amino-5-hydroxyvaleryl r esidue
[11]. In addition, it has been shown that nucleophiles such as
methylamine or hydroxylamine can cleave enzyme-bound
thiol esters [22], yielding N-methylglutamine or the corre-
sponding hyd roxamic acid. T hese reactions are useful tools
for identifying the c atalytic residue, a s the derivat ives give
rise to changes in the molecular m asses o f peptides that
originate fromthe protein inactivated by either borohydride
()14 Da) or hydroxylamine (+15 Da).
When propionateCoA-transferase was incubated with
100 l
propionyl-CoA in the presence of either sodium
borohydride ( 20 m
) o r hydroxylamine (pH 7.5, 2 00 m
the en zyme w as rapidly and irreversibly inactivated. The
inactivation was strictly dependent on the presence of
The inactivated proteins and controls, which had been
incubated with the reagents but without propionyl-CoA,
were subjected to reductive carboxymethylation and desalt-
ed by gel ®ltration. Aliquots of t hese samples were digested
for 16 h at 37 °C with 2% (w/w) of either chymotrypsin,
endoprotease-AspN, en doprotease-GluC o r trypsin. The
peptides were analysed by MALDI-TOF-MS without
puri®cation. Altho ugh only around 30±50% ofthe predict-
ed peptides were detected in one particular digest, all four
samples together c overed the full amino-acid sequence
predicted by the gene.
The molecular masses of peptides carrying the proposed
catalytic glutamate324 were found in all s amples except t he
endoprotease-GluC digest. The masses of these peptides
exclusively s howed differences for inactivate d samples and
controls. As summarized in T able 3, the derivatives showed
the predicted mass differences of )14 Da and +15 Da for
sodium borohydri de and hydroxylamine inactivated
enzyme, r espectively. In particular the observation of a
chymotryptic peptide comprising amino acids 322±338 was
very crucial, since this peptide contains theglutamate324 as
the sole c arboxylate. Therefore, the tentative assignment of
glutamate 324 has been con®rmed by these experiments.
Propionate CoA-transferasefrom C. propionicum has been
puri®ed and initially characterized previously [6]. In this
communication we report an i mproved puri®cation proto-
col for the enzyme. Thegene encoding the protein was
cloned, sequenced and g lutamate 324 was identi®ed as the
active siteglutamate residue.
The gene encoding propionateCoA-transferase from
C. propionicum was cloned and sequenced. The encoded
protein was similar to CoA-transferases belonging to the
Fig. 3. Sequence alignment of t he activesite region of various h eterooligomeric CoA-transferases andpropionate CoA-transferase. The amino acid
sequences surrounding the characteristic (S)ENG-motif ofthe former proteins is shown. Note that this motif is not easily recognized in propionate
CoA-transferase from C. propionicum (Cpro). The consensus sequence shows amino acids which are conserved in at least eight out of 12 enzymes.
Pput, Pseudomo nas putida; Acal, Acinetobacter calcoaceticus; Drad, Deinococcus radiodurans; Bsub, Bacillus subtilis; Scoe, Streptomyces coelicolor;
Hpyl, Heliobacter pylori; Mtub, Mycobacterium tuberculosis; Hinf, Haemophilus in¯uenzae; Cace, Clostridium acetobutulicum.
376 T. Selmer et al. (Eur. J. Biochem. 269) Ó FEBS 2002
3-oxoadipate CoA-transferase s uperfamily. However,
whereas these proteins consist of two subunits and contain
a highly indicative ®ngerprint motif [(S)ENG] surrounding
the a ctive centr e glutamate, p ropionate CoA- transferase
consists of one polypep tide andthe ®ngerprint m otif is not
found in this protein. A site-speci®c label ofthe catalytic
glutamate via the thiol ester catalytic intermediate , either by
reductive cleavage with borohydride or by cleavage with
hydroxylamine allowed theidenti®cation o f theactive site
carboxylate. The predicted derivatives were located exclu-
sively on glutamate 324, which led us to conclude that this
residue is theactivesite carboxylate.
The proteins most similar to propionate CoA-transfer-
ase in the databases are a putative acetoacetate CoA-
transferase from Bacillus halodurans and o ther proteins
with as yet u nknown function from Escherichia coli,
Aeropyrum pernix and Staphylococcus aureus. O ur data
strongly suggest that these genes encode CoA-transferases.
As shown in F ig. 4 , the proteins align well, and in
particular theglutamate residue 324 is c onserved a mong
all these proteins. It seems therefore reasonable to
conclude that these proteins form a novel subclass of
CoA-transferases. These en zymes lack t he characteristic
(S)ENG consensus motif of members of th e 3-oxoadipate
CoA-transferase superfamily and e xhibit either a homool-
igomeric or monomeric quarternary structure. It is
reasonable to s uggest that a gene fusion could h ave
occurred during the evolution ofthe former enzymes.
Such a natural g ene fusion has also been suggested for the
mammalian oxoadipate CoA-transferase [30]. In agree-
ment with this proposal, i t has been shown t hat the two
subunits of glutaconate CoA-transferasefrom A. fermen-
tans could b e f used with genetic tools to y ield an active
enzyme composed of a single polypeptide [31].
Fig. 4. Sequence alignment of propionate
CoA-transferase and similar p roteins derived
from genome projects. The p ropionate CoA-
transferase fromClostridium propionicum
(Cpro) is compared to proteins encoded in the
genomes o f Bacillus h alodurans (Bhal),
Eschrichia coli (Ecol) and Aeropyrum pernix
(Aper). The sequ ence s have b een align ed using
. Residues i dentical in at least three
proteins are s haded. Invariant p ositions are
marked with asterisks a nd conservative
exchanges a re marked by dots. The catalytic
glutamate is s hown in bold and a mino acid
con®rmed b y amino a cid sequencing for
propionate CoA-transferase are underlined.
Ó FEBS 2002 PropionateCoA-transferase (Eur. J. Biochem. 269) 377
Despite the low sequence similarities of different CoA-
transferases on the amino acid sequence level, CoA-
transferases have been predicted to h ave a very similar f old
[17]. In agreement with this proposal, we found that the
secondary structural elements predicted f or the amino-acid
sequence ofpropionateCoA-transferase superimpose very
well with the known elements in the crystal structure of
glutaconate CoA-transferase ( Fig. 5). Nevertheless, there
are some s triking differences in the arrangement of t he
secondary structural elements, which can partially be
explained by the known biochemical properties of the
enzymes. As shown in Fig. 5 A,B, the secondary structure
elements in glutaconate CoA-transferase form two ou ter
layers of a helices followed by one layer of b sheets a nd an
inner l ayer of ahelices. This arrangement is found in bo th
subunits ofthe protein. I t is r emarkable that the outer layer
of a helices in the large subunit of glutaconate CoA-
transferase (Fig. 5A) is apparently missing in pr opionate
CoA-transferase ( Fig. 5C). The crystal str ucture has shown
that two antiparallel b sheets (Fig. 5B, triangles 6 and 7,
respectively) ofthe b subunit of g lutaconate CoA-tr ansfer-
ase p rotrude into a cleft on the s urface ofthe a subunit a nd
are involved in mediation of subunit interactions. Therefore,
the lack of this e lement (Fig. 5C) is not surprising when the
homooligomeric structure o f propionateCoA-transferase is
taken i nto a ccount. A n a dditional i nteresting difference
between both structures i s the lack of a subdomain formed
by two b sheets and one a helix connecting the bsheet 2 of
the b subunit, which carries the catalytic glutamate, with the
inner l ayer of a helices (Fig. 5B, triangles 3 and 4 and circle
3, respectively). This subdomain is thought to be involved in
the substrate binding of glutaconate CoA-transferase. It has
been suggested that two speci®c serine residues, Ser78 (in
subunit A) and Ser68 (in subunit B ), are involved i n the
formation of hydrogen bonds with the e-carboxylate of
glutaryl-CoA and t hat the latter s erine is located within this
subdomain. It is remarkable that both residues are appar-
ently replaced by stretches of rather hydrophobic residues in
propionate CoA-transferaseand it is reasonable to conclude
that the additional subdomain in glutaconate CoA-trans-
Table 3. Mass spectrometry of peptides derived from controls and i nactivated p ropionate CoA -transferase. PropionateCoA-transferase w as i ncu-
bated in the absence (control) or presence of propionyl-CoA with either hydroxylamine (200 m
) or sodium borohydride (20 m
) as described in
Material and methods. The prote in was reductivel y carboxymethylated and subsequently digested with the proteases as indicated. The p eptides
were analysed by MALDI-TOF-MS as described elsewhere [14]. The molecular masses expected for the controls (E
COOH), hydroxyl-
amine- (E
CONHOH) or borohydride-treated (E
OH) peptides is given in parentheses. The catalytic glutamate residue is shown
in bold. Unless stated otherwise, the measured and calculated molecular masses are given as monoisotopic masses. For trypsin, both calculated and
measured va lues refer t o the average mass.
Digest Sequence Control
(+15 Da)
()14 Da)
1547 (1547) Da 1563 (1562) Da 1533 (1533) Da
2718 (2717) Da 2733 (2732) Da 2705 (2703) Da
5107 (5105) Da 5122 (5120) Da 5094 (5091) Da
Fig. 5. Structural similarity of glutaconate CoA-transferase (A,B) [15] andthe predicted topology of secondary structure elements in propionate CoA-
transferase (C). The topological diagram shows the arrangement of secondary structure elements. These structure elements have been predicted for
propionate CoA-transferase by the program 3
provided by the Imperial Cancer Research Fold Recognition Server. These elements have
been aligned to the structure of glutaconate CoA-transferase. Elements homologous to the a subunit of glutaconate CoA-transferase are given in
black, those h omologous to the b subunit in white. T he a helices are shown by circles a nd the bsh eets by triangles. The position of t he catalytic
glutamates is marked by a dot.
378 T. Selmer et al. (Eur. J. Biochem. 269) Ó FEBS 2002
ferase represents an adaptation for t he binding o f a
dicarboxyl-CoA by the latter enzyme.
During the course of our research, an interesting obser-
vation was made. A ll attempts to exp ress the cloned gene
from C. propionicum in E. coli failed (A. Willanzheimer,
unpublished observations)
; the transformed E. coli cells
carrying an isopropyl thio-b-
-galactoside-inducible expres-
sion vector exhibited no g rowth defect until the p rotein was
induced by isopropyl thio-b-
-galactoside. Upon induction
of the protein, E. coli stopped growing. T hese observations
may point to a severe impairment ofthe cellular metabolism
of E. coli by the C. prop ionicum enzyme. Although the
reason for this impairment of growth for the h ost has not
been elucidated as yet, a likely explanation could be t he
formation of lactoyl-CoA and other short-chain fatty acid
CoA-thiolesters by the enzyme. Such reactions are predicted
to signi®cantly lower t he intracellular acetyl-CoA pool.
Therefore, growth inhibition by the formation of products,
which i nterfere with essential metabolic pathways [32], may
occur. However, further experiments will be required to
establish the reason for the observed growth defects.
We are very grateful to W. Buckel for his constant support throughout
this project. K. Neifer and B. Schmidt fromthe Zentrum fu
Molekulare Biologie und Biochemie of t he George-August University,
ttingen, we thank for protein sequencing. This work was supported
by grants fromthe Deutsche Forschungsgemeinschaft andthe Fonds
der Chemischen Industrie.
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380 T. Selmer et al. (Eur. J. Biochem. 269) Ó FEBS 2002
. Propionate CoA-transferase from
Clostridium propionicum
Cloning of the gene and identi®cation of glutamate 324 at the active site
Thorsten. for the catalytic glutamate of propionate CoA-
transferase based on these data was glutamate 324 (Fig. 3 ).
Detection of glutamate 324 as the catalytic