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Increase in Montana State University summer session registration

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  • Increase in Montana State University summer session registration

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University of Montana ScholarWorks at University of Montana University of Montana News Releases, 1928, 1956-present University Relations 6-25-1963 Increase in Montana State University summer session registration University of Montana Missoula Office of University Relations Follow this and additional works at: https://scholarworks.umt.edu/newsreleases Let us know how access to this document benefits you Recommended Citation University of Montana Missoula Office of University Relations, "Increase in Montana State University summer session registration" (1963) University of Montana News Releases, 1928, 1956-present 1292 https://scholarworks.umt.edu/newsreleases/1292 This News Article is brought to you for free and open access by the University Relations at ScholarWorks at University of Montana It has been accepted for inclusion in University of Montana News Releases, 1928, 1956-present by an authorized administrator of ScholarWorks at University of Montana For more information, please contact scholarworks@mso.umt.edu ly 6-25-63 'OR IMMEDIATE RELEASE Registration for the f i r s t fiv e week period o f the summer session at Montana tate University was up 13*7$ over la st year, i t was reported hy Leo Smith, registra r, t the end o f the f i r s t week o f classes The to ta l was 1,566 including 852 men and 12 women Smith noted that with several important workshops yet to he held and with the xpected influx o f registrants for the second period, th is summers registra tion is ikely to he the largest in MSU h istory ## Publications and News Service W*— i 55 MONTANA STATE UNIVERSITY, Missoula ...ly 6-25-63 'OR IMMEDIATE RELEASE Registration for the f i r s t fiv e week period o f the summer session at Montana tate University was up 13*7$ over la st year, i t was reported... l was 1,566 including 852 men and 12 women Smith noted that with several important workshops yet to he held and with the xpected influx o f registrants for the second period, th is summers registra... period, th is summers registra tion is ikely to he the largest in MSU h istory ## Publications and News Service W*— i 55 MONTANA STATE UNIVERSITY, Missoula

Ngày đăng: 30/10/2022, 21:08