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Wyoming Student Noyce Association University of Wyoming Constitution Article I Name Section Wyoming Student Noyce Association The name of this organization shall be Wyoming Student Noyce Association (hereafter called Noyce_UW) and shall be in alliance with the Robert Noyce Scholarship Program, National Science Foundation This organization shall be a Student chapter of Noyce Article II Purpose Section Noyce_UW will provide an organized source of information that: a Promotes the mission of Noyce; which is to recruit STEM teachers to work in Title I schools; b Acquaints undergraduate STEM majors interested in STEM teaching with the support resources available from Noyce; c Provides additional professional development in STEM education to pre-service teachers; d Acquaints undergraduate STEM majors interested in STEM teaching with others like themselves at their university and across the United States; e Provides a wealth of ideas to share amongst all participants; f Assists in building hands-on experiences that could be utilized in classroom setting, and to help develop problem-solving concepts with our peers Section NSTA_UW will: a Abide by all policies established by the University of Wyoming; b Support and encourage students in science education; c Inform members of progress and activities of both Noyce and its chapters via newsletters, electronic technology, and other sources of communication Section NSTA_UW Policies Noyce_UW is willing to abide by all policies established by the University of Wyoming Article III Membership Section Eligibility Membership is open to all students Noyce_UW strongly and actively strives to increase diversity and provide equal opportunity within the organization A student is defined as an individual in good standing who is enrolled in course work leading to an appropriate degree Noyce encourages diverse membership Section Noyce_UW Admission The Noyce_UW admits any students willing to subscribe to the stated aims of the organization and meets its stated obligations CAC APPROVED 10/5/2015-GILLIES Section University of Wyoming Non-discrimination Policy The Noyce_UW admits students without regard to their race, gender, religion, color, national origin, disability, age, protected veteran status, sexual orientation, gender identity, genetic information, creed, ancestry, political belief, or any other applicable protected category and afford each member all the rights, privileges, programs, and other activities generally accorded or made available to members of the organization Section Privileges Any active member shall be entitled to vote, hold office, participate in discussions, and otherwise receive chapter benefits and materials Article IV Finances Section1 Dues Chapter dues shall be proposed and voted on by members of the Noyce_UW The chapter members shall approve the value at the beginning of each fall semester Section Funding a Noyce_UW is funded through membership dues, fundraising, and ASUW Section Termination a In the event that the organization is dissolved, all remaining funds collected from dues will be refunded amongst dues-paying members Any additional remaining funds will be donated to a University of Wyoming teacher education program in Secondary Science Education Article V Governance Section Officers The officers of Noyce_UW shall include a president, vice president, secretary, treasurer, and publicity chair, each elected for at least one academic semester Officers’ positions can be filled any time of the year by a majority vote of at least two-thirds members present at a meeting or by a traceable voting medium via the internet A two or more week notice must be given to members before any election Section Change in Officer Following each selection or change of any officer, the Campus Activities Center will be notified Section President Duties of the President: a Begin and end each meeting; b Make general announcements to organization; c Act as an overseer to ensure that other members are completing their duties; d Run meetings; CAC APPROVED 10/5/2015-GILLIES e Work with advisor to locate university funding and keep the organization up to university standards; f Attend appropriate ASUW/RSO meetings or send an appropriate designate in his or her place; g Be responsible for all communication with Noyce; h Represent Noyce_UW at the ASUW and/or Noyce annual meetings/conferences; i Be responsible for coordinating a whole association trip to conferences, if the organization determines that it would like to (decision must be voted on by the executive board) Section Vice President: Duties of the Vise President: a Work with the President to fully understand the President’s duties so that he/she can take on all responsibilities of the President in the President’s absence Section Secretary Duties of Secretary a Take accurate minutes for meetings; b Send these minutes to the Publicity Representative in a timely manner; c Keep accurate records of membership status, which includes attendance; d Act as Treasurer in the Treasurer’s absence Section Treasurer Duties of Treasurer a Setup and manage bank accounts b Keep accurate and up to date record of all transactions; c Write checks for reimbursements, meeting fees, conferences, and field trips paid for by Noyce_UW; d Collaborate work with advisor and president to keep them informed e Have and accurate balance report to give at each meeting; f Act as Secretary in the Secretary’s absence Section Publicity Chair Duties of Publicity Chair a Write an e-mail to all members the week of an event, including a reminder about the meeting, the minutes from last meeting, and any other announcements b Publish an annual newsletter, when appropriate Article VI Meetings Section Meetings We will meet twice a month on the first and third week of the month The meeting times and days will be on Wednesday at 10:00-11:00 am and Thursday at 10:00-11:00 am Meetings may be called by written request of any five members, provided members are notified in advance of time, place, and purpose of meeting.5 Article VII Amendments CAC APPROVED 10/5/2015-GILLIES Section Amendments Upon recommendation by the governing group, this constitution may be amended at any meeting of the membership by vote of two-thirds of the members present, provided that the notice of at least one week prior to the meeting of voting If voting is done through the internet it will be done through a traceable method to ensure accurate results Section Constitutional Changes After University recognition is granted, any proposed changes in the approved Constitution or by-laws must be presented to the Campus Activity Center for approval, and such changes shall not be effective until approval is granted Article VIII Banking Procedures Section Banking Procedures Each check written for Noyce_UW expenditures must have two members’ signatures (counter-sign) for the protection of all members and officers One of the signatures must be the advisor of Noyce_UW The other signature may be that of any Noyce_UW officer Signature cards will be changed each time a new officer takes over the accounting and banking procedures of the organization The Treasurer will give receipts to all members for monies received (including dues) and provide members with an accounting of expenditures at regular and Executive Board meetings or monthly basis If required by the ASUW/RSO, someone outside of Noyce_UW will perform an audit on banking accounts on a semester or annual basis This can also occur when there is a change in officers Someone other than the check signer(s) will open the bank statements each month and review them for reasonableness Performing regular audits on our accounts frees the officers from any suspicion and limits their liability Section Termination If, at any time, this organization ceases to exist, all remaining funds will be donated to a University of Wyoming teacher education program in Secondary Science Education Article IX Advisors Section Responsibilities of the Advisor The Noyce_UW advisor’s primary role is to provide overall guidance and assistance to that organization The advisors will encourage and advise Noyce_UW in carrying on an active and significant program, and work with the officers to promote the effective administration of the organization This guidance will include assistance in compliance with the University of Wyoming’s policies and procedures that govern the use of university facilities and the university’s name and logos Advisors will assist with the formulation and revision of the organization’s constitutions and bylaws Advisors should alert Noyce-UW to the risks of injury and liability in connection with their activities and warn the club or its officers when they suspect that something is not right in the way the club is operating The advisor should meet with the club or its officers at least twice each CAC APPROVED 10/5/2015-GILLIES semester Following each selection or change of an advisor, the Campus Activities Center will be notified Section Selection of Advisors The Executive board of the organization will appoint advisors for Noyce_UW by a majority vote Section Eligibility of Advisors All advisors must be faculty or staff members of the University of Wyoming Section Term of Office The advisor shall serve for a term of four years The executive board of Noyce_UW may reappoint the advisor with a majority vote CAC APPROVED 10/5/2015-GILLIES

Ngày đăng: 30/10/2022, 20:15


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