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Safety Culture In Collegiate Aviation- A Cross-Sectional Analysis

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University of North Dakota UND Scholarly Commons Theses and Dissertations Theses, Dissertations, and Senior Projects January 2020 Safety Culture In Collegiate Aviation: A Cross-Sectional Analysis Between Multiple Universities Robert Foster Follow this and additional works at: https://commons.und.edu/theses Recommended Citation Foster, Robert, "Safety Culture In Collegiate Aviation: A Cross-Sectional Analysis Between Multiple Universities" (2020) Theses and Dissertations 3374 https://commons.und.edu/theses/3374 This Dissertation is brought to you for free and open access by the Theses, Dissertations, and Senior Projects at UND Scholarly Commons It has been accepted for inclusion in Theses and Dissertations by an authorized administrator of UND Scholarly Commons For more information, please contact und.commons@library.und.edu SAFETY CULTURE IN COLLEGIATE AVIATION: A CROSS-SECTIONAL ANALYSIS BETWEEN MULTIPLE UNIVERSITIES by Robert Anthony Foster Bachelor of Science, University of Dubuque, 2010 Master of Aeronautical Science, Embry-Riddle Aeronautical University, 2013 Doctor of Philosophy, University of North Dakota, 2020 A Dissertation Submitted to the Graduate Faculty of the University of North Dakota in partial fulfillment of the requirements for the degree of Doctor of Philosophy Grand Forks, North Dakota December 2020 i Copyright 2020 Robert Anthony Foster ii DocuSign Envelope ID: 24E92311-2070-4EA6-81F5-C4D39BD4AB52 Name: Robert Anthony Foster Degree: Doctor of Philosophy This document, submitted in partial fulfillment of the requirements for the degree from the University of North Dakota, has been read by the Faculty Advisory Committee under whom the work has been done and is hereby approved Daniel Kwasi Adjekum, Ph.D., Chairperson Mark Dusenbury, Ph.D James Higgins, Ph.D Richard Ferraro, Ph.D This document is being submitted by the appointed advisory committee as having met all the requirements of the School of Graduate Studies at the University of North Dakota and is hereby approved Chris Nelson Dean of the School of Graduate Studies 12/3/2020 Date iii PERMISSION Title Safety Culture in Collegiate Aviation: A Cross-Sectional Analysis Between Multiple Universities Department Aerospace Sciences Degree Doctor of Philosophy In presenting this dissertation in partial fulfillment of the requirements for a graduate degree from the University of North Dakota, I agree that the library of this University shall make it freely available for inspection I further agree that permission for extensive copying for scholarly purposes may be granted by the professor who supervised my dissertation work or, in his absence, by the Chairperson of the department or the dean of the School of Graduate Studies It is understood that any copying or publication or other use of this dissertation or part thereof for financial gain shall not be allowed without my written permission It is also understood that due recognition shall be given to me and to the University of North Dakota in any scholarly use which may be made of any material in my dissertation Robert Anthony Foster December 3rd, 2020 iv TABLE OF CONTENTS LIST OF TABLES ix LIST OF FIGURES x LIST OF ACRONYMS xi ACKNOWLEDGEMENTS xiii ABSTRACT xv CHAPTER I INTRODUCTION Background Problem Statement Purpose of the Study Research Questions Statement of Hypotheses SMS Process Engagement, Safety Motivation, Safety Behavior, and Safety Reporting SMS Policy Implementation, Safety Motivation, Safety Behavior, and Safety Reporting 10 Proposed Methods 11 Rationale for Methods 14 Research Assumptions and Limitations 14 v II LITERATURE REVIEW 16 Safety Culture 16 Defining Safety and Culture 17 Defining Safety Culture 20 Positive and Negative Safety Cultural States 25 Safety Culture vs Safety Climate 28 Assessing Safety Culture 30 SMS: An Overview 40 SMS Studies 41 SMS, Safety Culture, and Collegiate Aviation 44 SMS Types 47 Summary 54 III METHODOLOGY 55 Research Design 56 Concurrent Embedded Mixed Method Approach 56 Methodology 57 Population 57 Sampling Procedures 58 Power Analysis and Sample Size Selection 58 Procedures for Recruitment, Participation, and Data Collection 60 Demographic Details 62 Instrumentation and Operationalization of Constructs 63 SMS Process Engagement and SMS Policy Implementation 63 vi Safety Motivation 64 Safety Behavior 64 Safety Reporting 65 IV DATA ANALYSIS AND RESULTS 66 Demographic Information 66 Quantitative Data Analysis and Validation 71 Question One 74 Hypothesis Testing 77 Question Two 87 Question Three 89 Qualitative Data Analysis and Validation 89 Safety Culture 91 SMS Implementation 97 Safety Promotion and Communication 101 V DISCUSSION, LIMITATIONS AND CONCLUSIONS 105 Discussion 105 SMS Implementation and Safety Behavior 106 Demographic Effects 111 Qualitative Component Discussion 115 Limitations 125 Conclusions 126 Recommendations for Future Research 127 vii Appendix A Semi-Structured Interview Outline 129 Appendix B Quantitative Survey Questions 133 Appendix C Tree Diagram of Emergent Themes from Qualitative Analysis 149 Appendix D IRB Approval (Survey) 150 Appendix E IRB Approval (Interviews) 151 Appendix F Final Measurement Model 155 Appendix G Final Measurement Model Goodness-of-Fit Indices 156 REFERENCES 157 viii LIST OF TABLES Table Page Demographic Variables Year Group, Flight Certificate Held, and Gender 68 Demographic Variables of International Status, SMS Status, and Functional Group .69 Demographic Variables of Functional Group and University Attending 70 Details of Descriptive Statistics of all the Study Variables .70 The Square Root of the AVE (diagonal) and Correlations Between Constructs (off-diagonal) 74 Goodness-of-Fit Estimates for Various Structural Models 78 Estimates of Final Measurement Model of the Relationship Between SMSPol, SMSProc, SMot, SPB, SCB, and SR 83 Indirect Effects - Two Tailed Significance and R2 Effect Size 84 Final Measurement Model Goodness-of-Fit Indices 156 ix Adjekum, D., 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Defining Safety and Culture Patankar and Sabin (2010) approach the definition of safety culture by breaking down the term into its individual components (i.e., safety and culture) , considering

Ngày đăng: 30/10/2022, 17:38


