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SPC Child Dev ASL AS to UW-Stout Human Dev BS

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ARTICULATION AGREEMENT BETWEEN UNIVERSITY OF WISCONSIN-STOUT AND Saint Paul College This Agreement is entered into between Saint Paul College (hereinafter sending institution), and the University of Wisconsin-Stout, Menomonie, WI (hereinafter receiving institution) This Agreement and any amendments and supplements, shall be interpreted pursuant to the guidelines set forth in the University of Wisconsin System Academic Information Series (ACIS) policy 6.2 Guidelines for Articulation Agreements between UW System Institutions and WTCS Districts as well as policy 6.0 Undergraduate Transfer Policy Both institutions agree to maintain accreditation by the Higher Leaming Commission of the North Central Association of Colleges and Schools and any other accreditation currently in existence pertaining to degree programs articulated via the transfer agreement The sending institution has established an A.S Child Development Careers ASL (hereinafter sending program), and the receiving institution has established a B.S Human Development and Family Studies (hereinafter receiving program), and will facilitate credit transfer and provide a smooth transition from one related program to another It is mutually agreed: I Admission and Graduation Requirements A The receiving institution's admission and program admission requirements apply to both direct entry students and to students who transfer under this agreement B Students must fulfill the graduation requirements at both institutions to include: General Education, Racial & Ethnic Studies, and Global Perspective requirements; Students at UW-Stout will be required to complete a minimum of 32 credits in residence for a bachelor's degree at UW-Stout C Students must complete the entire sending program and meet the receiving institution's admission requirements for the agreement to apply II Transfer of Credits A The receiving institution will apply 55 of the 60 credits from the sending program A total of 65 credits remain to complete the receiving program B Courses will transfer as described in the attached Program Articulation Table C Elective courses taken or substituted at the sending institution and sending program not listed in this agreement will be reviewed on a case-by-case basis and determined how they may apply to the degree at the receiving institution UW-Stout/Saint Paul College B.S Human Development and Family Studies/A.S Child Development Careers ASL Page I III Implementation and Review A The Provost, Dean, Program Director or designees of the parties to this agreement will implement the terms of this agreement, including identifying and incorporating any changes into subsequent agreements, assuring compliance with system policy, procedure and guidelines, and conducting a periodic review of this agreement B This Articulation Agreement is effective on 10/24/2014 and shall remain in effect until the end date of 10/24/2019 or for five years, whichever occurs first, unless terminated or amended by either party with 90 days prior written notice C The college and university shall work with students to resolve the transfer of courses should changes to either program occur while the agreement is in effect D This Articulation Agreement will be reviewed by both parties beginning 04/24/2019 (within six months of the end date) E When a student emolls at the receiving institution following this agreement, the receiving institution will encode any course waivers and substitutions F This articulation agreement applies only to the receiving program in effect Fall 2014 until revised UW-Stout/Saint Paul College B.S Human Development and Family Studies/AS Child Development Careers ASL Page2 PROGRAM ARTICULATION TABLE Saint Paul College University of Wisconsin-Stout Program name Child Development and careers ASL Human Development and Family Studies Award Type (e.g., AAS) AS BS Credit Length 60 120 Describe program admission requirements (if any) Minimum Cumulative GPA 2.5 SEcnON A - General Education Saint Paul Colleae Course Prefix& Number Course Name University of Wisconsin-Stout GE Area Credits Course Prefix& Number Course Name GE Alea Credits Applied Equiv sub Wav General Education ENGL 1711 Composition SPCH 1700 OR SPCH 1710 #MATH 1710 OR #MATH 1730 +BIOL/CHEM/ PHYS Intro to Speech Comm ENGL 101 ENGL GX1 Composition English Elective COM SK *(1) SPCOM 100 Fundamentals of Speech COMSK Equiv MATH 118 Concepts of Math ARNS Equiv MATii 120 Intro to Coileoe Math I Meets credit natural science with lab reauirement ARNS Equiv ARHU 3 *(1} * (1) Eau iv Equiv Fund of Public SnAAkina Liberal Arts Mathematics Colleae Alaebra Any credit course-MUST INCLUDE LAB Anv Goal course rvPSYC 1710 General Psychology rvSQC 1710 Introduction to Sociology +POLS 1720 Intro to American Gov't Any additional Goal or 5-6 + course General Education Total PSYC 110 PSYCGXX soc 110 SOCGXX POLS 210 31 General Psychology Psvcholoav Elective Introductory Sociology Socioloav Elective American Goverrvnent SBSC SBSC SBSC ARHU or SBSC Section A SUbtotal Equiv Eauiv Equiv Equiv 31 Special Notes, if any: *Elective credits combined may complete General Education Selectives area #Recommended course for meeting Goal or area requirement for AS at SPC "'Choose either course to meet Goal area requirement Take other course to go towards 13 additional goal credits requirement +Recommended course to meet 13 additional goal credits requirement SEcnON B - Major, Concentration, Emphasis, Electives, or Other Ma1or, Concentrabon CDEV 1210 #CDEV 2599 ElectJves or Other Courses Child Growth and Development Practicum I: Special Settings/ASL HDFS 124 #HDFS336 HDFS 00" ASL.S 1411 ASLS 1412 CDEV 1220 CDEV 1230 CDEV 2320 American Sian Lanouaae American Sign Languaae Health Safetv and Nutrition Guidina Children's Behavior Children with Differing Abilities 3 3 REHAB305 REHAB306 HDFSXXX HDFSXXX HDFSXXX Major Studies HD: Ear1v Childhood Practicing Cnucal CUiturai Competence Family Life Elective Concentration (15 Reauired Credits) Sian Lanauaae I Sign Languaoe II Familv Life Bective Family Life Bective Family Life Bective UW-Stout/Saint Paul College B.S Human Development and Family Studies/AS Child Development Careers ASL Page3 Equiv *(1) Equiv 3 3 sub SUb Sub Sub SUb CDEV 1240 Leaming Environment and Curria.Jlum Free Electives: (6 Credits required/used) Family Life Elective HDFSXXX *(1) CDEV 2560 CDEV 1200 Language and Literature Leaming Exoerlences Introduction to Early Childhood Education HDFSXXX Family Life Elective SUb Sub Not applicable to receiving institutions program requirements See section E for how courses will transfer and what credit may be awarded Section B Subtotal 24 Major, Concentration, Emphasis, Electives 30 Total UW·Stout Credits Applied 55 · (sum of sections A and 81 Total Special Notes, If any: # If CDEV 2599 Practicum I involves a minimum of 25 hours of direct Involvement with individuals and/or families who are culturally different from the student and with whom the student has minimal experience, credit will also be awarded for HDFS 336 Practicing Critical Cultural Competence credit This credit will NOT be automatically awarded Documentation must be provided to UW-Stout B.S HDFS program director SECTION C - Remaining University of Wisconsin-Stout Requirements ENGL 102 HDFS 101 HDFS 115 HDFS 215 HDFS 225 HDFS 257 HDFS 270 HDFS 325 HDFS 330 HDFS 335 #HDFS336 HDFS 340 HDFS 345 HDFS 365 HDFS420 HDFS450 HDFS456 HDFS490 HDFS 491 General Education Comoosition Analytic Reasoning and Natural Science Arts and Humanities or Soda! & Behavioral Science Contemoorarv Issues Social Resoonsibilitv & Ethical Reasonlna Major studies Introduction to HDFS Healthy Couole Relationshios Dvnamics of Familv Develooment Skill Trainina for Individual and Family Interventions Lifespan Sexualitv Seminar on Self Growth Human Development: Middle Childhood and Adolescence Human Develooment: Earlv and Middle Adulthood Critical CUiturai Cornoetence Practidnq Critical Cu/tural Comoetence Human Develooment: Late Adulthood Healthcare Dilemmas and Decisions for Families Family Resource Ma '"" t Family Research and Methodoloav Family Policv Abuse and the Family Professional Issues: Human Development and Family Studies Practicum in Human Development and Family Studies 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 4-8 65 Total Remaining UW·Stout Credits Special Notes, If any: #Credit mav have been awarded in Section B SECTION D - Summary of Total Program Credits SPCCredits General Education Major, Concentration, Emphasis, Electives or Other Total Colleae Credits - UW·Stout Reauirements 31 30 61 Total Colleae Credits Annlied Remaining credit to be taken at UW·Stout Total Program Credits Special Notes, if any: UW-Stout/Saint Paul College B.S Human Development and Family Studies/AS Child Development Careers ASL Page4 ·- 55 65 120 SECTION E - Saint Paul College's courses transferable, but not applicable to University of Wisconsin Stout's program requirements AND Saint Paul College courses not transferable CDEV 1200 I Introduction to Early Oiildhood Education Total SPC Credits not applicable to Stout reaulremenls Special Notes, if any: HDFSXXX Family l Jfe 8~ uw- I SIGNATURE BLOCKS Two-Year Colle e Name Vice President of Academic Affairs Kelly Murtaugh University of Wisconsin- Name Si ture It/&/ !'f Signature Stout Program Director Dr Amanda E Barnett Program Director Dr Julie A Zaloudek Dean Dr Mary Hopkins-Best Provost Dr Jacalyn Weissenburger Agreement contact Persons: UW-Stout: Linda Young, youngl1~uwstout.edu, 715-232-1787 Dr Amanda Barnett, barnetta@uwstout.edu, 715-232-1115 Dr Julie Zaloudek, zaloudekj@uwstout.edu, 715-232-2 102 St Paul College: Kelly McKown, kelly.mcko\\n@saintpaul.edu, 651-846-1419 Janet Massa, janet.massa@saintoaµl edu, 651-846-1536 Transfer Center, transfer.center@saintoaul.edu, 651-846-1739 UW-Stout/Saint Paul College B.S Human Development and Family Studies/AS Child Development Careers ASL Page Date Date ... Remaining credit to be taken at UW·Stout Total Program Credits Special Notes, if any: UW-Stout/ Saint Paul College B.S Human Development and Family Studies /AS Child Development Careers ASL Page4 ·-... Janet Massa, janet.massa@saintoaµl edu, 651-846-1536 Transfer Center, transfer.center@saintoaul.edu, 651-846-1739 UW-Stout/ Saint Paul College B.S Human Development and Family Studies /AS Child Development... Studies /AS Child Development Careers ASL Page2 PROGRAM ARTICULATION TABLE Saint Paul College University of Wisconsin-Stout Program name Child Development and careers ASL Human Development and

Ngày đăng: 30/10/2022, 17:11