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Print Form Summary Form for Electronic Document Submittal Form F Lead agencies may include 15 hardcopies of this document when submitting electronic copies of Environmental Impact Reports, Negative Declarations, Mitigated Negative Declarations, or Notices of Preparation to the State Clearinghouse (SCH) The SCH also accepts other summaries, such as EIR Executive Summaries prepared pursuant to CEQA Guidelines Section 15123 Please include one copy of the Notice of Completion Form (NOC) with your submission and attach the summary to each electronic copy of the document SCH #: Project Title: Cal Poly San Luis Obispo Technology Park Expansion Project Lead Agency: California Polytechnic State University, San Luis Obispo Contact Name: Jeffrey Dumars, Associate Director Environmental & Space Planning Phone Number: (805) 756-6588 Email: jdumars@calpoly.edu Project Location: San Luis Obispo City San Luis Obispo County Project Decription (Proposed actions, location, and/or consequences) The project would include construction of a three story, 30,000-gross square foot (GSF) Technology Park Expansion building on Mount Bishop Road, that would provide infrastructure and programming in the areas of entrepreneurship, technology transfer, and innovation The Technology Park Expansion building would house indoor common areas and meeting spaces, workforce training and development areas, wet and dry labs, offices and co-working spaces, and an accelerator/incubator/flex space The project would include the removal of the existing parking lot and up to 20 trees The parking spaces removed would be replaced inside the project boundary, prior to initiation of construction The project would include approximately 12,000 square feet of landscaping The project will require a Minor Master Plan Amendment, but would not affect overall enrollment The project square footage does not exceed the development potential identified in the 2001 Cal Poly Master Plan The project is located on California Polytechnic State University, San Luis Obispo campus, located at Grand Avenue in San Luis Obispo County, California The project site is located northwest of the campus instructional core, south of Building #83 (Technology Park) and west of Building #82 (Corporation Warehouse) The site is approximately three acres and currently contains parking, an open-air storage yard, trees, and landscaping Identify the project's significant or potentially significant effects and briefly describe any proposed mitigation measures that would reduce or avoid that effect No impacts to agricultural and forest resources, land use and planning, mineral resources, population and housing, public services, and recreation would occur as a result of the proposed project Impacts to greenhouse gas emissions, hazards and hazardous materials, hydrology and water quality, transportation/traffic, tribal cultural resources, and utilities and service systems would be less than significant Impacts related to aesthetics, air quality, biological resources, cultural resources, geology and soils, and noise would be potentially significant but mitigable Mitigation measure AES-1 addresses potential light and glare impacts Mitigation measure AQ-1 requires fugitive dust control measures to address construction emissions Mitigation measures BIO-1 through BIO-2 addresses potential impacts to bats and nesting birds during construction Mitigation measure CUL-1 requires procedures for response if unknown archaeological resources are discovered Mitigation measure GEO-1 requires a design-level geotechnical investigation to address potential impacts related to liquefaction Mitigation measure NOI-1 addresses noise exposure during project construction Based on findings of the Initial Study, with mitigation, this project would not result in significant environmental impacts Revised September 2011 continued If applicable, describe any of the project’s areas of controversy known to the Lead Agency, including issues raised by agencies and the public Not applicable Provide a list of the responsible or trustee agencies for the project None

Ngày đăng: 30/10/2022, 16:50


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