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The Kentucky High School Athlete September 1961

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Eastern Kentucky University Encompass The Athlete Kentucky High School Athletic Association 9-1-1961 The Kentucky High School Athlete, September 1961 Kentucky High School Athletic Association Follow this and additional works at: http://encompass.eku.edu/athlete Recommended Citation Kentucky High School Athletic Association, "The Kentucky High School Athlete, September 1961" (1961) The Athlete Book 72 http://encompass.eku.edu/athlete/72 This Article is brought to you for free and open access by the Kentucky High School Athletic Association at Encompass It has been accepted for inclusion in The Athlete by an authorized administrator of Encompass For more information, please contact Linda.Sizemore@eku.edu — High SchoolAthlete K H S A A SCHOOL FOR FOOTBALL OFFICIALS On August 11-12 Edgar McNabb Kentucky's voting delegate on the National Football Committee, conducted a school for football officials in Lexington The officials who attended the school will return to their respective areas and conduct similar meetings and clinics throup,hout the forthcoming football season Area renresentatives, pictured above, are: (Left to Right) Front Row Bill Gammon, Ashland; Kean Jenkins Elizabethtown; J W Thurman, Manchester; Jack Faust, Louisville; Bernard Johnson, Lexington Second Row Joe Russell, Russellville School Director Edgar McNabb, South Fort Mitchell; Edgar Smith, Louisville; Gene Neal, Batavia; Gene Cathey, Murray; Bill Womack Henderson Federation — ; Official Organ of the KENTUCKY HIGH SCHOOL ATHLETIC ASSN SEPTEMBER - 13B1 ^ NATIONAL ALLIANCE FOOTBALL OFFICIALS' SIGNALS J Foul Signals to 6X Kentucky High School Athlete 7^26 Official Organ of the Kentucky High School Athletic Association Vol XXIV— No SEPTEMBER, 1961 fl.OO Per Year Early Season Football Questions Before ball becomes alive, Al enters for S12 Has S12 been a player? Foul After administration of penalty, Ruling: Al may remain in game By rule, S12 has become a Note: The.se rulings not set are interpretations on som tuations which have been presented Editor's rule Installment ball They Play: I 4th and 10 on K's 20 K's punt is first K2 on his 30 It rebounds behind the line, where K3 recovers and advances to the 50 During the advance (a) R; or (b) K holds on K's 40 touched by Ruling: If, in either (a) or (b), the penalty for the foul is accepted, the rio'ht of R to take the ball at the spot of first touchi.ng is canceled In (a), if accepts the penalty, it will b3 measured from the 50 refuses and it will be 1st and 10 for K on R's 35 If the penalty, R may take the ball at the spot of first touching (K's 30) In (b), R will usually refuse the penalty and take the ball at the spot of first touching If R were to accept the penalty, it would be measured from K's 40 (spot of foul) a.nd the succeeding down would be 4th and on K's 25 Linebacker of Team B has hand on back Play: of lineman Bl, who is in front of him Linebacker adds momentum to charge of Bl by pushi.ng him into K K opponent Ruling: This is not illegal 3rd and 25 on the 50 yardline Ineligible Play: A6 advances at snap and is about to catch pass on B's yardline when 30 Bl pushes him in attempting to reach ball The pass falls incomplete Ruling: Legal use of hands by Bl There is no forward pass interference with an ineligible Play: For their starting signals, Team A uses an audible count during which all players count in unison One or more players drop or nod their heads on the count Ruing: If the dropping or nodding of the heads simulates action at the snap, or if, in the official's opinion, the action is clearly intended to cause B to foul, A is guilty of committing a false start Play: Al wears contact lenses During play a lens gets out of position causing discomfort 'The ready-for-play signal is delayed or clock is stopped for Al and assistance from bench is necessary to properly readjust the lens Ruling: Time-out is charged to Team A If, in the Referee's opinion, the wrongly placed lens is injuring Al or might injure him if not properly inserted and adjusted, the referee is authorized to require that Al be replaced for down Play: Rl makes valid fair catch signal but misjudges K's kick and has to move forward rapidly to catch it Immediately after catching K's kick, he momentarily juggles ball covering perhaps two steps before completing catch Ruling: Rl has made a fair catch He cannot advance nor can he be tackled After fair catch signal and kick has been muffed bv Rl, K may use hands to get at ball (6-4-5) After R's touching of the ball, the provisions of the fair catch rule not apply However, K may not tackle nor hold in any other way Play: Substitute S12 replaces Al during dead player "when he legally entered the field and indicated to" Al that Al was replaced However, whether or not S12 has participated will depend on the sponsoring organizations interpretation of the word Most organizations not consider a player to have participated until he has been in the game for at least one live ball play or interval Legal forward pass by Al is deflected Play: beyond line by Bl Eligible A5 catches pass and throws a backward pass to Al, who still is behind line of scrimmage Al throws a second forward pass which is from behind line Are all A players eligible for second forward pass? Ruling: No Only those A players who were on end of the line of scrimmage or who were hind the scrimmage line are eli,gible legally befor second for- ward pass All ineligibles have to be on the line of scrimmage or no farther beyond the neutral zone than their charge carries them in driving an opponent back Play: Is "first touching" an appeal play where request the right of exercising his option? Ruling: No Referee should call attention of the Captain of Team R to this matter and explain the options to him K's kick from scrimmage strikes Rl on 10 Play: chest while Rl is behind his scrimmage line Ball rebounds into air toward R2 As R2 is about to catch ball he is blocked to ground by K2 K3 recovers ball Ruling: K's ball at spot of recovery There has R must been no infraction 11 Play: During try for: (a) field-goal, or (b) point after touchdown, B2 stands on shoulders of Bl in attempt to block A's place-kick Ruling: Unsportsmanlike conduct 3rd period ends with ball on A's 43 12 Play: yardline, 3rd and Ball is erroneously put in play from A's 48 yardline and the first play in the 4th quarter is run Error is discovered during first down or at its end Ruling: Start the quarter over from A's 43 yardline If discovery is after the start of the 2nd down during the 4th quarter, no adjustment may be made Bl grasps edge of head protector which 13 Play: extends over forehead of runner Al in attempting to stop him Ruling: If Bl twists or unnecessarily jerks head protector, it is a personal foul for unnecessary roughness However, it is not a foul to grasp the head protector (other than the face protector) unless there is unnecessary roughness involved In play situation 415A on page 71 of the Football Case book, the phrase "but it is never permissible for him to hook his finger in it," refers to the face protector and not to the head protector (Continued on Page Ten) , THE KENTUCKY HIGH SCHOOL ATHLETE FOR SEPTEMBER, Page Two SEPTEMBER, 1961 monthly, Published VOL XXIV— N0.2 except June and by July, the Kentucky High School Athletic Association Office of Publication, Lexington, Ky Entered as second-class matter in the post office at Lexington, Kentucky under the act of March 3, 1879 THEO Editor Assistant Editor J Lexington, SANFORD MANSFIELD A B Ky BOARD OF CONTROL President W H Crowdus (1958-62) Franklin Vice-President K G Gillaspie (1959-63), Georgetown Directors Jack Dawson (1958-62), Louisville: Robert P Forsythe (1959-63) Browder: Preston Holland (1961-65) Murray; Don R Rawlings 11961-65), Danville: Oran C Teater (196064), Paintsville: Cecil A Thornton (1960-64) Harlan — Subscription Rates $1.00 Jtiom the Commissioners Per Year Cjjffice Mr Litchfield and Vice-President W B Jones, each of whom had ended eig'h-year Board terms on June 30, 1961, expressed to other members of the Board present their pleasure at having had an official connection with the K H S A A and at having been associated with other members of the Board in serving of the K G Gillaspie suggested the need of a conjmittee make a study of certain Board of Control and Association policies, not presently covered under Association regulations He moved, seconded by Don R Rawlings, that the President appoint a Policy Committee The motion was carried unanimously to K G Gillaspie gave a very complete report on the recent National Federation Annual Meeting, held at French Link, Indiana Board answered fall There was a discussion of the forthcoming 1961 football playoffs Attention was called to the fact Board of Control, in a meeting lield on 22, 1960, had established an alternating plan for semi-final sites, beginning in 1961 and being determined by lot Drawings were made by the Board members, and it was determined that the home sites in 1961 for Class AA schools would be Regions and 3, with Regions and being the home sites for Class A schools The numbers will reverse in 1962 that The Board of Control of the Kentucky High School Athletic Association met at the Kenlake Hotel, Kentucky Lake State Park, on Saturday morning, July 22, 1961 The meeting was called to order by retiring President Louis Litchfield at 9:00, with all Board members Commissioner Theo A Sanford, and Assistant Commissioner J B Mansfield present Jack Dawson moved, seconded by Cecil A Thornton, that the reading of the minutes of the April 22nd meeting be waived, since the members of the Board had received copies of these minutes The motion was carried unanimously members 00 K G Gillaspie moved, seconded by Jack Dawson, that the i-eport of the Commissioner be accepted and approved; and that the 1961-62 revised K.H.S.A.A budget be adopted as presented The motion was can-ied unanimously September 30 was set as the date of the meeting of the Board of Control MINUTES OF BOARD MEETING the Association Other 1961 the December The Commissioner recommended that the football for 1961-62 be based on 1960-61 enrollments Robert P Forsythe moved, seconded by Cecil A Thornton, that the recommendation be accepted The motion was carried unanimously, classifications Messrs Joseph N Hullett and Dave Burnett of the Louisville Lions Club appeared before the Board to explain the management of the Kentucky-Indiana games, and answered questions concerning the disposition of the game profits The Commissioner gave in detail the history of certain all-star game problems in Kentucky during past years, and ex- All-Star with appropriate remarks plained Mr Litclifield stated that the next order of business was the election of the president and vice-president of the Board of Control Oran C Teater nominated W H Crowdus for the presidency of the Board of Control K G Gillaspie moved, seconded by Jack Dawson, that the nominations cease and that Mr Crowdus be elected by acclamation All voted "Aye" but Mr Crowdus who did not vote Cecil A Thornton nominated K G Gillaspie for the vice-presidency, and Robert P Forsythe nominated Jack Dawson Cecil A Thornton moved, seconded by Oran C Teater that the candidates retire The motion was carried Ballots were passed, and a tabulation of ballots by Messrs Si^nford and Crowdus indicated that Mr Gillaspie had been elected President Crowdus welcomed to the Board Principal Don R Rawlings of Danville High School and Athletic Director Preston Holland of Murray Board of Control relative to the sanctioning of postseason and all-star contests He also explained the K.H.S.A.A regulations which were involved in past Board decisions There was no request for any action to be taken by the Board at this meeting High School, newly elected directors The Commissioner made a report to the Board on the receipts and disbursements of the K.H.S.A.A for the year 1960-61 He presented copies of the audit, recently prepared by the Johnson-Fowler Company of Louisville Total funds on hand June 30, 1961, were reported as being $100,755.67 He stated that a complete breakdown on receipts and expenses would appear in a forthcoming issue of the magazine He then presented a revised K.H.S.A.A budget for the 1961-62 school year, with estimated receipts of $117,900.00 and estimated disbursements of $116,130.- to the visitors the present position of the Don R Rawlings moved, seconded by Preston Holland, that all bills of the Association for the period beginning April 22, 1961, and ending July 1961, be allowed The motion was cairied 19, unanimously There being no further business, the meeting adjourned Use of Registered Officials A list of registered football officials appears in issue of the ATHLETE Principals and coaches should study the current list to determine whether or not all officials with whom contracts have been signed this have registered this fall Supplementary will appear in subsequent magazine By-Law 22 provides that officials issues member of of the schools lists shall use registered officials in all footbsdl and basketball games, and that failure to comply with this regulation makes the home school liable for suspension If there is any question about registration, the official should be asked to present his card THE KENTUCKY HIGH SCHOOL ATHLETE FOR SEPTEMBER, K H S A A Leaders Page Three 1961 Kentucky Education Association, the Kentucky Association of Secondary School Principals, the Western Kentucky Athletic Conference, the Georgetown College Alumni Association, the Moi-ganfield Kiwanis Club and the Georgetown Rotary Club He was formerly Chairman of the Deacons of the Georgetown Baptist Church He holds membership in numerous fraternal organizations Basketball The 1961-62 Clinics rules meetings for registered basket- and coaches will be conducted by Charlie who has served the Kentucky High School Association as clinic director for many years The dates and sites of the meetings are as follows: October 8, Newport High School, 1:30 P M October 8, University H S., Lexington, 8:00 P.M October 9, Morehead State College, 1:30 P M October 9, Ashland, Y.M.C.A., 8:00 P.M October 10, Pikeville High School, 1:30 P.M October 10, Hazard Hig

Ngày đăng: 30/10/2022, 16:22
