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UA35_1 Academic Newsletter Vol. II No. 5

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Western Kentucky University TopSCHOLAR® WKU Archives Records WKU Archives 1-24-1968 UA35/1 Academic Newsletter, Vol II, No WKU Provost Follow this and additional works at: http://digitalcommons.wku.edu/dlsc_ua_records Part of the Education Commons Recommended Citation WKU Provost, "UA35/1 Academic Newsletter, Vol II, No 5" (1968) WKU Archives Records Paper 1672 http://digitalcommons.wku.edu/dlsc_ua_records/1672 This Newsletter is brought to you for free and open access by TopSCHOLAR® It has been accepted for inclusion in WKU Archives Records by an authorized administrator of TopSCHOLAR® For more information, please contact topscholar@wku.edu ~ f O J Wilson, Editor Eli za b e th Oakes, Assistant Editor Volume II, January 24, 1968 No A NN OUNCEMENTS The fifth in the seri es of university lectures f eaturing Dr John Hous e man, world -famous playwright, director, producer, and theatre critic, will be pres ented in t h e ballroom of the Paul L Garrett Stud ent Center on Tuesday, F e bruary 6, 1968, at p m T h e We ste rn Kentucky Uni ve r sity A rt Gallery pr esents "Sinc e 1963 , " an exhibit of thirty - five prints and drawings by W illiam F Loy, Associate Professor, The University of Tenness ee Mr Loy taught at W e ste rn from 1958 -1 963 H e will b e at the opening reception on F ebruary 4, 1968, from to p m in t h e art ga ll ery, Room 1, Cherry Hall The ga lle ry hour s for the r est of the month are from a m to p m , Monday through Fr i day GENERAL ACADEMIC INFORMATION by Vice President Raymond L Cravens Action ££ the Academ.ic Council on January !.'h l968 T h e AcademicCouncil app r oved the reports of the College Curriculum Committees with r espect to a number of ne w courses and the Junior High School Curriculw1'1 The Graduate Council report, including r ecom.mendations for new courses and the Maste r of Ar ts in Sociology, the Master of Pu bli c Ser vice, and Maste r of Arts and M;>ster of Arts in College Teaching i n the Hum.' inities, was approved by the Acad emic Council The first re'lding of the report by Chairman Paul E P owe r of the An Hoc Com.mittee on Teaching Excellence was heard by the Academic Council Guid e lines for th e imuleme ntation of the new p olicy on computing the Grade Point Average of stude n ts were presented to the Council b y Mr Rhea La z arus, Chairman o f th e Ad Ho c Cornmcttee Fellowships and Awards The Decem ')er Bull etin on the U S Government e ducation a l exch a n ge p r ogram li s ts approximate l y eighty l ectureships that are still avail a ble to Ame rican faculty m e mbe r s for 1968 - a t institutions o f hi g h e r l earni n g in Europe, Asia, Afri ca , the Middle E ast , and Latin A m e rica Fu rth er informat ion may b e obtained from t h e Office of the Vice President fo r Academic Affairs Fulbri g ht awa rd s fo r unive rsity l ecturing and postdocto r a l res e arc h abroad during 1969 - 70 will b e anno un ced in lat e M lrc h and ear l y April, 1968 Separate announ cements w ill b e issued fo r awar ds in t h e following fie ld s: ag ri c ulture , American history, Ame ri can lit e r a tur e , anthropol ogy , bi ological sciences, bu siness a dministration, che m is tr y , d ent is try, earth sciences, econo m ics, edu cation , e ngineering , l aw lingu ist ics and t h e t eac hin g of Eng lish, mass communi cation s, math ematics , medical sc i ence s, physics, politi ca l science, psych o l ogy, social wo r k, and sociol ogy Schol a r s who wish to b e plac e d on t h e mailing li s t f o r particular announ ceme nts should w rit e to the Commi ttee o n Int e rnati o n a l Exchange of Persons, 2101 Constitution Avenu e , N W , W ashing t o n, D C., 20418 F e ll owships in Middle E 3.st studies are b ein g offered b y H amlin e Uni v e r s ity, St Paul, M i nnesota , and the Middle East Studies As sociati on o f No rth Ame rica from June 17 t o Jul y 12, 1968 Th e Institute i s de sig n e d t o ass i st college fa c ulty members in various disciplines who a r e int ere st e d in fi lling a need for br oader und e rstanding of th e Middl e E as t a nd d eve l op i n g ar eas and w h o would be a ble to us e , in thei r own teac h ing , m a t e rial s covere d at the Institute In addition to t h e H amlin e U nive rs ity f e ll ows hips, a n u mbe r o f othe r summe r fe ll owship s h ave b ee n ann ounce d Fur t h e r information may be obta ine d fr om t h e Offic e of the Vice Pr es ident for A cademi c Affa i rs Nationa l Science F o undati on Progr ams The Na tional Scienc e F oundation s announced its " Co llege T eac h e r P r ograms" at th e und ergraduate l evel for 19 - 69 Thesp pr og r ams relate to Research Participation, Summe r Institut es , Spo r t Cour ses , Academic Year Institut es , a nd In- S e r vice Seminars A ddition a l information may be obtain e d from the office of th e Vice P r es id e nt for A cademic Affair s ·L PROFESSIONAL MEETINGS, INSTITU TES, AND WORKSHOPS M",ss rs R o bert M Ryan and Robert W Klenk (S ociol ogy) participated in an evaluation of t h e S o uth e rn Ke ntucky Econ omics Opportunity Cente r f o r the Offi ce of E c onomic Oppo rtu nity in Bowling Gr ee n on D ecemb e r I S-20, 196 Dr s No rn"lan A Dee b (S eco nd a r y Educa tion) a nd J ohn A S c arbor o u gh (S eco nda r y Edu cat i o n and Dir ecto r , S umme r Schoo l ) participated in the O h i o Co unty in - s e r vice m ee tin g on D ece mb e r 21, 1967 Dr s Paul J Laur etta and W alter Sto r e r (For e i g n Lan guages) attended the M u d e rn L anguag e A ssociation convention in Chica g o, Illinois, during th e C hr istmas h olidays M r Be nn o Tr e u (Foreign Lan g ua ges) atte nded the Ame rican Philological Associati o n conve nti on in Boston, M

Ngày đăng: 30/10/2022, 15:02
