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Villanova University Belle Air Yearbook - Law School Excerpt - 19

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Books and Yearbooks Historical Archives Summer 5-15-1957 Villanova University Belle Air Yearbook - Law School Excerpt 1957 Class of 1957 Follow this and additional works at: https://digitalcommons.law.villanova.edu/books Recommended Citation 1957, Class of, "Villanova University Belle Air Yearbook - Law School Excerpt - 1957" (1957) Books and Yearbooks 12 https://digitalcommons.law.villanova.edu/books/12 This Book is brought to you for free and open access by the Historical Archives at Villanova University Charles Widger School of Law Digital Repository It has been accepted for inclusion in Books and Yearbooks by an authorized administrator of Villanova University Charles Widger School of Law Digital Repository A new power is acknowledged young and growing irs horizons broaden and deepen THE LAW SCHOOL FACULTY includes, seated clockwise around the table: John T Macartney; Arthur C Pulling, Law Li­ brarian; William B Ball; Francis E Holohan; Harold Gill Reuschlein,, Dean; John George Stephenson, III; Donald M Col­ lins; and Thomas J O'Toole, Assistant Dean LIAISON BETWEEN THE STUDENTS and the faculty is maintained by the Student Bar Association The Executive Board is the co-ordinating body From left, Jo­ seph Smith, John Kneafsey, Vice-Presi­ dent and Secretary; John Gaffney, Presi­ dent; Edward Fitzsimmons, Treasurer; John Stork and Edward Bresnan THE VILLANOVA LAW REVIEW STAFF has succeeded in establishing the Review as a responsible and respected professional journal Seated, from left: Collins, Monaghan, Matthews, Editor Voss, Editor-inChief O'Hara, Editor McDonald, Burns, and Giuliani Standing: Connors, Eichman, Bartolini, Picciotti, Martin, Callahan, Forde, Mekel, Ryan, and Goebelbecker Smith is absent VILLANOVA WAS THE ONLY Law School to represent the Third Judicial Circuit in the National Moot Court Competition for three years running This year's team is shown in the Courtroom in Garey Hall From left; Eichman, Ryan and Matthews, with T O'Toole, instructor, on the bench The achievements of its first formative years have cul­ minated in the completion of Garey Hall, which affords the Law students physical facilities the equal of any in the nation The truly exceptional Law Library has now been expanded to become the largest Catholic law library in the United States But the real objective of the School is the training of men for the responsibilities of life, and it was this year, during which the true achievement of the School was first realized by the admission of its graduates to the Bar For in accordance with Dean Reuschlein's resolve, the purpose of the School is not merely to produce lawyers', but lawyers who "will be a credit to themselves, their profession, their country, and their God." THE HONOR BOARD—elected to stand in the place of the whole student body to administer the honor system From left; Suber Lewis, Edmund Bateman, Henry Giuliani, Chief Justicfe John Col­ lins, Francis O'Hara, and John Brady THE INTER-CLUB COUNCIL plays an im­ portant role in the administration of the law clubs and the Moot Court program From left: Marianne Shutack; Robert Lynch; Henry Giuliani; Thomas Burns; John Kneafsey, Chairman; Joseph Malloy Secretary; Robert McLaughlin and Richard Masterson VILLANOVA LAW SCHOOL JOHN J COLLINS 1 Linden La., Princeton, N J • A.B Holy Cross College • BACHELOR OF LAW Judge Cardoza Club; Honor Board, Chief Justice RICHARD A DeMICHELE 6 N 5th St., Philadelphia, Pa • A.B Villanova University • BACHELOR OF LAW St Ives Club THOMAS J FEENEY, JR Carman St., Philadelphia, Pa • A.B Duquesne University • BACHE­ LOR OF LAW Judge Cardozo Club; Honor Board 2; Prothonotary 3; A.L.S.A 3rd and 11th Joint Circuit Conference Committee, Chairman EDWARD J FITZSIMMONS, JR 2 Mulberry St., Scranton, Pa • B.S University of Scranton • BACHELOR OF LAW Chief Justice Taney Club; Executive Board, Student Bar Association, Treas­ urer 3; A.L.S.A 3rd and 1th Joint Circuit Conference Committee JOHN F GAFFNEY 2 Woodlawn Ave., Glenside, Pa • B.S Villanova University • BACHE­ LOR OF LAW Judge Parker Club; Executive Board, Student Bar Association 2, Presi­ dent HENRY A GIULIANI 463 W Broad St., Hazleton, Pa • A.B Pennsylvania State University BACHELOR OF LAW Chief Justice Taney Club, President 3; Law Review 2,3; Honor Board 3; Inter-Club Council ALEXANDER B JOHNSON, JR 1330 S 24th St., Philadelphia, Pa • A.B Lincoln University ' OF LAW Certiorari Club bACHELOR JOHN G KNEAFSEY 0 Nassau Rd., Philadelphia, Pa • A.B Villanova University • BACHE­ LOR OF LAW Chief Justice Warren Club, President 3; Executive Board, Student Bar Association 2, Vice-President and Secretary 3; Inter-Club Council, Chair­ man 3; A.L.S.A 3rd and 11th Joint Circuit Conference Committee 3; A.B.A Junior Bar Conference Committee on Law Students J O H N L LARKIN Washington Ave., Phoenixville, Pa • B.S St Joseph's College BACHELOR OF LAW Thomas More Club JOSEPH A MALLOY 4 East Ave., Mt Carmel, Pa • B.S St Joseph's College • BACHELOR OF LAW Thomas More Club, President 3; Inter-Club Council, Secretary 86 GRADUATES 1957 VINCENT A MARINO S 1 t h S t , P h i l a d elphia, Pa • A.B L a S a l l e C o l l e g e • B A C H E L O R OF LAW Chief Justice Warren Club JAMES A MATTHEWS, JR R e v e r e R d , D r e x e l H i l l , P a • A B Duquesne University • B A C H E L O R OF LAW Certiorari Club; Law Review 2,3; National Moot Court Team R BARRY McANDREWS 7 L i m e k i l n P k , P h i l a delphia, Pa • A B L a S a l l e C o l l e g e • B A C H E L O R OF LAW Parker Club, President 3; Inter-Club Council JOSEPH F McCLOSKEY 2 E M a r k e t S t , P o ttsville, Pa • B.S Shippensburg State Teachers Col­ lege • BACHELOR OF LAW Certiorari Club; A.L.S.A 3rd and 11th Joint Circuit Conference Com­ mittee JOSEPH R McDONALD 0 C h a r l e s D r , B r yn Mawr, Pa • A B L a S a l l e C o l l e g e • B A C H E L O R O F LAW Charles Evans Hughs Club; Law Review 2, Case and Comment Editor ROBERT L MCLAUGHLIN C h a r l e s D r , Bryn Mawr, Pa • B.S Mt S t M a r y ' s C o l l e g e • B A C H E L O R OF LAW Certiorari Club, President 3; Inter-Club Council 3; A.L.S.A 3rd and 11th Joint Circuit Conference Committee JOSEPH F MONAGHAN 5 S i x t h A v e , W a t e r vliet, N Y • A B S i e n a C o l l e g e • B A C H E L O R O F LAW Chief Justice Warren Club; Law Review 2,3 FRANCIS R O'HARA C a r l i s l e S t , P h i l a d elphia, Pa • A.B L a S a l l e C o l l e g e • B A C H E L O R OF LAW Judge Cardozo Club; Honor Board 2,3; Law Reviev/ 2, Editor-in-Chief JOHN C VOSS E G o r g a s L a , P h i l a d e l p h i a , P a • B S St Joseph's College • B A C H E ­ LOR OF LAW Thomas More Club; Honor Board 1; Law Review 2,3, Articles and Book Review Editor NOT PICTURED THOMAS F BURNS H o r t o n R d , N e w t o w n S q uare, Pa • B.S St Joseph's College • BACHELOR OF LAW St Ives Club, President 3; Law Review 2,3; Inter-Club Council LEONARD J MYERS A p p l e d a l e R d , T r ooper, Pa • A.B Vill a n o v a U n i v e r s i t y • B A C H E L O R O F LAW St Ives Club 87 ... Kneafsey, Chairman; Joseph Malloy Secretary; Robert McLaughlin and Richard Masterson VILLANOVA LAW SCHOOL JOHN J COLLINS 1 Linden La., Princeton, N J • A.B Holy Cross College • BACHELOR OF LAW Judge... Philadelphia, Pa • A.B Villanova University • BACHELOR OF LAW St Ives Club THOMAS J FEENEY, JR Carman St., Philadelphia, Pa • A.B Duquesne University • BACHE­ LOR OF LAW Judge Cardozo Club;... State University BACHELOR OF LAW Chief Justice Taney Club, President 3; Law Review 2,3; Honor Board 3; Inter-Club Council ALEXANDER B JOHNSON, JR 1330 S 24th St., Philadelphia, Pa • A.B Lincoln University

Ngày đăng: 30/10/2022, 14:27

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