452 Index Albert of Saxony, 267 Albert the Bear, 157 Alberti, Leon Battista, 216 Albertus Magnus, 21, 267, 357 Albigensian Crusade, 4–5, 46, 71, 89, 168, 196, 245 Albornoz, Cardinal, 320 Albrecht I (duke of Austria, king of Germany), 153, 177 Albrecht II (duke of Austria), 154, 178 Albrecht III (duke of Austria), 153, 154 Albrecht IV (duke of Austria), 153, 154, 176 Albrecht V (duke of Austria), 154 Albrecht VI (duke of Austria), 155, 178 Albrecht of Austria (archduke of Austria and Holy Roman Emperor), 48 alchemy, xxxiii, 267 alcoholism, 438 Alcuin of York, 5–6, 14, 74, 75, 79, 408 Alenỗon, duke of, 224 Aleppo, 35, 399 Alexander III (pope), 38, 130, 175, 244, 245 Alexander V (pope), 31 Alexander VI (pope), 128, 327 Alexander of Hales, 257 Alexander the Great, 352 Alexandria, 245, 286 Alexios I Komnenos (Byzantine emperor), 58, 65, 198, 356, 409 Alexios IV (Byzantine emperor), 65 Alfonso I (king of Asturias), 86, 89, 287 Alfonso II (king of Asturias), 86–87, 89, 288 Alfonso III (king of León), 87, 89 Alfonso IV (king of León), 87, 89 Alfonso V (king of Aragon), 87, 89, 295 Alfonso VI (king of Castile), 9, 41, 87, 109 Alfonso VII (king of Castile), 87 Alfonso VIII (king of Castile), 45, 88 Alfonso IX (king of Castile), 88 Alfonso X (king of Castile), 88, 153, 176 Alfonso XI (king of Castile), 88 Alfonso Jordan (count of Tripoli and Toulouse), 248 Alfonso the Magnanimous (king of Naples), 411 Alfred the Great, 6–7, 15, 17, 98, 110, 309 Algirdas, 255 Ali ibn Abu Talib, 4, 7–8, 102 Ali ibn Muhammad, Ali ibn Yusuf, allegory, 81 Almohads, 117 Almoravid Empire, 8–10, 41, 117, 203, 288 Alp Arslan, 363 alphabet, Cyrillic, 96, 285, 349, 355, 420 runic, 417–418 Thai, 383 Uighur, 135 Altchek, 53 Alvarado, Pedro de, 338 Alvars, 43 Amalric, 246, 248, 249 Ambrose, 257 Amde-Siyon, 113 Amidism, 304 Amorian dynasty, 194 Amr ibn al-’As, 69 Anacletus II, 42 Anafesto, Paolo Zucio, 412 Anasazi, xxxv Anastasius I (Byzantine emperor), 52, 62 Anastasius II (Byzantine emperor), 64 Anawratha, 55, 280 Andes: pre-Inca civilizations, xxxv, xxxviii, xli, 10–11 Andhkhud, Battle of, 287 András (Andrew) III (king of Hungary), 48 Andreas Capellanus, 84 Andrew (András) I (king of Hungary), 435 Andrew (András) II (king of Hungary), 301 Andronicus II Paleologus (Byzantine emperor), 149 Angkor Thom, 233, 234 Angkor Wat, 233 Angles, 13 Anglo-Norman culture, 12–13 Anglo-Saxon Chronicle, 15 Anglo-Saxon culture, 13–15 Anglo-Saxon kingdoms, 15–18 Anglo Saxon law code, Aniruddha See Anawratha Ankara, Battle of, 271, 318 An Lushan (An Lu-Shan) Rebellion, 18–19, 296, 392, 394, 395, 397, 405 Anna Komnene (Byzantine princess), 58 Annam, 436–437 An-Nasir Yusuf (Ayyubid sultan), 183 Anne of Bohemia, 188 Anselm, 19–20 Anselm of Laon, 265 Anthemius, 61 Anthony, 272 anti-Jewish pogroms, 20–21 Antioch, 23, 245, 248, 286 Antoku (emperor of Japan), 231 Antonine Wall, 358 Apollonius (Greek mathematician), 266 Aqraba, Battle of, 102 Aquinas, Thomas, 21–22, 97, 257, 258, 267, 272, 357 Aquitaine, Eleanor of, 22–24, 46, 84, 163, 306, 327, 342, 377 Aragon, kingdom of, 89–90 Aram (sultan of Delhi), 100 Arbeau, Thoinot, 218 Archimedes, 266 architecture, xxxi, xxxvii Arduin of Ivrea, 174 Arik Boke, 77, 183, 241, 281, 403 Ariosto, Ludovico, 215 Aristotle, 22, 193, 218, 266, 267, 268, 357 Ari the Wise, 415 Ari Thorhilsson the Wise, 415 Arnauld of Villanova, 268 Arnold of Brescia, 42 Arnoulf, 71 Arnulf, bishop of Metz, 72 Arnulph, 261 Árpád, 261 Árpád dynasty, 243 Arslan, Alp, 363 Artemios, 64 Arthur, 12 “Articles of the Barons,” 260 Arulnandi, 367 Aryan invasion, xxxiv asceticism, 304 Ashikaga Shogunate, 24–27, 121, 316, 317 Ashikaga Tadayoshi, 25 Ashikaga Takauji, 25, 120, 173, 232, 315 Ashikaga Yoshimasa, 24, 26, 316–317 Ashikaga Yoshimitsu, 25–26 Ashoka (Maurya emperor of India), 234, 372 al-Ashraf Khalil, 95 Askia Muhammad Touré (Songhai king), 139 Assandurea, Battle of, 70 Assassins, 34, 116, 183, 211, 248, 281 Asser of Sherborne, Assize of Clarendon, 163 astronomy, xxxii Asturias, kingdom of, 86–87 Athanasios of Trebizond, 27 Athanasius of Alexandria, 97 Athos, Mount, 27, 64, 149 Attila the Hun, 52, 195 Augsburg, Battle of, 261, 262 Augustine of Canterbury, 76 Augustine of Hippo, 74, 257, 265, 357 Aurelius (king of Asturias), 86 Avars, xxxii, 57, 79