xii Advisers and Contributors Ancient Near East: Historical Sources in Translation (2006) and The Babylonian World (forthcoming) Lawrence Waldron, M.F.A., is an associate professor and doctoral candidate at the City University of New York, specializing in non-Western fields of art history and culture He has presented and published various articles on the art and culture of the pre-Columbian Caribbean and Southeast Asia Ezekiel A Walker, Ph.D., teaches African and world history at the University of Central Florida His forthcoming book is entitled Growth, Crisis and Transformation in the CocoaFarming Economy of Southwestern Nigeria (2007) Peter S Wells is professor of anthropology at the University of Minnesota His publications include The Barbarians Speak: How the Conquered Peoples Shaped Roman Europe (1999), Beyond Celts, Germans and Scythians: Archaeology and Identity in Iron Age Europe (2001), and The Battle That Stopped Rome: Emperor Augustus, Arminius, and the Slaughter of the Legions in the Teutoburg Forest (2003) Jacqui Wood is an archaeologist and authority on prehistoric cooking and the lifestyles of prehistoric Europeans She runs her own excavation in Cornwall, England Ronald Young, Ph.D., teaches in the Social Sciences Department at Canterbury School in Fort Myers, Florida His teaching and research interests are in the area of Latin American Studies In addition to numerous reference articles, he is presently working on a general history of Colombia to be published by Greenwood Press Katharina Zinn, M.A., is writing her Ph.D dissertation on ancient Egyptian libraries and archives at the University of Leipzig, Germany She works in a project on scarabs in the Fitzwilliam Museum, Cambridge (United Kingdom) and a project on Middle Kingdom Reliefs from Lisht in the Princeton University Art Museum She has published articles on the organization of collective wisdom as well as multilingualism in ancient Egypt