ABBREVIATIONS AND CONVENTIONS Popper OSE The Open Society and its Enemies, vols (London, 1945) Quine FLPV WO From a Logical Point of View (Cambridge, Mass.: Harvard University Press, 1953) Word and Object (Cambridge, Mass.: MIT Press, 1960) Rawls TJ A Theory of Justice (Cambridge, Mass.: Harvard University Press, 1971) Russell A The Autobiography of Bertrand Russell, 1872–1916 (London: Allen & Unwin, 1967) AM The Analysis of Mind (London: Allen & Unwin, 1921) IMP Introduction to Mathematical Philosophy (London: Allen & Unwin, 1917) PM The Principles of Mathematics (Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 1903; 2nd edn., 1927) PP The Problems of Philosophy (London: Oxford University Press, 1912) Ryle CM CP Sartre BN EH The Concept of Mind (London: Hutchinson, 1949) Collected Papers, vols (London: Hutchinson, 1949) Being and Nothingness, trans Hazel Barnes (London: Routledge, 1969) Existentialism and Humanism (London: Methuen, 1947) Schopenhauer EA Essays and Aphorisms, trans R J Hollingdale (London: Penguin, 2004) WWI The World as Will and Representation, trans E F Payne, vols (New York: Dover, 1969); all quotations are from volume I Sidgwick ME Methods of Ethics (London: Macmillan, 1901) 325