ILLUSTRATIONS 247 Elizabeth Anscombe and Peter Geach Steve Pyke/Getty Images 260 A paybill for the Prague premiere of Don Giovanni akg-images 272 Jeremy Bentham’s ‘‘auto-icon’’ University College, London 276 Punch cartoon of 1867 satirising Mill’s crusade for equality between the sexes Getty Images 286 Photo postcard of Karl Marx akg-images 294 Gustav Dore´’s 1866 representation of the sacrifice of Abraham Time Life Pictures/Getty Images 300 John Stuart Mill with his stepdaughter Helen Getty Images 303 Darwin’s theory of evolution portrayed in Punch’s Almanac for 1882 Getty Images 311 A 1974 receipt for payment of a fine levied in the U.S.S.R ‘‘for belief in God’’ Endpapers Boris Anrep ‘Lucidity’ (left) and Boris Anrep ‘Curiosity’ (right) ß The Anrep Family Estate and The National Gallery, London In a few instances we have been unable to trace the copyright holder prior to publication If notified, the publishers will be pleased to amend the acknowledgements in any future edition 337