1262 Index literature (continued) Asia and the Pacific 649– 653, 650f, 671–672 Egypt 643–647, 644f, 668–669 Europe 653–655 Greece 655–660, 657f, 672–673 Middle East 647–649, 669–671 Rome 660–665, 673–674 Lithic Period art 121 crafts 295 litterator 384, 385 liturgies 366 Liu Bang (emperor of China) empires and dynasties 405 social organization 1025 liubo game pieces 1052f Liu Ch’e (emperor of China) 901–902 liupo 1052 Lives of the Twelve Caesars, The (Suetonius) 1059–1060 livestock agriculture 21, 34 food and diet 473 Livy 709 llamas agriculture 47 economy 375 loans 348, 354 locust plagues 776, 777 lodestone 598 loess 253, 254 logic 804 loimos 826 loincloths 272, 273f, 274, 277–278 See also schenti London (Londinium) 229 London Papyrus 548 Long Count calendar calendars and clocks 173 numbers and counting 806 Longinus, Cassius 917 Longshan culture 216 Long Walls at Athens 734 looms 1074–1076, 1078, 1080, 1082, 1083 looting 1141 See also plunder lost-wax casting 679, 685, 686, 688 Lovedu tribe 494 Lower Egypt climate and geography 239, 241–242 government organization 514 migration and population movements 695 Lucius Cornelius Sulla (dictator of Rome) 916 Lucius Verus (emperor of Rome) 416 Lucretius astronomy 132 literature 662 Lucy (fossilized skeleton) 436 ludi Romani 470 “Ludlul Bêl Nimeqi, The” (Tabu-utul-Bêl) 556–557 Lughnasa 467–468 lullabies 191 lunar calendars calendars and clocks 165– 166, 168, 170 science 932 lunar cycles 129 lungi 278 lunulae 683 Luoyang 217–218 Lupercalia 470 lustratio children 196 family 456 lutes 765, 766, 772 Luxor-Farshut Road 884, 885 Lyceum 938 Lycian people 701 Lycurgus 529 Lyons 219 lyra 769 lyres 765, 766, 769, 771–772 lyric poetry 661, 663 Lysistrata (Aristophanes) 147, 878, 1035 M maat (Egyptian belief system) laws and legal codes 623 natural disasters 776 sacred sites 899 scandals and corruption 910 Maat (Egyptian goddess) 297 Macedonia calendars and clocks 167 climate and geography 258 empires and dynasties 412–413 money and coinage 758 war and conquest 1148 maces 1163 machines, water moving 28 Madagascar 273 Maecenas, Gaius Cilnius 663 Magadha 402 Magellan, Strait of 268 magi 380 magical texts 777 magic/magicians gender structures and roles 496–497 health and disease 546, 548 laws and legal codes 622 pandemics and epidemics 822 religion and cosmology 851, 855–856 science 921, 930 magistrates government organization 532–533 laws and legal codes 626, 629 slaves and slavery 987 Magna Mater 469 Mahabharata epic drama and theater 332– 333 festivals 466 literature 650, 651, 671–672 migration and population movements 705 mahajanapadas empires and dynasties 401–402 government organization 522 maharajadhiraja 730 mail shirt 1170 maize food and diet 482 literature 666 nomadic and pastoral societies 777, 796 occupations 817 religion and cosmology 864 science 922, 947 Makeda (queen of Axum) religion and cosmology 835 scandals and corruption 909 social organization 1021 Malagana 687 malakaras 812 malaria health and disease 546 pandemics and epidemics 821–823, 825, 828 Malay Archipelago 802 Mali 176 malnutrition 553 malt 478 Malta 73 mancala 1048 Manching 220, 221 Manchuria 249 mandarin shirt 277 Mandubii tribe 1029 maniples military 734 war and conquest 1151 mantles 283, 284 mantras 767 Manu, Code of 625 manual labor agriculture 43 social organization 1038 manufactured goods economy 342, 356 occupations 815 manufacturing 360–361 manumission 993 manure as fertilizer 34, 43 manuscript illumination 94 Manusmriti 300–301 maps borders and frontiers 144 exploration 436 science 945 marathons 1047 marble architecture 79 building techniques and materials 159, 160 Marcellinus, Ammianus 914 Marcus Aurelius (emperor of Rome) art 114 empires and dynasties 416 exploration 445 foreigners and barbarians 483, 490 literature 665 migration and population movement 718 pandemics and epidemics 827 ships and shipbuilding 979 marginal colonization 35 Marinus of Neapolis 132 maritime trade 1099, 1106 Marius, Gaius 879 market day 1106 market economy 428 marketplace See also agora economy 346 laws and legal codes 631 towns and villages 1088 markets 349 marl clay 176 Marmara, Sea of 247 Marmes site 321 marriage children 190 clothing and footwear 282 family 447–450, 452–454, 456 gender structures and roles 496, 502 social organization 1016– 1017 marriage contract(s) family 449, 449f gender structures and roles 496 Marshack, Alexander 129 Marsh Arabs 64 marshland 262, 268 Mars statue 1151f Martu people 699 masa 757 Masai people 273