1260 Index Kalibangan 218 kami religion and cosmology 845 sacred sites 901 Kamose (king of Egypt) 393 Kan ̣āda 934 Kanem-Borno culture 92 Karasuk culture 704 karma religion and cosmology 846 social organization 1023 Karmah employment and labor 426 metallurgy 678 military 725 religion and cosmology 834 Karnak, temple of 59, 60 Kasos (island) 260 Kassite Dynasty art 99 empires and dynasties 397–398 katachusma 455 kataginu 277 kathoey 498 kayaks 983–984 Keating, Geoff rey 478 Kerma, kingdom of architecture 55 cities 204 death and burial practices 312, 313 empires and dynasties 391 migration and population movements 691 khapusa 278 khar 348 Khārga Oasis 242 Khasehkemwy (king of Egypt) 94 khent-hen-nefer 141 Khentika 349 kher 753 Khoikhoi people clothing and footwear 273 nomadic and pastoral societies 788 Khoisan people See Bushmen Khufu (king of Egypt) architecture 57 climate and geography 243 death and burial practices 314 kick-ball races 1058 kidnapping 194 Kilburn sword 599 Kilimanjaro, Mount 238 kilns ceramics and pottery 177 metallurgy 684 kingdoms borders and frontiers 145–146 economy 362 empires and dynasties 405–406 government organization 508, 536 kings gender structures and roles 495 government organization 522–523, 526, 527, 530, 537, 538 laws and legal codes 624, 630–631 military 730 social organization 1021, 1022, 1027, 1028, 1030 sports and recreation 1051 kingships government organization 508, 511–517, 536 resistance and dissent 872–873 social organization 1014 kinship groups gender structures and roles 494 social organization 1010, 1012, 1032–1034, 1039– 1040, 1042 Kintampo people agriculture 18 hunting, fishing, and gathering 573 Kish 142–143 kitchen middens 577 kithara 770f, 772 kitharistēs 383 klinē 567 knights 1037 knitting 1082 knives, throwing 1162 Knossos palace architecture 74, 75 building techniques and materials 158, 159f economy 363 gender structures and roles 500 Knowth tomb 169 knucklebones 1051 Kofun Period 430 Koguryo 405, 406 kohl 5, kómai 1005 Kon-Tiki 975 korai/kouroi 111, 112 Korea architecture 69 ceramics and pottery 179, 180 crafts 291 education 381 household goods 565 inventions 598 language 614 laws and legal codes 626 literature 652 metallurgy 682 music and musical instruments 767, 768 religion and cosmology 845 resistance and dissent 875–876 settlement patterns 968 social collapse and abandonment 1003 war and conquest 1140 Korean Peninsula climate and geography 249 clothing and footwear 277 Kotosh 86 Krakatoa volcano 250–251 Kshatriya caste military 730 social organization 1023– 1024 ku 277 kudurrus 99 Kullab mound 212 Kumāragupta (king of India) 403 !Kung 572, 573 Kurgan theory 703 kurios 454 Kush art 90–91 astronomy 124 building techniques and materials 151 ceramics and pottery 175 cities 204 crafts 285 death and burial practices 312 economy 345 empires and dynasties 390–391 employment and labor 426 government organization 510 household goods 562 illumination 584 metallurgy 678 migration and population movements 691, 696, 697 military 725–726 religion and cosmology 834 scandals and corruption 909–910 science 924 social collapse and abandonment 999–1000 sports and recreation 1047 storage and preservation 1062 trade and exchange 1096 war and conquest 1123– 1125 Kushite pharaohs 1124–1125 Kwanzaa drama and theater 329 festivals 462 Kyūshū, Japan ceramics and pottery 179 climate and geography 250 L labor See employment and labor laborers 349 labor tax 351 Laertius, Diogenes 171 Lago de Nicaragua 267 Lahun, El- 964 Lamashtu 191 lamassus 214 laments 645 Lamian War 413 lamps household goods 562, 568, 569 illumination 585–591, 586f, 589f, 591f land 343, 348, 365, 368 land boundaries 23 land bridge exploration 445–446 migration and population movements 720 landholdings, agricultural 39 landmarks 952–955, 960 land navigation 257–258 landowners agriculture 43 borders and frontiers 142 employment and labor 431 settlement patterns 972 social organization 1012, 1020, 1036, 1037 land redistribution 348–349 landslide 780 land surveying 1174–1175 land use and allocation 343 language 609–621 Africa 609–611, 610f Americas 619–620 Asia and the Pacific 613– 615, 614f Egypt 611–612 Europe 615–617 Greece 617–618, 617f inventions 594–595 Middle East 612–613, 613f migration and population movements 690 Rome 618–619 writing 1184 Lanzón 121–122 Laozi 848, 849 lapis lazuli 743, 746 Lapita culture 316 Lapps 689 laquer 102 Lascaux Cave art 106 textiles and needlework 1080