INDEX Trent, Council of 9–11, 246–7 Trinity 329 truths of reason vs truths of fact 195 Tuăbingen University 111 tuna fish 15 tutiorism 255 Tyndale, William vision 76, 217–8 Vitoria, Francisco de 248–9 vivacity 152–3 Voltaire (F.M Arouet) 74, 91–4 voluntary vs free 221–2 vortices 171 vulgar, the 89 understanding 214 understanding vs will 30 understanding vs reason 158, 164, 241 uneasiness 222–3 universal consent 133 univocity 182 uprightness 270 Urban VIII, Pope 25 usury 249–51 utility 87 Utopia 275–81 wager, Pascal’s 308–9 war & peace 108, 266, 280, 302 war of all against all 45, 283–4 wars, just & unjust 281–3 wax 135 weight 169, 219 will, freedom of: see freewill will, general, 296–300 William III, King 53 Wilson, Thomas 11 witcraft 11 Wolff, Christian 97–8 women 33, 96, 274, 277–9, 288 Wordsworth, William 69 world state 301 world-spirit 116, 245, 301–2 vacuum 55, 170, 173 Venus, phases of 23 verification 32 Vespasian 319 Vespucci, Amerigo 276 Vico, Giambattista 112 356 Zwingli, Ulrich