Note:Changesarecalculatedrelativetothe correspondingperiodinthepreviousyear.Updated:April16,2013Page1of5 ManitobaEconomicHighlights EconomicOverview RealGrossDomesticProduct Manitoba’s real GDP growth rate is estimated at 2.2% in 2012, based on Manitoba Finance’s survey of economic forecasts. ThesurveyforecaststhattheManitobaGDP willgrow1.9%in2013and2.3%in2014. Manitoba’s real GDP increased by 2.2% in 2011 following a 2.3% increase in 2010, according to the Manitoba Bureau of Statistics Manitoba has the second best average annual GDP growth over the last five years (2007‐2012f) at 2.1% and ahead of Canada 1.1%. ConsumerPriceIndex In 2013 (year‐to‐date (y‐t‐d)), the Manitoba CPI increased 1.7%, tenth among provinces andaboveCanadaat0.9%. Tobacco & alcohol, shelter and household operationsboostedoverallconsumerprices, while health & personal care costs, clothing and recreation,educationand reading costs easedpressureonprices. Manitoba CPI increased 1.6% in 2012, the fifth lowest among provinces and similar to the1.5%increaseforCanada. LabourMarket Employment In the first three months of 2013, employment increased 1.8% or 11,200 jobs while the labour force expanded 1.3% or 8,500newentrants. In the first three months of 2013, full‐time employment increased by 1.6% (8,000) and Inthefirstthreemonthsof2013, employmentwasup11,200jobswith 8,000full‐timeand3,200part‐timejobs generated. In2012allareahousingstartsincreased 19.1%,almosttwiceCanada’s10.8% increaseandthirdbestnationally.Starts reached7,242units,thehighestsince 1987. ThevalueofManitobabuildingpermits increased34.9%in2012,threetimes Canada’s9.3%increaseandthebest nationally,reaching$2.5billion. AnnualsalesinManitobaaerospaceparts nowexceed$1billionandtheaerospace partsindustryaccountsfor8%oftotal manufacturingsalesintheprovince. AsofJuly1,2012,Manitoba'smedianage was37.6years,thethirdlowestamong provinces,andbelowthenationallevelof 40.0 y ears. RealGDP(%Change) Source:ManitobaBureauofStatisticsand; ManitobaFinance,surveyofeconomicforecasters. ‐4 ‐3 ‐2 ‐1 0 1 2 3 4 2009 2010 2011 2012f 2013f Manitoba Canada Note:Changesarecalculatedrelativetothe correspondingperiodinthepreviousyear.Updated:April16,2013Page2of5 ManitobaEconomicHighlights part‐time employment increased 2.6% (3,200). In 2012, Manitoba’s employment increased 0.9%andManitoba’slabourforceexpanded 0.8%. In 2012, Manitoba’s employment growth ranked sixth highest among provinces. UnemploymentRate In the first three months of 2013, Manitoba’s unemployment rate was 5.0%, thirdlowestamongprovincesandbelowthe 7.2%nationalaverage. In2012,Manitoba’sunemploymentratewas 5.3%,thirdlowestbehindSaskatchewanand Alberta. The youth unemployment rate was 11.0%,thethirdlowestinCanada. Over the past 13 years, Manitoba’s unemployment rate has averaged 2.2 percentagepointsbelowCanada. AverageWeeklyEarnings InJanuary 2013,averageweeklyearningsin Manitoba were up 1.6%, eight among provincesandabovethenationalincreaseof 2.8%. In 2012, average weekly earnings in Manitoba were up 2.7%, tied for seventh among provinces and above the national increaseof2.5%. Population As of January 1, 2013, Manitoba’s population stood at 1,274,279 a one‐year increase of 14,904 persons, a one year increase of 1.2%. This is the fourth consecutive 12 month period of population growthaheadofthenationalrate. As of July 1, 2012, Manitoba's median age was 37.6 years, the third lowest among provinces, and below the national level of 40.0years. NetMigration For the year ending January 1, 2012, 9,116 morepeoplemovedtoManitobathanleft. Duringthesameperiod,netinternationalin‐ migration totalled 11,223 and net inter‐ provincial out‐migration totalled 3,926. Naturalincreasetotalled5,788. EconomicActivity ManufacturingSales In 2013 (y‐t‐d), Manitoba manufacturing sales decreased 0.4%, the same as the national decrease and ranked sixth among provinces. Sales of wood, chemicals, electrical products, printing, plastics and rubber, machinery, food, and aerospace parts are leading growth while fabricated metals, transportation equipment and non‐ metallicmineralslaggrowth. In 2012, Manitoba manufacturing sales increased1.4%comparedtoa3.5%national increase and ranked sixth among provinces withsevenof11sub‐sectorsadvancing. Employment(%Change) 2012 2013(ytd) Manitoba TotalEmployment 0.9 1.8 Full‐Time 1.1 1.6 Part‐Time Canada 0.1 2.6 TotalEmployment 1.2 1.6 Note:Changesarecalculatedrelativetothe correspondingperiodinthepreviousyear.Updated:April16,2013Page3of5 ManitobaEconomicHighlights Annual sales in Manitoba aerospace parts now exceed $1 billion and the industry accountsfor8%oftotalmanufacturingsales intheprovince. FarmCashReceipts Inthefirstthreequartersof2012,Manitoba farm cash receipts are up 1.0%. Crop receipts decreased 2.5% due to declines in oilseeds14.8%andwheatreceipts58.6%. Livestock receipts were up 4.0% with strength across all components, hogs up 2.9%andcattleup5.4%. Direct payments, which include insurance and various types of income supports, increased8.5%. Crop production rebounded in 2012, from twoyearsoffloodingandbadweather,with increases in all crops: wheat 76%, canola 20%, corn forgrain97%,soybeans84%and barley137%. In2011,Manitobacashreceiptsincreasedto $4.9 billion. Manitoba’s 2.2% increase was thesecondlowestamongprovinces. RetailSales In 2013 (y‐t‐d), Manitoba retail sales increased by 1.6% compared to a 2.9% national decrease and ranked seventh amongprovinces. Inthefirsttwomonthsof2013,newmotor vehicleunitsaleswereup5.8%,best among provinces and above the national decline of 3.1%.In2012newmotorvehiclesaleswere up 7.6%, sixth among provinces and better thanthenationalincreaseof5.9%. In 2012, Manitoba retail sales increased 1.4%, below the Canadian increase of 2.4% andseventhbestamongprovinces. 2012 retail sales rose on the strength of furniture5.5%,departmentstore sales4.5%, clothing 4.2% and sporting goods sales up 3.9% – sales of electronics and appliances were down 6.4%, personal services down 2.7%,andgasolinesalesdeclined1.8%. Investment Statistics Canada’s Private and Public Investment Survey released February 2013 projected Manitoba’s capital investment to increase 8.5%, above the Canadian increase of1.7%. Manitoba’s private investment is projected to increase 6.3% and public investment to increase12.9%. FarmCashReceipts(%Change) 2011 2012(ytd) Canola (1.0) (17.0) Wheat 6.5 (58.6) Hogs 13.3 2.9 Cattle (5.2) 5.4 TotalFarmCash 2.2 1.0 LeadingIndustrieswithStrongest GrowthManufacturingSales(%Change) 2011 2012 Wood ‐2.0 19.8 Aerospaceparts 9.1 16.2 Machinery 24.2 10.9 TotalSales 6.21.4 Note:Changesarecalculatedrelativetothe correspondingperiodinthepreviousyear.Updated:April16,2013Page4of5 ManitobaEconomicHighlights A number of major investment projects are currently underway, including, IKEA at the Seasons of Tuxedo shopping complex, and thestadiumatUniversityofManitoba. Manitoba’s capital investment for 2012 was reviseduptoa9.7%increase,fromthe4.7% increaseforecastlastFebruary. Manitoba’s total capital investments increased to a record $12.3 billion in 2012. Private investment increased 4.9% while publiccapitalinvestmentincreased21.1%. From 2006 to 2011, Manitoba private investmenthasincreased by 34% compared to a 14% national increase. Over the same period, Manitoba total investment has increased 45% compared to a 22% national increase. HousingStarts In 2012, Manitoba all area housing starts increased 19.1% almost double the 10.8% national increase and the third best growth among provinces. Manitoba starts reached 7,242 units, the highest level since 1987. Single starts were up 8.8% (4,169 units – now the highest since 1987) and multiples increased 36.5% (3,073 units also the best since1987). Inthefirstthreemonthsof2013,Manitoba urban area housing starts increased 21.0%, fourth best among provinces and better thanthe17.0%nationaldecline.Singlestarts were up 5.0% and multiples starts are up 36.9%.Urbanhousingstartsrepresentabout 70%ofallstartsintheprovince. Manitoba all area housing starts increased 3.3%in2011to6,083 units,higherthanthe 2.1% national increase. Single starts were down 3.6% (3,831 units) while multiples wereup17.8%(2,252units). In 2012, total and multiple starts were at theirhighestlevelsince1987. Manitoba’sgrowthinhousingstartsin2011 was fifth highest among provinces and abovethenationalaverage. Manitoba urban area housing starts increased 18.1% in 2012 to 4,910 units, the highest level since 1987. Manitoba urban housing starts growth was above the national increase of 11.0%. Single starts were up 4.3% (2,502 units) while multiples were up 36.9% (2,408 units) the highest levelsince1987. BuildingPermits Inthefirsttwomonthsof2013,thevalueof Manitoba building permits increased 21.6%, betterthan Canada’s7.5%decline andthird nationally. Manitoba residential permits increased (15.6%) and non‐residential permits increased (31.2%). Non‐residential building permits were supported by: industrial permits (30.5%); commercial permits (27.6%);andinstitutional permits(44.7%). Total permits in Winnipeg increased 35.8% while outside of Winnipeg they declined 14.3%. In 2012, the value of Manitoba building permitsincreased34.9%,thehighestgrowth HousingStarts(AllAreas)(%Change) Manitoba Canada 2009 (24.6) (29.4) 2010 41.1 27.4 2011 3.3 2.1 2012 19.1 10.8 Note:Changesarecalculatedrelativetothe correspondingperiodinthepreviousyear.Updated:April16,2013Page5of5 ManitobaEconomicHighlights among provinces and above the national increaseof9.3%. Bankruptcies InJanuary2013,businessbankruptcieswere up 66.7% in Manitoba, and ranked eighth. Business bankruptcies are down 12.7% in Canada. In January 2013, consumer bankruptcies were down 13.7% in Manitoba, tied for secondwithAlberta.Consumerbankruptcies areup0.8%inCanada. In 2012, business bankruptcies were down 40.0% in Manitoba, more than three times better than Canada, down 11.2%, and best nationally. In 2012, consumer bankruptcies were down 15.7% in Manitoba, almost double Canada’s decline of 8.3%, and fourth best among provinces. ForeignMerchandiseExports In the first two months of 2013, Manitoba exports increased 1.1%, while Canadian exportsweredown0.8%. Inthefirst twomonths of2013,Manitoba’s U.S. exports increased 3.8% while non‐U.S. exportsweredown4.4%. In 2012, Manitoba exports declined 4.8%, while Canadian exports were up 2.0%. Manitoba U.S. exports were up 4.5% and Manitoba’snon‐U.S.exportsdeclined19.1%. Hydro‐ElectricitySales Inthefirsttwomonthsof2013,thevalueof hydro sales increased 14.3% with a 14.7% increase in domestic sales being further supported by a 11.1% increase in export sales. Exports to other Canadian provinces .increased3.1%whileU.S.exportsadvanced 13.1%. In 2012, the value of hydro sales declined 2.8% with a 0.9% drop in domestic sales being further reduced by a 9.3% decline in exportsales. ForeignMerchandiseExports (%Change) 2012 2013 (ytd) AllCountries ‐4.81.1 U.S. 4.53.8 Non‐U.S. ‐19.1‐4.4 ManitobaFinance EconomicandFiscalAnalysisBranch,Taxation, EconomicandIntergovernmentalFiscal ResearchDivision‐(204)945‐3757 Director:NarendraBudhia Manager:JeffPowell Analyst:RobbBalacko Analyst:StephenVerhaeghe Pleaseclickoneconomicstatistics toviewthedata underlyingthisreport. Note:The2013ManitobaBudget isavailableat: ManitobaBudgetApril16,2013