Translating Idioms
Eric Wehrli °
Laboratoire d'analyse et de technologie du langage
University of Geneva
This paper discusses the treatment of fixed word
expressions developed for our ITS-2 French-
English translation system. This treatment
makes a clear distinction between compounds
- i.e. multiword expressions of X°-level in
which the chunks are adjacent - and idiomatic
phrases - i.e. multiword expressions of phrasal
categories, where the chunks are not necessar-
ily adjacent. In our system, compounds are
handled during the lexical analysis, while id-
ioms are treated in the syntax, where they are
treated as "specialized lexemes". Once rec-
ognized, an idiom can be transfered accord-
ing to the specifications of the bilingual dic-
tionary. We will show several cases of trans-
fer to corresponding idioms in the target lan-
guage, or to simple lexemes. The complete sys-
tem, including several hundreds of compounds
and idioms can be consulted on the Internet
(ht tp ://
1 Introduction
Multiword expressions (henceforth MWE), are
known to constitute a serious problem for nat-
ural language processing (NLP) 1. In the case
of translation, a proper treatment of MWE is
a fundamental requirement, as few customers
would tolerate a literal translation of such com-
mon expressions as entrer en vigueur 'to come
into effect', mettre en oeuvre 'to implement',
faire preuve 'to show' or faire connaissance 'to
meet '.
" I am grateful to Anne Vandeventer, Christopher Laen-
zlinger and Thierry Etchegoyhen for helpful comments.
Part of the work described in this paper has been sup-
ported by a grant from CTI (grant no 2673.1).
zCf. Abeill~ & Schabes (1989), Arnold
et al.
Laporte (1988), Schenk (1995), Stock (1989), among
However, a simple glance at some of the cur-
rent commercial translation systems shows that
none of them can be said to handle MWEs in an
appropriate fashion. As a matter of fact, some
of them explicitely warn their users not to use
multiword expressions.
In this paper, we will first stress some fun-
damental properties of two classes of MWEs,
compounds and idioms, and then present the
treatment of idioms developed for our French-
English ITS-2 translation system (cf. Ram-
luckun & Wehrli, 1993).
2 Compounds and idioms
A two-way partition of MWEs in (i) compounds
and (ii) idioms is both convenient and theo-
retically well-motivated 2. Compounds are de-
fined as MWEs of X°-level (ie. word level), in
which the chunks are adjacent, as exemplified in
(1), while "idiomatic expressions" correspond to
MWEs of phrasal level, where chunks may not
be adjacent, and may undergo various syntactic
operations, as exemplified in (2-3).
(1)a. pomme de terre 'potato'
b. ~ cause de 'because of'
c. d~s lors que 'as soon as'
The compounds given in (1) function, respec-
tively, as noun, preposition and conjunction.
They correspond to a single unit, both syntac-
tically and semantically. In contrast, idiomatic
expressions do not generally constitute fixed,
closed syntactic units. They do, however, be-
have as semantic units. For instance the com-
plex syntactic expression casser du sucre sur le
dos de quelqu'un, literally break some sugar on
~This distinction between compounds and idioms is
also discussed in Wehrli (1997)
somebody's back
is essentially synonymous with
Jean a forc~ la main ~ Luc.
Jean has forced the hand to Luc
'Jean twisted Luc's hand'
b. C'est ~ Luc que Jean a forc~ la main.
It is to Luc that Jean has forced the
'It is Luc's hand that Jean has twisted'
c. C'est & Luc que Paul pretend que Jean
a voulu forcer la main.
It is to Luc that Paul claims that Jean
has wanted to force the hand
'It is Luc's hand that Paul claims that
Jean has wanted to force'
d. La main semble lui avoir ~t~ un peu
The hand hand seems to him to have
been a little forced
'His hand seems to have been some-
what twisted'
The idiom illustrated in (2) is typical of a
very large class of idioms based on a verbal
head. Syntactically, such idioms correspond to
verb phrases, with a fixed direct object argu-
(la main,
in our example) and an open
indirect object argument. Notice that this verb
phrase is completely regular in its syntactic be-
haviour. In particular, it can can undergo syn-
tactic operations such as adverbial modification,
raising, passive, dislocation, etc., as examplified
in (2b-d).
With example (3), we have a much less com-
mon pattern, since the subject argument of
the verb constitutes a chunk of the expression.
Here, again, various operations are possible, in-
cluding passive and raising ~
(3)a. Quelle mouche a piqu~ Paul?
'What has gotten to Paul?'
b. Quelle mouche semble l'avoir pique?
'What seems to have gotten to him'
c. Je me demande par quelle mouche Paul
a ~t~ pique.
'I wonder what's gotten to him'
3Another interesting example of idiom with fixed sub-
ject is
la moutarde monte au nez de NP ("NP looses his
discussed in Abeille and Schabes (1989).
The extent to which expressions can undergo
modifications and other syntactic operations
can vary tremendously from one expression to
the next, and in the absence of a general ex-
planation for this fact, each expression must be
recorded with the llst of its particular properties
and constraints 4.
Given the categorial distinction (X ° vs. XP)
and other fundamental differences sketched
above, compounds and idioms are treated very
differently in our system. Compounds are sim-
ply listed in the lexicon as complex lexical units.
As such, their identification belongs to the lexi-
cal analysis component. Once a compound has
been recognized, its treatment in the ITS-2 sys-
tem does not differ in any interesting way from
the treatment of simple words.
While idiomatic expressions must also be
listed in the lexicon, their entries are far more
complex than the ones of simple or compound
words (cf. section 3.2). As for their identifica-
tion, it turns out to be a rather complex oper-
ation, which cannot be reliably carried out at a
superficial level of representation. As we saw in
the above examples, idiom chunks can be found
far away from the (verbal) head with which they
constitute an expression; they can also be mod-
ified in various ways, and so on. Preprocessing
idioms, for instance during the lexical analysis,
might therefore lead to lengthy, inefficient or un-
reliable treatments. We will argue that in order
to drastically simplify the task of identifying id-
ioms, it is necessary to undo whatever syntac-
tic operations they might have undergone. To
put it differently, idioms can best be recognized
on the basis of a normalized structure, a struc-
ture in which constituents occur in their canon-
position. In a generative grammar frame-
work, normalized structures correspond to D-
structure representations. At that level, for in-
stance, the four sentences in (2), share the com-
mon structure in (4).
(4) [
forcer [
la main] [
X] ]
As we will show in the next section, our treat-
ment of idiomatic expression takes advantage of
4See for instance Nunberg
et aL
(1994), Ruwct
(1983), Schenk (1995) or Segond and Breidt (1996) for a
discussion on the degree of ficxibility of idioms and (in
the first two) interesting attempts to connect syntactic
flexibility to semantic transparency
the drastic normalization process that our GB-
based parser carries out.
3 A sketch of the translation process
In this section, we will show how idioms are
handled in the French-to-English ITS-2 trans-
lation system, a transfer-based translation sys-
tem which uses GB-style D-structure represen-
tations as interface structures. The general ar-
chitecture of the system is given in figure 1 be-
Lexical /
",,~ Database i-'""
Transfer component~/~
Figure 1. Architecture of ITS-2
For concreteness, we shall first focus on the
epinonymous idiom given in (5):
(5)a. Paul a cass~ sa pipe.
lit. 'Paul has broken his pipe'
b. Paul kicked the bucket.
Translation of (5a) is a three-step process:
• Identification of source idiom
• Transfer of idiom
• Generation of target idiom
3.1 Idiom identification
As we argued in the previous section, the task of
identifying an idiom is best accomplished at the
abstract level of representation (D-structure).
ITS-2 uses the IPS parser
Wehrli, 1992,
1997), which produces the structure (6) for the
input (5a) 5:
~In example 6, we use the following syntactic labels :
TP (Tense Phrase) for sentences, VP for verb phrases,
DP for Determiner Phrases, NP for Noun Phrases, and
PP for Prepositional Phrases.
(6) [ Tt' [ DP Paul] [ y a [ vp cass~ [ DP sa
[ NP pipe [ pp eli]I]]
At this point, the structure is completely gen-
eral, and does not contain any specification of
idioms. The idiom recognition procedure is trig-
gered by the "head of idiom" lexical feature as-
sociated with the head
This feature is
associated with all lexical items which are heads
of idioms in the lexical database.
The task of the recognition procedure is (i) to
retrieve the proper idiom, if any
be the head of several idioms), and (ii) to verify
that all the constraints associated with that id-
iom are satisfied. Idioms are listed in the lexical
database as roughly illustrated in (6)6:
(7)a. casser sa pipe
'to kick the bucket'
b. 1: [ ] 2: [ casser] 3: [
c. 1. [+human]
2. [-passive]
3. [+literal,-extraposition]
Idiom entries specify (a) the canonical form
of the idiom (mostly for reference purposes), (b)
the syntactic frame with an ordered list of con-
stituents, and (c) the list of constraints associ-
ated with each of the constituents.
In our (rather simple) example, the lexical
constraints associated with the idiom (7) state
that the head is a transitive lexeme whose di-
rect object has the fixed form "POSS
where POSS stands for a possessive deter-
miner coreferential with the external argument
of the head (i.e. the subject). Furthermore,
the subject constituant bears the feature [+hu-
man], the head is marked as [-passive], mean-
ing that this particular idiom cannot be pas-
sivized. Finally, the object is also marked [÷lit-
eral, -extraposition], which means that the di-
rect object constituent cannot be modified in
any way (not even pluralized), and cannot be
The structure in (7) satisfies all those con-
straints, provided that the possessive
6See Walther & Wehrll (1996) for a discussion of the
structure of the lexical database underlying the ITS-2
uniquely to
Paul T.
It should be noticed that
even though an idiom has been recognized in
sentence (6), it also has a semantically well-
formed literal meaning. Running ITS-2 in inter-
active mode, the user would be asked whether
the sentence should be taken literaly or as an ex-
pression. In automatic mode, the idiom reading
takes precedence over the literal interpretation s .
3.2 Transfer and generation
of idioms
Once properly identified, an idiom will be trans-
fered as any other abstract lexical unit. In
other words, an entry in our bilingual lexicon
has exactly the same form no matter whether
the correspondance concerns simple lexemes or
idioms. The corresponding target language lex-
eme might be a simple or a complex abstract
lexical unit. For instance, our bilingual lexical
database contains, among many others, the fol-
lowing correspondances:
avoir besoin de X need X
casser sa pipe kick the bucket
faire la connaissance de X meet X
avoir envie feel like
quelle mouche a piqu~ what has gotten
The generation of target language idioms fol-
lows essentially the same pattern as the gener-
ation of simple lexemes. The general pattern
of generation in ITS-2 is the following: first, a
maximal projection structure (XP) is projected
on the basis of a lexical head and of the lexical
specification associated with it. Second, syn-
tactic operations apply on the resulting struc-
ture (extraposition, passive, etc.) triggered ei-
ther by lexical properties or general features
transfered from the source sentence. For in-
stance, the lexical feature [+raising] associated
with a predicate would trigger a raising trans-
formation (NP movement from the embedded
subject position to the relevant subject posi-
tion). Subject-Auxiliary inversion, topicaliza-
tion, auxiliary verb insertion are all examples
of syntactic transformations triggered by gen-
eral features, derived from the source sentence.
7Given a proper context, the sentence could be con-
strued with
referring to some other person, say Bill.
8Such a heuristic seems to correspond to normal us-
age, which would avoid formulation (Sa) to state that
'Paul has broken someone's pipe'.
The first step of the generation process pro-
duces a target language D-structure, while the
second step derives S-structure representations.
Finally, a morphological component will de-
termine the precise orthographical/phonological
form of each lexical head.
In the case of target language idioms, the
general pattern applies with few modifications.
Step 1 (projection of D-structure) is based on
the lexical representation of the idiom (which
specifies the complete syntactic pattern of the
idiom, as we have pointed out earlier), and pro-
duces structure (8a). Step 2, which only con-
cerns the insertion of perfective auxiliary in po-
sition T °, derives the S-structure (8b). Finally,
the morphological component derives sentence
(8)a. [Tp [DPPaul] [vpkick [vl~the [
bucket] ] ] ]
b. [Tp [DPPaul] [Thave [vpkick [
the [ bucket] ] ] ] ]
c. Paul has kicked the bucket.
In this paper, we have argued for a distinct
treatment of compounds, viewed as complex
lexical units of X°-level category, and of idioms,
which are phrasal constructs. While compounds
can be easily processed during the lexical anal-
ysis, idiomatic expressions are best handled at
a more abstract level of representation, in our
case, the D-structure level produced by the
parser. The task of recognition must be based
on a detailed formal description of each idiom,
a lengthy, sometimes tedious but unavoidable
task. We have then shown that, once prop-
erly identified, idioms can be transfered like any
other abstract lexical unit. Finally, given the
fully-specified lexical description of idioms, gen-
eration of idiomatic expressions can be achieved
without ad hoc machinery.
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. syntactic
operations, as exemplified in (2-3).
(1)a. pomme de terre 'potato'
b. ~ cause de 'because of'
c. d~s lors que 'as