COFFEEͳBREAK ORIGAMI 18 Hold the two units together with your left hand and position the third unit as shown with your right hand Connect the right unit to the front left unit using a method similar to that done in step 15 19 Swing the right unit to the left, 20 Connect the single unit on the holding the units together in your left hand right to the front unit of the group on the left by using a method similar to that done in steps 18–19 Follow this procedure in order to connect all remaining single units to the group 43 21 Let go of all the units 22 Connect the two front 23 Position the two front 24 Arrange the units so except the front one allowing the back unit to swing around to the front units by a method similar to that done in step 15 units closer to each other Make sure that you have pushed all the pointy flaps into the pockets of the large flaps as far as possible that they are equidistant Rotate the model onequarter turn clockwise to the position shown in the next step 26 Directing your breath at the top of your Twirlie, blow on it and it will spin around your pencil Experiment by folding Twirlie from different color combinations 25 Insert a pencil (that does not have a point) into the hole that is formed by the connected units Ori for Busy People_INT 00-96 27jul.indd 43 7/27/11 3:55:48 PM