Intermediate Trigon Created by Marcia Joy Miller Trigon is a triangular sculpture that may be displayed on a table or used as a hanging ornament It is a modular design made from only three units You can make each unit during a coffee break and connect them during another coffee break PAPER: Create the model from the three sheets of designated folding paper included in the back of the book on pages 115-120 You can also use three 6-inch squares of origami paper or medium weight paperbacked foil After you are experienced with the model, you can also fold it from 3-inch squares of origami paper or medium weight paper-backed foil Start with a completed Squash fold the right flap Preliminary Base (If you are using the included folding paper, begin the Preliminary Base with the solid-color side facing you.) Mountain fold the bottom of the flap into the model Repeat behind Turn the model over from side to side BASIC TECHNIQUES: See Chapter for the Squash Fold and Preliminary Base exercises Tuck the top of the double layer under the triangular flap Make two more units Repeat steps 2–3 on the right flap Ori for Busy People_INT 00-96 27jul.indd 44 from different colors Make the indicated mountain crease on each unit 7/27/11 3:55:53 PM