Beginner Noisemaker Created by Marcia Joy Miller Noisemaker is a fun toy with an interesting shape that can create quite a racket! PAPER: For a model that produces the most sound, use a 5½-inch square of medium weight bond paper Start with a completed Fold the right corners to Pinwheel Base Turn the model over from side to side so that it is in the position shown in the next step the leftmost vertical folded edge Unfold Repeat with the left corners Turn the model over from side to side so that it is in the position shown in the next step BASIC TECHNIQUES: See Chapter for the Pinwheel exercise Fold the upper raw edge to Fold the right flap Ori for Busy People_INT 00-96 27jul.indd 50 the top edge Repeat with the lower raw edge The model is now three-dimensional outward on the existing crease Fold the left flap outward on the existing crease Mountain fold the right Hold each of the flaps as portion behind the model and then unfold to a right angle (90°) with respect to the back of the model Repeat on the left indicated Repeatedly, in a rapid manner, move the flaps away from each other and then toward each other 7/27/11 3:56:12 PM