Terell’s Taste Buds A Reading A–Z Level H Leveled Book Word Count: 192 LEVELED BOOK • H Terell’s Taste Buds Written by Alyse Sweeney Illustrated by Angela-Kamstra-Jacobson Visit www.readinga-z.com for thousands of books and materials www.readinga-z.com Terell’s Taste Buds Written by Alyse Sweeney Illustrated by Angela Kamstra-Jacobson www.readinga-z.com Terell was a fussy eater He ate the same thing every day Terrell’s Taste Buds • Level H He ate cereal and a banana for breakfast Terell was a fussy eater He ate a peanut butter and grape He ate the same thing every day jelly sandwich for lunch Terrell’s Taste Buds • Level H He ate pasta with butter and cheese for dinner But Terell’s eating habits were about to change Terrell’s Taste Buds • Level H He ate pasta with butter and cheese for dinner But Terell’s eating habits were about to change Terrell’s Taste Buds • Level H It happened one Thanksgiving Terell looked at all the food He saw that there was no pasta with butter and cheese! Terrell’s Taste Buds • Level H Terell looked at all the food He saw that there was no pasta The family started to pass the turkey with butter and cheese! and mashed potatoes Terrell’s Taste Buds • Level H They passed the beans and baked apples They passed the stuffing and sweet potatoes Terrell’s Taste Buds • Level H They passed the beans “G randma Kay,” Terell said and baked apples “D o you have any pasta with butter They passed the stuffing and cheese?” he asked and sweet potatoes Terrell’s Taste Buds • Level H “No,” she said 10 “I have a gift for you,” she told him “You must taste all the food to get it,” she said Terell didn’t want to taste the food Terrell’s Taste Buds • Level H 11 “I have a gift for you,” she told him But he did want a gift “You must taste all the food to get it,” He put some food in his mouth she said Then, he tasted this food and Terell didn’t want to taste the food that food Terrell’s Taste Buds • Level H 11 12 “Yum!” he shouted Terrell’s Taste Buds • Level H 13 “I t looks like your taste buds are now awake,” said Grandma Kay “Yum!” he shouted Terrell’s Taste Buds • Level H “This is my gift to you!” 13 14 Terell never forgot that Thanksgiving Now his taste buds try everything Terrell’s Taste Buds • Level H 15 Glossary breakfast the first meal of the (n.) day (p 4) dinner (n.) the main meal of the day (p 5) fussy (adj.) hard to please (p 3) habits the usual way of (n.) acting or doing something (p 5) lunch (n.) Terell never forgot that Thanksgiving taste buds the sense organs (n.) on the tongue that give information about the taste of food being eaten (p.14) Now his taste buds try everything Terrell’s Taste Buds • Level H 15 a meal in the middle of the day (p 4) 16 Terell’s Taste Buds A Reading A–Z Level H Leveled Book Word Count: 192 LEVELED BOOK • H Terell’s Taste Buds Written by Alyse Sweeney Illustrated by Angela-Kamstra-Jacobson Visit www.readinga-z.com for thousands of books and materials www.readinga-z.com Terell’s Taste Buds Written by Alyse Sweeney Illustrated by Angela Kamstra-Jacobson www.readinga-z.com Terell’s Taste Buds Level H Leveled Book © Learning A–Z Written by Alyse Sweeney Illustrated by Angela Kamstra-Jacobson All rights reserved www.readinga-z.com Correlation LEVEL H Fountas & Pinnell H Reading Recovery 13–14 DRA 14