Families A Reading A–Z Level I Leveled Book Word Count: 313 LEVELED BOOK • I Families Family Tree Chart Written by Francis Morgan Visit www.readinga-z.com for thousands of books and materials www.readinga-z.com Families Written by Francis Morgan www.readinga-z.com Your family members are your relatives You can have many relatives Grandparents, parents, brothers, sisters, aunts, uncles, and cousins are all relatives Families • Level I Grandparents Paternal grandfather Paternal grandmother Father The parents of your mother and Your family members father are your grandparents are your relatives You have two grandfathers You can have many relatives One is your father’s father Grandparents, parents, brothers, He is called your paternal grandfather sisters, aunts, uncles, and cousins The other is your mother’s father are all relatives He is called your maternal grandfather Families • Level I Grandparents Maternal grandfather Maternal grandmother Parents Mother Me You have two grandmothers One is your father’s mother She is your paternal grandmother The other is your mother’s mother She is your maternal grandmother Families • Level I Sometimes people’s grandparents die before they get to know them Grandparents Maternal grandfather Maternal grandmother Parents Great-Grandparents Mother Grandparents Me Parents You have two grandmothers Father One is your father’s mother She is your paternal grandmother The other is your mother’s mother Me She is your maternal grandmother Families • Level I Many people not get to know their great-grandparents Great-grandparents are the parents of your grandparents Great-Grandparents Grandparents Mother Families • Level I Many people not get to know their If your mother or father have great-grandparents brothers, these brothers are called Great-grandparents are the parents your uncles of your grandparents If your uncle is married, his wife is called your aunt Grandparents Great-Grandparents Grandparents Uncle Father Mother Mother Me Families • Level I Aunt my mother’s sister If your mother or father have sisters, these sisters are also called your aunts If your aunt is married, her husband is called your uncle Aunt Uncle Uncle my mother’s brother Families • Level I Aunt my mother’s sister If your mother or father have sisters, If your aunts and uncles have children, these sisters are also called your aunts these children are your cousins If your aunt is married, her husband If you have an older brother or sister is called your uncle who has children, you are an aunt or uncle to their children Uncle Father Aunt Aunt Mother Uncle Uncle my mother’s brother Aunt my mother’s sister Brotherin-law Me Nephew Families • Level I 10 Sister Niece Your brother’s or sister’s children who are boys are your nephews If the children are girls, they are your nieces Uncle Aunt Aunt Uncle Cousin Families • Level I Cousin Cousin 11 Your brother’s or sister’s children who Sometimes parents get married are boys are your nephews more than once If the children are girls, they are If your mother has a husband who is your nieces not your father, he is your stepfather If your father has a wife who is not your mother, she is your stepmother Uncle Aunt Aunt Uncle First wife of Stepfather Father Stepfather Mother Cousin Cousin Cousin Brother Me Families • Level I 11 12 If your stepmother or stepfather have children from a previous marriage, these children are your stepbrothers or stepsisters Stepsister Families • Level I Stepbrother Stepsister 13 If your stepmother or stepfather have If your father and stepmother have children from a previous marriage, children, these children are your these children are your stepbrothers half brothers or half sisters or stepsisters Stepfather Stepmother Mother Father Stepsister Stepbrother Half brother Stepsister Brother Me Families • Level I 13 14 The children of your mother and stepfather are also your half brothers or half sisters First wife of Stepfather Stepsister Half sister Families • Level I Half brother Stepbrother Stepsister Half sister 15 The children of your mother and Many people study the history stepfather are also your half brothers of their family or half sisters They show the family history on a diagram called a family tree Family Tree Chart First wife of Stepfather Stepsister Half sister Families • Level I Half brother Stepbrother Stepsister Half sister 15 16 Families A Reading A–Z Level I Leveled Book Word Count: 313 LEVELED BOOK • I Families Family Tree Chart Written by Francis Morgan Visit www.readinga-z.com for thousands of books and materials www.readinga-z.com Families Written by Francis Morgan Photo Credits: Page (great-grandfather, top left): © Exactostock/SuperStock; pages 12, 14 (stepfather): © iStockphotos.com/drbimages; page 15 (half-brother): © Andres Rodriguez/123RF; all other photos: © PhotoDisc Families Level I Leveled Book © Learning A–Z Written by Francis Morgan All rights reserved www.readinga-z.com www.readinga-z.com Correlation LEVEL I Fountas & Pinnell I Reading Recovery 15–16 DRA 16