Logic, methodology and philosophy of science VIII proceedings of the eighth international congress of logic, methodology and philosophy of science, and philosophy of science proceedings) ( PDFDrive ) 14
CONTENTS xiii FOUNDATIONS OF PROBABILITY AND STATISTICAL INFERENCE The Interface Between Statistics and the Philosophy of Science, I.J Good 393 Astronomical Improbability, I.J Hacking 413 Probability in Dynamical Systems, J von Pluto 427 FOUNDATIONS OF PHYSICAL SCIENCES An Axiomatic Basis as a Desired Form of a Physical Theory, G 447 Ludwig On Learning from the Mistakes of Positivists, G Nerlich 459 FOUNDATIONS OF BIOLOGICAL SCIENCES Evolution -Matter of Fact or Metaphysical Idea?, R Lother 481 Evolutionary Altruism and Psychological Egoism, E Sober 495 10 FOUNDATIONS OF PSYCHOLOGY AND COGNITIVE SCIENCES Vision and Mind, V.D Glezer 517 11 FOUNDATIONS OF SOCIAL SCIENCES 531 Rationality and Social Norms, J Elster On the Nature of a Social Order, I P o r n 553 12 FOUNDATIONS OF LINGUISTICS Informational Independence as a Semantical Phenomenon, J Hin571 tikka and G Sandu How Natural is Natural Language?, J.Koster 591