Index acidification and pollution 3:577–578 agricultural and industrial chemicals 3:575–576, 3:580–581, 3:581F comparison studies 3:582 ecosystem functions and processes 3:585 eutrophication 3:575F, 3:576–577, 3:576F, 3:581–582 food web manipulation 3:582–583 habitat alteration 3:573–574 hydrological cycle changes 3:574–575 Lake Fure, Denmark 3:575F, 3:581–582 organic pollution 3:575, 3:575F, 3:580–581, 3:581F research summary 3:585–586 resource and predatory controls 3:582–583 restoration and conservation programs 3:574 Secchi transparency 3:581–582 species richness 3:583–584 whole-lake studies 3:582 biological quality species declines 3:578–579, 3:579T species variability 3:578–579, 3:578F threatened species 3:579–580 characteristics biota origins and peculiarities 4:458–459 classifications 4:458–459 latitudinal gradients 4:459 species richness–lake size relationship 4:459–460 species richness–morphometry relationship 4:460 vertical distribution 4:459 conservation status 3:171–173T diversity estimations fish species 3:605–606, 3:606F, 3:607F, 4:460–461, 4:461T freshwater sediment species 4:460, 4:461T general discussion 4:460 plankton and microorganisms 4:460 ecosystem services 1:334T endangered freshwater invertebrates 3:176–187 anthropogenic impacts direct harvests 3:181 global climate change 3:181–182 habitat destruction/degradation 3:180–181, 3:180F introduced species 3:181 pollution 3:181, 3:181F causal factors 3:177, 3:177F diversity hot spots 3:176 global conservation status 3:176–177, 3:176T, 3:177F global distribution patterns 3:182–184, 3:182T global diversity 3:176 number of species 3:182–184, 3:182T protection strategies 3:184–187 small ranges causal factors 3:178 conservation status 3:177F dispersal ability 3:178F high endemic hot spots 3:178–179 high endemic species 3:179, 3:180F Lake Baikal 3:179, 3:183F narrowly endemic species 3:177–178, 3:177F, 3:179 vulnerability factors small ranges 3:177–178, 3:177F sparse populations 3:179–180 energy flow 3:242–243, 3:243F epilimnion 3:560, 4:374F eutrophication impacts biological consequences acidification 3:584–585, 3:584F comparison studies 3:582 ecosystem functions and processes 3:585 ecosystem structure and function 3:581–582 food web manipulation 3:582–583 Lake Fure, Denmark 3:575F, 3:581–582 resource and predatory controls 3:582–583 Secchi transparency 3:581–582 species richness 3:583–584 whole-lake studies 3:582 clean-up results 5:24 harmful algal blooms 3:356–358, 3:449, 3:575F, 3:576–577, 3:576F, 5:25 long-term human influences 3:354–356, 3:356F, 3:357F pollution 4:465–466 species diversity–lake functioning 4:462–463 species shifts 3:352–354, 3:353F fish species 3:243F, 3:444 freshwater invertebrates 4:369–378 background information 4:369–370 ecological functions and processes characteristics 4:375 decomposition and recycling 4:375 material transfer and uptake 4:375–376 primary production 4:376 global patterns 4:373 influencing factors disturbances 4:375 endemism 4:374–375 habitat heterogeneity 4:375 isolation factors 4:374–375 origins 4:374 research background 4:373–374 species interactions 4:375 life cycles 4:370, 4:372F major groups 4:370, 4:371T major habitats 4:369–370, 4:369F major threats altered water regimes 4:377–378 biodiversity loss 4:376–377 exotic species invasions 4:378 habitat depletion and loss 4:376–377 pollution 4:377 reduced water quality 4:377 number of species 4:370–371, 4:371T 715 river continuum concept (RCC) 4:373F taxonomic groups 4:371–373 zonal representatives 4:374F freshwater sediments 3:572T geographic distribution 4:370T grazer-based ecosystem restoration and management 4:15–16, 4:16F habitat diversity 3:570–571, 3:573–574 habitat loss and degradation 7:371T hypolimnion 3:560, 4:374F indicator species 4:255, 4:256F littoral zone 4:374F major threats competition for water 4:464 fisheries practices 4:465 habitat alteration 4:464–465 introduced species 4:378, 4:465 pollution 4:465–466 mean water depth 3:561F metalimnion 3:560, 4:374F nonextremeophilic Archaea 1:224T number of lakes 3:561F nutrient enrichment impacts 1:95–97, 1:96F, 3:351, 3:575F, 3:576–577, 3:576F physical characteristics 3:560–562 predation effects 6:233–235 protected area systems 5:444T, 6:494–498, 6:496F, 6:497F species diversity–lake functioning biodiversity–ecosystem stability relationship 4:462 biological productivity 4:462–463 characteristics 4:461–462 eutrophication 4:462–463 food webs 4:461–462 intra- and interspecies communication systems 4:462 top-down controls 4:462 species richness 3:572T, 3:583–584 trophic cascades 4:462, 7:260–261, 7:261F tropical Africa 1:54–55 water storage 3:560–562, 3:561T Lake Baikal ancient lakes species flocks characteristics 4:463T hydrothermal vents 4:459 invertebrates 4:464, 4:464T ecosystem characteristics 1:262–263T, 1:279 endemic species 3:179, 3:183F, 4:374–375 fish species 3:444 photosynthesis 3:560 Lake Fure, Denmark 3:575F, 3:581–582 Lake Gatun, Panama 6:233–235 Lake Hula 5:472–473, 5:474F, 5:475T Lake Ladoga ringed seal 5:81T Lake Leonard 1:276T Lake Nakaumi 1:276T Lake Okeechobee 7:372, 7:372F, 7:373F Lake Saimaa ringed seal 5:77T Lake Shinji 1:276T Lake Tanganyika 1:54–55 lake trout 1:10T, 1:12F, 6:153F Lake Victoria 1:54–55, 4:463–464, 4:463T, 4:465–466, 4:663