Index prediction models 2:634–635, 2:635T, 2:636F selection-based models 2:630–631 statistical tests 2:631 phylogenetic divergence amino acid replacement 2:634, 2:634T empirical research 2:634 evolutionary models 2:633 general discussion 2:632–633 nearly neutral theory 2:633 neutral theory 2:633 prediction models 2:634–635, 2:635T, 2:636F selection-based models 2:633–634 statistical tests 2:634 substitution process 2:632–633, 2:634T process mechanisms 2:627 mammalian evolution 4:685–686 prediction models 2:634–635, 2:635T, 2:636F research background 2:626–627 valuation measures 2:637 molecular toxicology 3:118 moles biotic relationships 1:710 characteristics 4:690–691 food webs 7:266F, 7:267T number of species 4:690T Molinia caerulea 1:142, 6:124–125 Mollicy Farms 7:153 mollies 3:467 Mollisols 6:123T Molluginaceae 2:374T Mollugo 2:376F Mollugo cerviana 2:373T Mollugo verticillata 2:373T Mollusca/molluscs 5:373–383 ancient lakes species flocks 4:464, 4:464T Antarctica 1:184T aquaculture 1:190T Cenozoic mass extinctions 5:176 Census of Marine Life project 2:7F classifications and sampling methods 4:381T, 5:382 convergent evolution 3:613, 3:615F coral reef ecosystems 2:332T ecology 5:380–381 endangered species 3:202T extinctions 3:202T, 4:659T feeding behaviors 5:380–381 fossil record 3:684F freshwater ecosystems 3:572T genetic diversity 3:665F global diversity 4:385T introduced species 1:82 known and estimated species 4:384T lake and pond ecosystems 4:371–373, 4:461T major groups Aplacophora 5:376, 5:376F Bivalvia/bivalves classifications 4:381T hydrothermal vent ecosystems 4:391, 7:328–329 physical characteristics 5:376–377, 5:377F sandy beaches 2:131–133 spatiotemporal distributions 5:373–374, 5:374F species diversity 4:386–387, 4:387F Cephalopoda physical characteristics 5:379–380, 5:380F spatiotemporal distributions 5:373–374, 5:374F Coeloscleritophora 5:374 Gastropoda classifications 4:381T physical characteristics 4:392, 5:379, 5:379F sandy beaches 2:131–133 spatiotemporal distributions 5:373–374, 5:374F species diversity 4:386–387, 4:386F, 4:387F, 4:388F Hyolitha physical characteristics 5:374, 5:375F spatiotemporal distributions 5:374F Monoplacophora physical characteristics 5:377–378, 5:377F spatiotemporal distributions 5:373–374, 5:374F phylogenetic relationships 5:374 Polyplacophora classifications 4:381T physical characteristics 5:375–376, 5:375F spatiotemporal distributions 5:373–374, 5:374F Rostroconchia physical characteristics 5:375, 5:375F spatiotemporal distributions 5:373–374, 5:374F Scaphopoda classifications 4:381T marine environments 4:382F physical characteristics 5:378–379, 5:378F spatiotemporal distributions 5:373–374, 5:374F mangrove ecosystems bivalves 5:17 intertidal gradient 4:337 meiofauna 5:18 number of species 5:20T snails 5:17–18, 5:17F marine ecosystems 5:50T, 5:106F mass extinctions 3:417–418 modern extinctions 5:368T mollusc–human interactions 5:381–382 Near East ecosystems 5:460T number of species 4:371T, 5:669–670T phylogenetic relationships 7:434F physical characteristics 4:392, 5:373 Proterozoic–Cambrian transition 3:396F river ecosystems 6:478–479, 6:478T sandy beaches 2:131–133 spatiotemporal distributions 5:373–374, 5:374F 741 species estimates 3:710T wetland ecosystems 7:389–391 Moloch horridus 2:471F Molossidae 6:309T Molothrus ater 4:490, 4:491F Molothrus bonairiensis 1:618 molting hormones 2:427 molt migration 5:312–313 Moluccas 1:514T Molytini 1:328 Momotidae 6:308T Monacha haifaensis 5:466–467 Monachus monachus 5:77T, 5:80 Monachus schauinslandi 5:77T Monachus tropicalis 3:191–192, 5:75 Monaco 6:519 Monarch butterflies 2:141–142, 3:222, 5:316, 5:396–397 Mongolia animal species 1:261T botanical gardens 6:519 cropland conversion 4:665T Development by Design (DbD) landscape-level conservation planning 2:498–500, 2:499F mineral leases 2:497F residual impact/optimal offset determinations 2:502–503F domesticated ruminants 1:702–703 ecosystems marshes 1:278–279 temperate grasslands 1:269 temperate semi-deserts and deserts 1:269–270 threatened species 1:278T vegetation types and coverage percentage 1:264–265T megaherbivores 5:224T plant species 1:259T urbanization 4:560F wheat production 1:87–88 Mongolian gazelles 3:191 Mongolian–Manchurian steppe 1:262–263T Mongolian wild horses 3:191 mongoose lemur 6:251 mongooses 1:77, 1:686, 4:359, 4:365–366, 4:690T, 4:693, 6:240–241 monilophytes 4:168–169 monitor lizards commercial exploitation 3:217, 6:411 mangrove ecosystems 5:13 monkey flower 6:625 monkey grasshoppers 3:733, 3:733F monkeys food habits 3:127T harvesting threats 2:590T introduced species 1:76–77 mangrove ecosystems 5:14 number of species 4:690T species diversity 4:692–693 tropical Africa 1:48–49 monk seals 2:356, 5:77T, 5:80 Monmonier’s maximum difference algorithm 4:511 Monoclonius 2:519T, 2:520T Monocotyle 7:448–449F