Index Trypanorhyncha 7:439–440T, 7:456–457F, 7:459–460 Trypanosoma brucei 6:293 Trypanosoma brucei brucei 5:672 Trypanosoma cruzi 7:292–293 trypanosomiasis 3:93 Tsavo National Park 5:234–236 tse tse flies 3:93, 3:489–491T Tsuga Asia 1:272–273 boreal forests 1:628–630 introduced species 4:361 North America 7:118 Tsuga diversifolia 1:273 Tsuga dumosa 1:272–273 Tsuga mertensiana 2:571 Tsuga sieboldii 1:271 Tsuga yunnanensis 1:272–273 Tuamotu sandpiper 7:184 Tuan, Yi-Fu 6:384 tuatara characteristics 6:401, 6:406 conservation status 3:216T, 3:217–218, 6:411 historical extinctions 5:367 Tubastraea floreana 3:202T tube-eye fish 3:466 tubenoses 7:181–182 tuberculosis 7:302–303 tubers East Asia 2:663 North and South America 2:663–664 Southeast Asia 2:663 Sub-Saharan Africa 2:663 tube worms chemosynthetic symbioses 5:120–121, 5:120F classifications 4:381T Tubifex tubifex 3:364 tubocurarine 5:711–713, 5:712T Tubulidentata 4:690T, 4:695 tucuman 4:286–287 tufted beardgrass 4:364 Tulipa 1:269 Tumbes 6:82T tumeric 2:663 tuna 3:447, 3:467–471, 6:422T tundra ecosystems biodiversity change scenarios 4:6F boreal forests 1:262–263T, 1:274–275 C4 plants 2:371T Canadian Shield 5:562 characteristics 6:330–331, 6:331F climate change studies 2:61F current global land cover 4:557F ecosystem function measurements 3:77F Europe 3:335T, 3:336–340T forest–tundra ecotone 1:630 global agriculture impacts 3:428T global biodiversity trends 4:563F net primary production (NPP) 1:560T nitrogen deposition 5:534F pre-agriculture land cover 4:557F, 4:558F, 4:566F precipitation–temperature relationship 1:59F protected area systems 5:444T, 6:492T, 6:499T soil characteristics 6:123T Tungshih mangroves 1:276T tunicates characteristics 7:336 classification systems 7:335, 7:335F, 7:336F microhabitat creation 5:60–61 Tunisia 5:481T botanical gardens 6:507T wheat production 1:87–88 see also Near East ecosystems Tuoba poseidonis 5:425 Tuosu Hu 1:276T Tupaiidae 4:691 Tupidanthus 3:522T Turanian desert 1:262–263T Turbellaria adaptability 4:393, 5:657–658 Bothrioplanida 7:439–440T, 7:441F, 7:442–443F, 7:443–444 Catenulida 7:439–440T, 7:440, 7:441F, 7:442–443F classifications and sampling methods 4:381T Dalyellioida 7:439–440T, 7:441F, 7:442–443F, 7:444 Fecampiida 7:439–440T, 7:441F, 7:442–443F, 7:445 Haplopharyngida 7:439–440T, 7:441F, 7:442–443F, 7:443 Kalyptorhynchia 7:439–440T, 7:441F, 7:442–443F, 7:444 Lecithoepitheliata 7:439–440T, 7:441F, 7:442–443F, 7:443 Macrostomida 7:439–440T, 7:440–443, 7:441F, 7:442–443F number of species 3:182T, 4:371T, 5:669–670T, 7:439–440T plankton fraction 6:25 Polycladida 7:439–440T, 7:441F, 7:442–443F, 7:443 Prolecithophora 7:439–440T, 7:441F, 7:442–443F, 7:445 Proseriata 7:439–440T, 7:441F, 7:442–443F, 7:444 reproductive capacity 5:657–658, 5:659T river ecosystems 6:478T Temnocephalida 7:439–440T, 7:441F, 7:442–443F, 7:444 Tricladida 7:439–440T, 7:441F, 7:442–443F, 7:445 Typhloplanoida 7:439–440T, 7:441F, 7:442–443F, 7:444–445 Turdidae 6:308T Turdus merula 5:312, 5:474 Turdus migratorius 4:174, 5:723 Turdus philomelos 4:259 Turing, Alan 7:9–10 Turing instability 7:9–10, 7:10, 7:10F Turkana (Lake) 4:461T Turkey animal species 1:261T botanical gardens 6:519 ecosystems dry regions 1:268–269 threatened species 1:278T vegetation types and coverage percentage 1:264–265T nitrogen deposition 5:526T plant species 1:259T wheat production 1:87–88 turkeys 1:644F Turkmenistan 6:519 Turks and Caicos Islands 4:560F, 6:519 turlough 7:369T Turner, Frederick Jackson 4:652 turnips native crops East Asia 2:663 Europe 2:662–663 Mediterranean Basin 2:662–663 southwest Asia 2:662–663 Tursiops truncatus 3:256, 5:81T turtle grass 3:360–361 turtles anthropogenic impacts 6:410–411 Ascension Island 6:78 characteristics 6:400–401, 7:339–340 conservation status 3:216T, 6:410–411 countryside biogeography studies 2:356 endangered species 3:217 geographic distribution 6:400–401 gigantism 6:405 hatchling characteristics 6:405 migratory patterns 2:9F Near East ecosystems 5:472 nest environment 6:405 river ecosystems 6:479–480 threatened species 1:515–516 tourism industry 7:223 urbanization threats 4:564 wetland ecosystems 7:390 see also Reptilia/reptiles tusked weta 5:366–367 tussock grasslands 1:292–297, 1:294T Tuvalu 6:507T TWINSPAN (two-way indicator species analysis) method 4:264–265 twisted-wing parasites 4:392T two-prey competition 2:177, 2:177F two-spotted spider mite 4:298–299, 4:299F two-toed sloth 2:590T Tylecodon paniculatus 1:487 Typha 1:270, 1:278–279 Typha angustifolia 4:173–174 Typha domingensis 5:486, 7:372 Typha latifolia 4:173–174 Typhlocaris galilea 5:470–471, 5:470F, 5:470T Typhlocirolana reichi 5:470–471, 5:470T Typhlocirolana steinitzi 5:470T Typhlocoelum 7:450–451F Typhloglomeris caeca 7:60 Typhlomolge rathbuni 7:58 Typhlonectes 7:339 Typhloplanoida 7:439–440T, 7:441F, 7:442–443F, 7:444–445 Typhula sp 6:449 837