Infinitive Past Past participle bore become bring begun beat built be bite blown broke Infinitive Past Past participle bore become bring begun beat built be bite blown broke Infinitive Past Past parti.
Infinitive Past Past participle bore become bring begun beat built be bite blown broke Infinitive Past Past participle bore become bring begun beat built be bite blown broke Infinitive Past Past participle burst burnt buy chose came cut deal catch can cost Infinitive Past Past participle burst burnt buy chose came cut deal catch can cost Infinitive Past Past participle ate drink dug driven fall feel dreamt fed did draw Infinitive Past Past participle ate drink dug driven fall feel dreamt fed did draw Infinitive Past Past participle get frozen flew went find give forgiven fight forbid forgotten Infinitive Past Past participle get frozen flew went find give forgiven fight forbid forgotten Infinitive Past Past participle hurt hide known keep hold heard have hit grown Infinitive Past Past participle hurt hide known keep hold heard have hit grown Infinitive Past Past participle lent let lain led light left lay lost made learn Infinitive Past Past participle lent let lain led light left lay lost made learn Infinitive Past Past participle paid put ridden rose meet said read rung ran meant Infinitive Past Past participle paid put ridden rose meet said read rung ran meant Infinitive Past Past participle set shone seek showed seen sew shot sell shook sent Infinitive Past Past participle set shone seek showed seen sew shot sell shook sent Infinitive Past Past participle spend smelt spelt sung spill shut speak slept split sit Infinitive Past Past participle spend smelt spelt sung spill shut speak slept split sit Infinitive Past Past participle stood stuck spread swear struck spoilt swept steal sprung stung win Infinitive Past Past participle tear wake taken threw written swam told understood teach wore think