Mammals, Biodiversity of lobby for the preservation of mammalian diversity in particular and biodiversity more widely, will have to address issues related to the local, regional, and global ecological consequences of a species’ march toward extinction Appendix List of Courses Biology of Mammals Mammalogy Vertebrate Ecology and Evolution Vertebrate Biology See also: Birds, Biodiversity of Endemism Hotspots Mammals, Conservation Efforts for Mammals (Late Quaternary), Extinctions of Mammals (Pre-Quaternary), Extinctions of Modern Examples of Extinctions Vertebrates, Overview References Alroy J (1998) Cope’s rule and the dynamics of body mass evolution in North American fossil mammals Science 280: 731–734 Alroy J (1999) The fossil record of North American mammals: Evidence for a paleocene evolutionary radiation Systematics Biology 48: 107–118 Baillie J and Groombridge B (1996) IUCNRed List of Threatened Animals Gland, Switzerland: IUCN, The World Conservation Union Barlow KE (1997) The diets of two phonic types of the bat pipistrellus pipistrellus in Britain Journal of Zoology 243: 597–609 Carroll RL (1988) Vertebrate Paleontology and Evolution New York: W H Freeman Davies TJ, Buckley L, Grenyer R, and Gittleman JL (2011) The influence of past and present climate on the biogeography of modern mammal diversity Philosophysical Transactions of the Royal Society B 366: 2526–2535 Dayan T and Simberloff D (1998) Size patterns among competitors: Ecological character displacement and character release in mammals, with special reference to island populations Mammal Review 28: 99–124 Firestone KB, Elphinstone MS, Sherwin WBV, and Houlden BA (1999) Phylogeographical population structure of tiger quolls Dasyurus maculatus (Dasyuridae: Marsupialia), an endangered carnivorous mammal Molecular Ecology 8: 1613–1625 Janis C (1994) Do legs support the arms race in mammalian predatory/prey relationships? 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