520 Landscape Genetics knockout experiments or other selection experiments (Hoffman and Willi, 2008; Manel et al., 2010b) Even for organisms for which complete genome data and fine scale mapping exists (e.g., Drosophila, mouse), once loci are identified, the following experiments to confirm the adaptive value of candidate loci are still laborious Although overcoming bioinformatic and experimental challenges is necessary to integrate genomic and spatial data in landscape genomics studies, it is an exciting time for evolutionary biologists, ecologists and population geneticists as we begin to truly unravel the genetic basis of adaptation Acknowledgments This work was supported by the School of Biological Sciences and Washington State University Some of the figures were provided by Spear SF Appendix List of Courses Landscape Genetics Molecular Ecology Population Genetics Conservation Genetics See also: Conservation Genetics Ecological Genetics Landscape Ecology and Population Dynamics Landscape Modeling Population Genetics References Adriansen F, Chardon JP, de Blust G, et al (2003) The application of ‘least-cost’ modeling as a functional landscape model Landscape and Urban Planning 64: 233–247 Anderson CD, Epperson BK, Fortin M-J, et al (2010) Considering spatial and temporal scale in landscape genetics studies of gene flow Molecular Ecology 19: 3565–3575 Anderson JE (1979) A theoretical foundation for the gravity equation American Economic Review 69: 106–116 Angers B, Magnan P, Plante M, and Bernatchez L (1999) Canonical correspondence analysis for estimating spatial and environmental effects on microsatellite gene diversity in brook charr (Salvelinus fontinalis) Molecular Ecology 8: 1043–1053 Bacles CFE, Lowe AJ, and Ennos RA (2004) Genetic effects of chronic habitat fragmentation on tree species: The case of Sorbus aucuparia in a deforested Scottish landscape Molecular Ecology 13: 573–584 Balkenhol N, Gugerli F, Cushman S, et al (2009b) Identifying future research needs in landscape genetics: Where to from here? 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