CONTENTS Subject Classification xv Contributors to Volume xxi Foreword to the First Edition xxv Preface to the First Edition xxvii Preface to the Second Edition xxix How to use of the Encyclopedia xxxi VOLUME Ecology, Concept and Theories in Peter Kareiva and Michelle Marvier Ecology of Agriculture Alison G Power Economic Control of Invasive Species David Finnoff, Jason F Shogren, Richard D Horan, Shana M McDermott, and Charles Sims 16 Economic Growth and the Environment Karl-Goăran Maăler 25 Economics of Agrobiodiversity Unai Pascual, Louise E Jackson, and Adam G Drucker 31 Economics of the Regulating Services Edward B Barbier 45 Economic Value of Biodiversity, Measurements of Robert Mendelsohn and Seth Binder 55 Ecosystem, Concept of Eugene P Odum 59 Ecosystem Function Measurement, Aquatic and Marine Communities John T Lehman 64 Ecosystem Function Measurement, Terrestrial Communities Sandra Dı´az 72 Ecosystem Function, Principles of Ross A Virginia and Diana H Wall 90 Ecosystem Services Heather Tallis, Anne Guerry, and Gretchen C Daily 96 Ecosystems of South America Luis Anibal Solorzano Cardenas 105 Ecotoxicology JM Lynch, A Wiseman, and FAAM De Leij 118 Edible Plants Eduardo H Rapoport and Barbara S Drausal 127 xi