of the business, It can be seen, that an old enterpriseof the business, It can be seen, that an old enterpriseof the business, It can be seen, that an old enterpriseof the business, It can be seen, that an old enterpriseof the business, It can be seen, that an old enterpriseinformation with the previous years and comparing the entitys actual performance with the auditors estimate The auditor also recalculates the AP to Suppliers to compare with the entitys figures iA.
information with the previous year's and comparing the entity's actual performance with the auditor's estimate The auditor also recalculates the AP to Suppliers to compare with the entity's figures iApplying ianalytical iprocedures ihas inot ishown ithe iauditor ithe irelationship ibetween ifinancial iand inon-financial iinformation iTherefore, ithe iresults iof ithis ianalysis iare inot ireally ihigh a) About the staff: i i For ithe iaudit iseason, idue ito ithe ilarge inumber iof icustomers, ithe ivolume iof icontracts iis ihigh iThe ilimited inumber iof ihuman iresources ileads ito ia ishortening iof ithe iaudit itime ifor ieach iclient, iincreasing ipressure iand iworkload ifor ithe iauditors, imaking ithe iaudit iwork iless ithan ioptimal On ithe iother ihand, ithis ishortage ialso imakes iit idifficult ifor imanagers ito iassign iwork ito iauditors iThis imay ilead ito ithe iomission iof inecessary iaudit iprocedures, iwhich imeans ithat ithere imay ibe ifrauds iand imaterial ierrors iof ithe iclient ithat iare inot idetected iby ithe iauditor, ileading ito ifailure ito imeet ithe irequirements iaudit iobjectives iof ifinancial istatements iin igeneral ias iwell ias iaudit iof iAP ito iSuppliers iin iparticular Cause: Due ito ithe inew icompany iexpanding iinto ia inumber iof inew ifields, ialong iwith iexpanding ithe iscale iof ioperations, ihuman iresources iare inot ienough ito imeet ithe ineeds iOn ithe iother ihand, iFrom ithe ipoint iof iview iof imanagers, iit iis iusually ithe irecruitment iof iassistant iauditors ito ire-train ifrom ithe iground iup, iso icurrently ithe inumber iof iauditors iis inot imuch b) Regarding the selection of audit samples: i i i i i The iappropriate isampling imethod iwill ihelp ithe iauditor ito icollect isufficient ivalid ievidence iat ithe ilowest icost iThe isampling imethod ishould iensure ithat iall isampling iunits iin ithe ipopulation ihave ian iequal ichance iof ibeing iselected iAnd ithe iauditor ican iselect isamples iin iphysical ior imonetary iunits ito iselect irepresentative isamples iand icarry ithe ibasic icharacteristics iof ithe ipopulation At iASA, ifor isampling, iit iis icommon ito ichoose ia ilarge isample ibased ion ithe iauditor's ijudgment iHowever, ithe iuse iof ithis imethod iis istill ilimited, ibecause ionly iexperienced iauditors iand iaccurate iprofessional ijudgment ican iapply iit, ibut ifor iinexperienced iassistants, iusing ithis imethod iwill ibe ipotentially idangerous ihidden ihigh irisk iof