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SUBM SSI ON N STRUCTI SUBM I ISSI ON I N ISTRUCTI ON SON S Applicant s m ust respond t o each quest ion/ it em in each sect ion of t he applicat ion I ncom plet e applicat ions w ill not be considered Ele ct r on ic Applica t ion Pr oce ss Applicant s are r e quir e d t o com plet e and subm it t he applicat ion, including all required at t achm ent s t o: M D E- SSOS@m ich iga n gov The applicat ion and all required at t achm ent s m ust be subm it t ed before 5: 00 p.m on M a y , t o be considered for t he first list t o be post ed on t he websit e Applicat ions will be received aft er May 21 on an ongoing basis and will be review ed in t he order in which t hey are received Applicant s m ust respond t o each quest ion/ it em in each sect ion of t he applicat ion I ncom plet e applicat ions w ill not be considered Please m ake sure you com plet e t he applicat ion as early as possible so t hat we m ay help you correct any problem s associat ed wit h t echnical difficult ies Technical support will be available Monday – Friday, t hroughout t he applicat ion period, from 9: 00 a.m – 4: 00 p.m All inform at ion included in t he applicat ion package m ust be accurat e All inform at ion t hat is subm it t ed is subj ect t o verificat ion All applicat ions are subj ect t o public inspect ion and/ or phot ocopying Con t a ct I nfor m a t ion All quest ions relat ed t o t he preferred provider applicat ion process should be direct ed t o: Mark Coscarella I nt erim Supervisor Office of Educat ion I m provem ent & I nnovat ion OR Anne Hansen or Bill Wit t Consult ant s Office of Educat ion I m provem ent & I nnovat ion Telephone: Em ail: ( 517) 373- 8480 or ( 517) 335- 4733 MDE- SSOS@m ichigan.gov Michigan Depart m ent of Educat ion 2010- 11 Sect ion 1003( g) School I m provem ent Grant s Preferred Ext ernal Educat ional Services Provider Applicat ion EXTERN AL PROVI D ERS: BACKGROUN D & APPROVAL PROCESS Under t he Final Requirem ent s for School I m provem ent s Grant s, as defined under t he Elem ent ary and Secondary Educat ion Act of 1965, as am ended, Tit le I , Part A Sect ion 1003( g) and t he Am erican Recovery and Reinvest m ent Act as am ended in January 2010, one of t he crit eria t hat t he MDE ( SEA) m ust consider when an LEA applies for a SI G grant is t he ext ent t o which t he LEA has t aken act ion t o “ recruit , screen, and select ext ernal providers…” To assist LEA’s in t his process, t he MDE is request ing inform at ion/ applicat ions from ent it ies wishing t o be considered for placem ent on a preferred provider list t hat will be m ade available t o LEA’s on t he MDE websit e I f an LEA select s a provider t hat is not on t he list , t he provider will have t o go t hrough t he applicat ion review process before engaging in t he t urnaround int ervent ion at t he LEA Applicat ions will be reviewed on t heir m erit s and not on a com pet it ive basis Please not e t hat t he applicat ion and accom panying at t achm ent s will be accessible online t o LEA’s seeking t o cont ract for educat ional services Preferred ext ernal providers will be required t o part icipat e in a st at e- run t raining program t hat specifies perform ance expect at ions and fam iliarizes providers w it h st at e legislat ion and regulat ions Ext ernal providers will be m onit ored and evaluat ed regularly and t hose w ho are not get t ing result s will be rem oved from t he preferred provider list All decisions m ade by t he MDE are final There is no appeal process Please not e t hat being placed on t he Preferred Provider List does not guarant ee t hat a provider will be select ed by an LEA t o provide services Two or m ore qualified reviewers will rat e t he applicat ion using t he scoring rubric developed by t he Michigan Depart m ent of Educat ion ( MDE) Applicat ions will only be r e vie w e d if: All port ions of t he applicat ion are com plet e; All applicat ion m at erials, including at t achm ent s, are subm it t ed elect ronically prior t o t he due dat e; Applicat ions will only be a ppr ove d if: The above condit ions are m et for review; The t ot al applicat ion score m eet s a m inim um of 70 point s Michigan Depart m ent of Educat ion 2010- 11 Sect ion 1003( g) School I m provem ent Grant s Preferred Ext ernal Educat ional Services Provider Applicat ion Ex e m pla r Tot a l Poin t s Possible Descript ion of com prehensive im provem ent services 25 Use of scient ific educat ional research 15 Job em bedded professional developm ent 15 Experience wit h st at e and federal requirem ent s 15 Sust ainabilit y Plan 15 St aff Qualificat ions 15 Tot a l Poin t s Possible 100 M in im u m Poin t s Re qu ir e d for Appr ova l 70 N ot e : Applica n t s m a y a pply t o be com e pr e fe r r e d pr ovide r s in a ll or som e of t h e pr ogr a m de live r y a r e a s list e d in Se ct ion B I f a pplica n t doe s n ot w ish t o be com e a pr ovide r in a pr ogr a m a r e a , t h a t sh ou ld be n ot e d on t h e a pplica t ion I f an applicant is applying t o be a preferred provider in less t han t he five areas list ed, t hey m ust have a review score not less t han t he following in each area for which t hey apply: Sect ion Sect ion Sect ion Sect ion Sect ion Sect ion 15 10 10 10 10 10 point s point s point s point s point s point s Sect ion m ust be com plet ed by all applicant s Michigan Depart m ent of Educat ion 2010- 11 Sect ion 1003( g) School I m provem ent Grant s Preferred Ext ernal Educat ional Services Provider Applicat ion APPLI CATI ON OVERV I EW Th e Applica t ion is divide d in t o fou r se ct ion s Se ct ion A cont ains basic provider inform at ion Se ct ion B request s inform at ion relat ed t o six exem plars ( program delivery inform at ion and st aff qualificat ions) Responses in Sect ion B m ust be in narrat ive form You m ay include figures ( e.g., t ables, chart s, graphs) t o support your narrat ive, but such it em s will be count ed t oward applicable page/ word lim it s Se ct ion C cont ains t he Assurances Please read each st at em ent carefully By subm it t ing your applicat ion, you cert ify your agreem ent wit h all st at em ent s t herein Se ct ion D At t achm ent s Michigan Depart m ent of Educat ion 2010- 11 Sect ion 1003( g) School I m provem ent Grant s Preferred Ext ernal Educat ional Services Provider Applicat ion SECTI ON A: BASI C PROVI D ER I N FORM ATI ON Please ent er t he request ed inform at ion in t he spaces provided Be sure t o read all not es, as t hey provide im port ant inform at ion I n st r uct ion s: Com plet e each sect ion in full Fe de r a l EI N , Ta x I D or Socia l Se cu r it y N um be r Le ga l N a m e of En t it y 42-1652786 Model Secondary Schools Project, LLC N a m e of En t it y a s you w ou ld lik e it t o a ppe a r on t h e Appr ove d List Model Secondary Schools Project En t it y Type : Ch e ck t h e ca t e gor y t t be st de scr ibe s your e n t it y: For- profit Business I nst it ut ion of Higher Educat ion Non- profit Com m unit y- Based Organizat ion School Dist rict Educat ional Service Agency ( e.g., RESA or I SD) Ot her ( specify) : Applica n t Con t a ct I n for m a t ion Nam e of Cont act Ron MacDonald St reet Address 9815 Lake Washington Blvd NE (Mail to: PO Box 1684) Phone 206-953-3078 Cit y Bellevue Fax E- Mail rm@modelschoolsproject.org Websit e http://www.modelschoolsproject.org St at e WA Zip 98009 Loca l Con t a ct I nfor m a t ion ( if different t han inform at ion list ed above) Nam e of Cont act Phone Fax St reet Address Cit y St at e E- Mail Websit e Zip Se r vice Ar e a List t he int erm ediat e school dist rict and each individual dist rict in which you agree t o provide services Ent er “ St at ewide” ONLY if you agree t o provide services t o any dist rict in t he St at e of Michigan St at ewide I nt erm ediat e School Dist rict ( s) : Nam e( s) of Dist rict ( s) : Det roit Public Schools Michigan Depart m ent of Educat ion 2010- 11 Sect ion 1003( g) School I m provem ent Grant s Preferred Ext ernal Educat ional Services Provider Applicat ion Con flict of I n t e r e st D isclosu r e Are you or any m em ber of your organizat ion currently em ployed in any capacit y by any public school dist rict or public school academ y ( chart er school) in Michigan, or you serve in a decision m aking capacit y for any public school dist rict or public school academ y in Michigan ( i.e school board m em ber) ? Yes No What school dist rict are you em ployed by or serve: Det roit Public Schools I n what capacit y are you em ployed or you serve ( posit ion t it le) : Currently under contract to provide two Detroit Public High Schools on School Turnaround support Schools or school dist rict s are encouraged t o apply t o becom e preferred providers However, t he school or school dist rict m ay not becom e a preferred provider in it s own dist rict This rest rict ion does not apply t o I nt erm ediat e School Dist rict s or Regional Educat ional Service Aut horit ies I M PORTAN T N OTE: On ce a ppr ove d, pr ovide r s m u st ope r a t e w it h in t h e in for m a t ion ide n t ifie d in t h is a pplica t ion Changes in applicat ion inform at ion m ay be request ed in w rit ing t o MDE The request m ust include t he rat ionale for t he changes All changes m ust receive writ t en approval from MDE prior t o im plem ent at ion and will be det erm ined on a case- by- case basis This includes, but is not lim it ed t o, inform at ion changes in t he following cat egories: • • • Change in service area Change in services t o be offered Change in m et hod of offering services Michigan Depart m ent of Educat ion 2010- 11 Sect ion 1003( g) School I m provem ent Grant s Preferred Ext ernal Educat ional Services Provider Applicat ion 0000 SECTI ON B: PROGRAM D ELI VERY AN D STAFF QUALI FI CATI ON N ARRATI VES I n st r uct ion s: Sect ion B responses m ust be in narrat ive form Provide dat a/ docum ent at ion of previous achievem ent s where applicable All responses m ust com ply w it h st at ed page lim it s Figures such as t ables, chart s and graphs can be included in t he narrat ive, but such inform at ion will be count ed t ow ard page lim it s Text and figures beyond t he st at ed page lim it will not be considered and should not be subm it t ed wit h t he applicat ion All references m ust be cit ed Ex e m pla r : D e scr ipt ion of Com pr e h e n sive I m pr ove m e n t Se r vice s ( poin t s possible ) Describe how com prehensive im provem ent services t hat result in dram at ic, docum ent ed and sust ainable im provem ent in underperform ing urban secondary schools will be delivered t o LEA’s t hat cont ract for your services Com prehensive services include, but are not lim it ed t o t he following: • • • • Support syst em s t o ensure st udent and t eacher success and sust ain im provem ent Cont ent and delivery syst em s and m echanism s proven t o result in dram at ic and sust ained im provem ent linked t o st udent achievem ent Job em bedded professional developm ent at leadership, t eacher and support levels t o increase int ernal capacit y for im provem ent and sust ainabilit y linked t o st udent achievem ent Com prehensive short cycle and sum m at ive assessm ent syst em s t o m easure perform ance and goal at t ainm ent linked t o t he building school im provem ent plan Michigan Depart m ent of Educat ion 2010- 11 Sect ion 1003( g) School I m provem ent Grant s Preferred Ext ernal Educat ional Services Provider Applicat ion Ex e m pla r N a r r a t ive Lim it : pa ge s ( in se r t n a r r a t ive h e r e ) I n t his proposal, t he Model Secondary Schools Proj ect offers t o work in part nership wit h Michigan Depart m ent of Educat ion and Michigan public school dist rict s t o t urnaround st udent perform ance at public m iddle schools and/ or high schools This sect ion provides det ails of our approach t o facilit at ing t he effort s of local school developm ent t eam s t o bring about a significant shift in t he academ ic perform ance of st udent s Key elem ent s in our school t urnaround st rat egy are: * Appeciat ive I nquiry m odel for developm ent of a school perform ance plan * Support for t he est ablishm ent and im plem ent at ion of a t eam based st rat egy t hroughout t he school * I nst ruct ional t eam s grouped by grade level focus on support ing perform ance of individuals and est ablishing cross cont ent links t o assist st udent s in m aking m eaning from cont ent * I nst ruct ional t eam s grouped by cont ent / responsibilit y area ut ilize an Act ion Research based m et hodology t o explore st rat egies for m ore deeply engaging st udent s * Many st udent s at all grade levels are com ing t o school underprepared, wit hout m any of t he prerequisit e skills required t o m eet perform ance st andards To be successful, every urban school needs t o have in place subst ant ial academ ic support s highly individualized t o m at ch t he learning needs of st udent s DEVELOPMENT OF A SCHOOL TURNAROUND PLAN We ut ilize an Appreciat ive I nquiry based planning m odel t o ensure local ow nership of t he t urnaound plan as it develops and is im plem ent ed Our experience has dem onst rat ed t hat local buy- in by key m em bers of t he school com m unit y brings subst ant ially reduced resist ance and deeper underst anding by school leaders and t eachers of t he scope and expect ed out com es of t he plan - it becom es m ore real and possible and has root s in t he core beliefs expressed by t he t eam , reducing t he percept ion of an im posed solut ion Using Appreciat ive I nquiry based st rat egies we begin by init iat ing a six phase school t urnaround planning process t hat engages t he school leadership, inst ruct ional leaders, t he dist rict , t he com m unit y and st udent s in preparat ion of a school developm ent proposal Tim e scale: + year of facilit at ed planning and capacit y building for 2010- 11 + year of fully scaled inst ruct ional and organizat ional t eam support in 2011- 12 + year of focused support em bedding cont inuous im provem ent pract ices 20122013 Key elem ent s of t he school's t urnaround proposal A vision, and a m ission sum m arizing how t o reach t hat vision Core out com es expressed in t erm s of st udent perform ance Key st rat egies for support ing individual academ ic perform ance Michigan Depart m ent of Educat ion 2010- 11 Sect ion 1003( g) School I m provem ent Grant s Preferred Ext ernal Educat ional Services Provider Applicat ion - A set of developm ent m ilest ones wit h t im eline and benchm arks A det ailed Act ion Plan m apping capacit y developm ent t o achieve m ilest ones Three year proj ect ed school and st udent perform ance t arget s MSSP ant icipat ed baseline feat ures of t he school aft er com plet ion of proj ect + All learning is personalized – t he st udent is at t he cent er of inst ruct ion t hat st art s from and adapt s t o what each st udent know s and does best , t he st udent ’s int erest s and t he st udent ’s goals The differences bet ween st udent s are underst ood and respect ed The school adapt s so st udent s succeed wit h t heir individualit y, rat her t han in spit e of it ( Wagner – The Global Achievem ent Gap) + I nst ruct ion m akes best use of hybrid/ blended learning m odels using online resources and classroom inst ruct ion, digit al m edia, Web 2.0 resources, personalized inst ruct ional m et hods and m at erials, in an engaging, int eract ive, dat a rich environm ent ( Christ ensen – Disrupt ing Class) + St udent s are surrounded by academ ic and social support s and appropriat e int ervent ions t o com plet e a rigorous, balanced program of st udy t arget ed t o exceed proficiency st andards, em bedded in rigorous applicat ion of 21st cent ury skills + Facilit y and infrast ruct ure planning pr ovide a highly product ive environm ent where adult s and st udent s are const ant learners, ut ilizing an array of t ools and resources t hat blend t he best of t echnology delivered resources wit h one- t o- one and m any- t o- m any learning int eract ions + A “ Team Cult ure” is evident where civic engagem ent , a cult ure of service, a high respect for learning, high perform ance expect at ions, and a high level of int erpersonal, social and academ ic support s are cult ivat ed – “ We succeed t oget her" + Building a “ College Going Cult ure” begins wit h induct ion/ t ransit ion int o t he school for all incom ing st udent s + An evolving and skillfully developed support infrast ruct ure is in place including adequat e t echnology, professional developm ent , inst ruct ional t eam support s, leadership t eam support s, and part nerships providing int ernal and ext ernal connect ions, st udent and adult m ent ors, and st udent int ernships + Each st udent has a t eacher/ m ent or who serves as a personal advisor, providing guidance, assist ance wit h planning, developing learning st rat egies, m onit ors perform ance and serves as support leader + The school m akes best use of dist rict and part ner provided resources such as benchm ark assessm ent s and dat a syst em s MSSP's TEAM BASED SCHOOL TURNAROUND STRATEGY - > CREATE A TEAM CENTERED ORGANI ZATI ON Focus effort s in four areas wit h t he following success indicat ors: * Organizat ional Effect iveness + We work in t eam s t o t ake t he st eps necessary t o est ablish t his High School as a high funct ioning organizat ion charact erized by qualit y of t he service we provide t o t he various const it uencies we serve - st udent s, parent s, dist rict , com m unit y, and our own st aff * Support for Academ ic Perform ance + As an inst it ut ion wit h an educat ional m ission, t he ent ire st aff of t his High Michigan Depart m ent of Educat ion 2010- 11 Sect ion 1003( g) School I m provem ent Grant s Preferred Ext ernal Educat ional Services Provider Applicat ion School cont inuously st rives t hrough t eam effort s t o m ore deeply engage in professional habit s of pract ice t hat result in cont inuous growt h in our organizat ional capacit y t o im prove academ ic perform ance * Develop Advanced Skills in t he Art & Science of Teaching + As a result of our t eam effort s, t his High School will becom e a school recognized for t he value of it s program of st udy, t he at t ract iveness of it s school environm ent and it s abilit y t o prepare st udent s for t he fut ure * Est ablish a School Wide High Perform ance Cult ure + This High School goes as far beyond t he t radit ional boundaries of t im e and place as w e need t o go t o provide adequat e academ ic support s and inst ruct ional pract ices t o drive significant ly im proved st udent academ ic perform ance and life im pact ing academ ic and social skills School Turnaround Goals: • Goal # • Organize our school in t eam s t o achie ve a st at e of operat ional efficiency and effect iveness t hat provides exem plary service t o all our const it uent s • Goal # • Achieve a school wide level of academ icproficiency as evidenced by cont inuous im provem ent in academ ic m easures and st udent s’ dem onst rat ed readiness for college or career as dem onst rat ed by t heir academ ic perform ance • Goal # • Est ablish a cult ure am ong t he school st aff t hat highly values im proving our underst anding and pract ice of t he art and science of t eaching as evidenced by cont inuously im proving academ ic perform ance on m ult iple m easures, and t he school’s reput at ion in t he com m unit y as a school w it h excellent t eaching and caring st aff • Goal # • Est ablish a school cult ure in which adult sand st udent s are com pelled t o st rive for high perform ance in an at m osphere of personal respect for one anot her, evidenced by academ ic perform ance and part icipat ion in school act ivit ies of all kinds • Goal # • I m prove school wide pract ices t hat im pact st udent achievem ent so t hat all our st udent s are perform ing at proficiency or bet t er in core cont ent areas SHI FTI NG I NSTRUCTI ONAL PRACTI CE Shift ing I nst ruct ional Pract ice Meet ing t he inst ruct ional needs of t he 21st Cent ury for urban st udent s calls for shift from t radit ional inst ruct ional pract ice of one t eacher in one classroom , responsible for delivery of a single curriculum For discussion and developm ent of I nst ruct ional pract ice w e plan t o ut ilize t he I nst ruct ional Rounds process ( Cit y, Elm ore, Fiarm an & Teit el - I nst ruct ional Rounds) This process adopt s seven principles of t he inst ruct ional core t hat serve as t he foundat ion for discussion and developm ent of a coherent plan for inst ruct ion: I ncreases in st udent learning occur only as a consequence of im provem ent s in t he level of cont ent , t eacher’s knowledge and skill, and st udent engagem ent Michigan Depart m ent of Educat ion 2010- 11 Sect ion 1003( g) School I m provem ent Grant s Preferred Ext ernal Educat ional Services Provider Applicat ion 10 Ex e m pla r : Su st a in a bilit y Pla n ( poin t s possible ) Describe how a sust ainabilit y plan will be put in place for t he building t o becom e self- sufficient at t he end of t he 3- year grant period • The applicant should dem onst rat e significant knowledge and experience in developing sust ainabilit y plans Michigan Depart m ent of Educat ion 2010- 11 Sect ion 1003( g) School I m provem ent Grant s Preferred Ext ernal Educat ional Services Provider Applicat ion 22 Ex e m pla r N a r r a t ive Lim it : pages ( insert narrat ive here) The Model Secondary Schools Proj ect has been working t o est ablish and support school and dist rict developm ent t eam s for t en years in public school dist rict s across t he count ry Our effort s have focused on a t eam based approach wit h t he ext ended purpose of ensuring t here is a t eam in place w it h coherent underst anding of t he st rat egies and init iat ives already underway when funding for t he developm ent proj ect com es t o an end We furt her focus on building t he capacit y for t he school t o carry forward by applying key skills and pract ices t hat enable t eam s t hroughout t he school t o coninuously im pove t heir pract ice and refine t he focus of t heir effort s Build capacity by building skills to work in teams (job embeddded skill development) The work of teams: Teams will have the primary role in development of the school Faculty will be assigned to horizontal (grade level) teams based on their primary teaching assignment and vertical (content area) teams with primary responsibility for improving student performance Instructional and operational support personnel will be assigned to teams based on job function and/or impact area with a primary role in improving quality of service in all aspects of school operations A school leadership team will have the role of monitoring and supporting team efforts and making decisions about school goals and additional planning To establish sustainable development of the school: (Sustainability goal) Build the capacity of the school to Work in Collaborative Teams within a Team Centered Organization that: Utilizes the talents and skills of its members to achieve common goals Strives for continuously improving quality of service Sets its own performance standards aligned with expected outcomes Meets frequently to establish team standards and resolve challenges Utilizes data to monitor performance and guide improvement Operationally, the following are embedded in each project as foundation building elements to ensure the schools is well prepared for the future beyond the project: ” Alignment of efforts with district and state initiatives, policies and protocols ” Embedding operational and instructional solutions that can be fiscally maintained after dedicated grant funding is no longer available ” Establishing Action Plans and Performance Benchmarks that reach two years beyond the completion of the project to sustain the school's improving performance cycle ” Build a community of partners for the school that builds a common sense of the school as a focal element in the community and engages parents, residents, agencies and businesses in supporting and enhancing school development into the future ” School leaders and staff receive continued support beyond the project through participation in Model Secondary Schools Project's established leadership and instructional networks Michigan Depart m ent of Educat ion 2010- 11 Sect ion 1003( g) School I m provem ent Grant s Preferred Ext ernal Educat ional Services Provider Applicat ion 23 Michigan Depart m ent of Educat ion 2010- 11 Sect ion 1003( g) School I m provem ent Grant s Preferred Ext ernal Educat ional Services Provider Applicat ion 24 Ex e m pla r : St a ff Qu a lifica t ion s ( poin t s possible ) Provide nam es and a brief sum m ary of qualificat ions for t he prim ary st aff who will be involved in providing services t o LEA’s Provide crit eria for select ion of addit ional st aff t hat are proj ect ed t o be working wit h LEA’s I nclude vit ae of prim ary st aff • St aff qualificat ions and vit ae should m at ch wit h areas t hat t he applicant wishes t o serve St aff should have ext ensive experience in im plem ent at ion of all applicable areas Michigan Depart m ent of Educat ion 2010- 11 Sect ion 1003( g) School I m provem ent Grant s Preferred Ext ernal Educat ional Services Provider Applicat ion 25 Ex e m pla r N a r r a t ive Lim it : page plus vit ae for personnel ( insert narrat ive and vit ae here) - Linda Keller MacDonald, Co-Director MSSP: Ms Keller MacDonald has facilitated planning and development of school and district reform efforts that bring equity of opportunity to urban students She has built this focus on many years in school administration, teaching, and counseling During the last ten years she has had unique opportunities in establishing new schools and providing turnaround facilitation that utilizes research based and innovative instructional practices that meet the needs of all students Examples of this work with ongoing success are new school development such as Tech Boston Academy and turnaround facilitation such as Chaparral High School in Clark County, Nevada - Ron MacDonald, Co-Director MSSP: Mr MacDonald has worked in education for over thirty years teaching at every level from kindergarten through college He has worked within communities to assist parents in strengthening student performance and school/student relationships Mr MacDonald also brings to our efforts research and study in the areas of media communications, brain research and applications of technology to learning He as been a key leader in every school and district where he has worked as a teacher or in an adminstrative role For the past ten years he has devoted his time to the efforts of the Model Secondary Schools Project to bring equity of opportnity to the education of urban youth across the United States MSSP currently contracts with the following consultants to provide focused expertise: ฀ Orlando Bogins was a founding ELA teacher of a Small High School He is a Detroit resident and has provided exceptional instruction that has taken entering 9th graders reading significantly below grade level and helped them achieve at or above level ฀ Sandra Boyd builds teaching capacity with secondary instructors in the area of Math and Technology,utilization of data to drive instruction,technology integration and collaboration She has her Master of Arts in Mathematics Education and Certification in Administration ฀ Dr Rodriguez holds a doctoral degree in Administration and Special Education His area of expertise includes both ELL and Special Education Dr Rodriguez has extensive experience as a principal and in transformation of schools ฀ Dr Grant holds a doctoral degree in Administration and a Masters in Social Studies Her areas of expertise are student engagement and cross-curricular integration of ELA, Social Studies, Business and Foreign Languages She has extensive background in IB and student engagement through changing the focus of the classroom to that of a student-centered learning environment Additional consultants may be hired using the following criteria: ฀ Exemplar content knowledge ฀ Exemplar strategies for student engagement and interventions based on individual student data ฀ Ability to form relationships with staff that allow the imbedding of PD and coaching in the classroom ฀ Expertise in school transformation/turnaround ฀ Extensive background in teaming both as a teacher and administrator Michigan Depart m ent of Educat ion 2010- 11 Sect ion 1003( g) School I m provem ent Grant s Preferred Ext ernal Educat ional Services Provider Applicat ion 26 Michigan Depart m ent of Educat ion 2010- 11 Sect ion 1003( g) School I m provem ent Grant s Preferred Ext ernal Educat ional Services Provider Applicat ion 27 SECTI ON C: ASSURAN CES The applicant ent it y: will follow all applicable legislat ion and guidance governing t he Sect ion 1003( g) school im provem ent grant s will follow all applicable Federal, st at e, and local healt h, safet y, em ploym ent , and civil right s laws at all t im es will com ply wit h t he MDE St andards for Monit oring Sect ion 1003( g) School I m provem ent Grant s Preferred Ext ernal Educat ion Services Providers agrees t o m ake all docum ent s available t o t he MDE or LEA for inspect ion/ m onit oring purposes, and part icipat e in sit e visit s at t he request of t he MDE, t he dist rict , or facilit at ors/ m onit ors for t he SI G grant agrees t o not ify MDE and applicable dist rict ( s) , in writ ing, of any change in t he cont act inform at ion provided in t his applicat ion wit hin t en business days ensures t hat it will provide writ t en not ificat ion t o MDE, when ext ernal preferred provider services will no longer be provided, t hirt y days prior t o t erm inat ion of services assures t hat t hey have accurat ely and com plet ely described services t hey will provide t o t he LEA assures t hey will com ply wit h SEA and LEA requirem ent s and procedures Michigan Depart m ent of Educat ion 2010- 11 Sect ion 1003( g) School I m provem ent Grant s Preferred Ext ernal Educat ional Services Provider Applicat ion 28 SECTI ON D : ATTACH M EN TS • Lice n su r e : Applicant s m ust at t ach a copy of t heir business license or form al docum ent at ion of legal st at us w it h respect t o conduct ing business in Michigan ( e.g., cert ificat e of incorporat ion, proof of 501( c) ( 3) t ax- exem pt st at us) Schools, school dist rict s, and I SDs/ RESAs m ay subst it ut e docum ent s t hat include address/ cont act inform at ion and t he appropriat e building or dist rict code as found in t he Educat ional Ent it y Mast er ( EEM) • I n su r a n ce : Applicant s m ust provide a proof of t heir liabilit y insurance or a quot e from an insurance agency t hat reflect s t he int ent t o obt ain general and/ or professional liabilit y insurance coverage Michigan Depart m ent of Educat ion 2010- 11 Sect ion 1003( g) School I m provem ent Grant s Preferred Ext ernal Educat ional Services Provider Applicat ion 29 MSSP - Ron's resume Model Secondary Schools Project W orking w ith schools and districts to ensure our urban students have the 21st Century schools they deserve Ron’s resume Obj ect ive To serve as an agent for effective and equitable change in urban education through technical assistance in the form of strategic planning, executive coaching, developm ent of innovative solutions and m aterials, group facilitation, utilization of technology based resources, and broadening the scope of options available to school and district team s Qualificat ions The opportunity to assist team s in bringing clarity to system ic efforts to im prove the perform ance of urban students has developed from unique opportunities and m odel teachers I have had in education, technology and m edia This background has allowed m e to assist public schools through fam iliarity with technology based inform ation and com m unication system s, strategic planning, project facilitation, and a wide range of technical assistance services that include developm ent of conceptual docum ents, charts and narratives, developm ent of tem plates and discussion protocols to m ap the thinking of diverse groups, collaborative developm ent of concept docum ents and narratives and training in use of collaborative inform ation system s as well as serving as key author of m ultiple reports and proposals Educat ion Masters Degree, Media Com m unications, Governors State University, Illinois Master’s Degree, Elem entary Education, Governors State University, Illinois Bachelor’s Degree, Visual Education Studies, Em pire State College, New York Photography Certificate, Visual Studies Workshop, Rochester, New York Awards, Fellowships, Grant s Model Secondary Schools Project - Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation, August, 20 0 Posit ions Held Partner, Co-Director, Model Secondary Schools Project , LLC 20 - present Co-Director - Model Secondary Schools Project., 20 0 - 20 Inform ation Architect - Institute for K12 Leadership, University of Washington, 20 0 - 20 Classroom Teacher/ curriculum developer, technology director, Internet Academ y, 1997- 20 0 Television Producer/ director – local cable program - The Virtual Classroom , 1996 - 1997 Technology Specialist - Lake Washington School District, 1993 - 1997 Independent video producer and educational technology consultant, 1982 - 1994 Artist-in-residence projects – Washington, Idaho, Illinois,1982 - 1985 Graduate assistant – Film & video production,1981 - 1982 Teacher Corps Intern, West Harvey, Illinois School District, 1979 - 1981 Program Director – Backroom Project – com m unity youth program , Rochester, NY, 1977 1979 http:/ / modelschoolsproject.org/ index_files/ rmresume.htm (1 of 4) [ 3/ 6/ 2009 9:36:30 AM] MSSP - Ron's resume Publicat ions A New Lens on Learning, Model Secondary Schools Project, 20 Proj ect Planning and Facilit at ion Converting to Sm all Them ed Learning Com m unities, Clark County School District, 20 20 Conversion of Franklin High School - Sm all Them ed High Schools, Rochester, NY, 20 - 20 Conversion of Edison Tech High School Into CTE Sm all High Schools, Rochester, NY, 20 20 Connecting Tim e - A National Networked Learning Project and Video Conference, Fall 20 Model Secondary Schools Project - Start-up of Eight Sm all Urban High Schools, 20 0 - 20 Inform ation and com m unications system s design and developm ent for online school, 199820 0 Design Team - Tiger Woods Learning Center 20 4-0 Conference Planning and Leadership “Converting Edison into Four Sm all High Schools”, Rochester, NY, J uly 20 “Rochester Technology Sum m it,” May 20 “Sum m er Institute” New Orleans, LA, J une 20 “Sum m er Institute” Seattle, WA, J une 20 “Sum m er Institute” San Antonio, TX, J une 20 “Sum m er Institute” Chicago, IL, J une 20 Conference Present at ions Rs Fram ework, m ultiple school district sites, 20 7-20 Creating Student Centered Learning Environm ents in Sm all Urban High Schools, NECC, J une 20 Model Secondary Schools Project, NSBA Technology & Learning Conference, Fall 20 A Working Vision for Change, Education Trust Conference, Fall 20 A Support System for a Learner Centered School Com m unity, MSSP Project Sites, Fall 20 Extending Learning: Integrating Technology into the Classroom , MSSP, J une, 20 A Support System for Learning and Collaboration, Gates Foundation Network Meeting, Spring 20 Teaching in a Networked Environm ent, Institute for K-12 Leadership, Fall 20 0 Informat ion Syst ems Design Training and consulting in use of SharePoint as tool for knowledge m anagem ent, process control and docum ent m anagem ent Inform ation and education resource database, Institute for K-12 Leadership Design coordination of developm ent for Personalized Student Planning System , MSSP grant Online curriculum developm ent standards, integrated online student inform ation and com m unication system s, and support system s for Online School—Internet Academ y http:/ / modelschoolsproject.org/ index_files/ rmresume.htm (2 of 4) [ 3/ 6/ 2009 9:36:30 AM] MSSP - Ron's resume School Reform Proj ect s High School Reform Strategy, planning, team facilitation, author, Rochester School District, 20 Restructuring High Schools as Sm all Learning Com m unities - Western High School, Eldorado High School, Chaparral High School, Clark County School District, 20 - 20 Global Media Arts High School, Rochester City School District 20 1- 20 International Finance High School, Rochester City School District, 20 - 20 Bioscience High School, Rochester City School District, 20 - 20 School of Im aging & inform ation Technology @ Edison , Rochester City School District, 20 20 School of Engineering and Manufacturing @ Edison, Rochester City School District, 20 20 School of Applied Technology @ Edison, Rochester City School District, 20 - 20 School of Business & Entrepreneurship @ Edison, Rochester City School District, 20 - 20 Restructuring Middle Schools as Sm all Learning Com m unities - Keller Middle School, O’Callaghan Middle School, Frem ont Middle School, Clark County School District, 20 20 Tech Boston Academ y, Boston Public Schools, 20 0 - 20 Detroit Technology High School, Detroit Public Schools, 20 0 - 20 Entrepreneurship High School, Cincinnati Public Schools, 20 - 20 Peterson Center, Clark County School District, 20 - 20 Success Tech Academ y, Cleveland Municipal School District, 20 - 20 East St Louis Networking Academ y, East St Louis School District, 20 - 20 Com pton Sm all High School, Com pton Unified School District, 20 0 - 20 Aut hor - Planning and Facilit at ion Guides Rigor, Relevance & Relationships Fram ework Defining Fundam entals of Leadership MSSP Change Theory Roadm ap Appreciative Inquiry Based School Re-Design Connecting Tim e - An Instructional Guide for the Project Design Standards for Developing Online Curriculum http:/ / modelschoolsproject.org/ index_files/ rmresume.htm (3 of 4) [ 3/ 6/ 2009 9:36:30 AM] MSSP - Ron's resume Resources Contact Inform ation Ron MacDonald, Co-director Model Secondary Schools Project Phone: 20 6-953-30 78 E-m ail: rm @m odelschoolsproject.org Fax: 888-734-730 Mailing Address: Model Secondary Schools Project, LLC PO Box 1684 Bellevue, WA 980 9-1684 Fax: 888-734-730 Contact Inform ation Linda Keller MacDonald Co-director Phone: 20 6-499-8337 em ail: lk@m odelschoolsproject.org Ron MacDonald Co-director Phone: 20 6-953-30 78 em ail: rm @m odelschoolsproject.org http:/ / modelschoolsproject.org/ index_files/ rmresume.htm (4 of 4) [ 3/ 6/ 2009 9:36:30 AM] Linda Keller MacDonald (206)-499-8337 lk@modelschoolsproject.org Objective To serve as a change agent for effective and equitable transformation in urban education through development of innovative strategies and materials, group facilitation and technical assistance, resource and knowledge management, broadening the scope of options available to school and district teams, and Executive Coaching of Administrators at the school and district level Qualifications Facilitating planning and development of school and district reform efforts that bring equity of opportunity to urban students has come to be the focus of my current efforts building on many years in school administration, teaching, and counseling I have had unique opportunities in my career to establish new schools utilizing innovative instructional practices that provide the base and mission for this ongoing work Work History Model Secondary Schools Project, Partner 2004-Present  School turnaround team planning and high school re-organization to drive performance shifts  Project management for development and implementation of district wide high school reform strategy for Superintendent and Deputy Superintendent of a mid-sized urban district  Facilitating Development and Implementation of SLCs and Small Schools in Urban Districts  Facilitating the alignment of policies and practices to support innovative change in schools  Executive Coaching for Principals and Central Office Administrators in leadership and planning Co-Director, MSSP 2000-2004  Facilitated Design, Implementation and Fiscal Management of a $5.5 million grant to create model small schools in eight urban districts across the Nation  Facilitated meetings of Mayors, Superintendents and other public officials in the change process of creating relevant, rigorous and relationship based small schools  Facilitated a bottom-up design while coaching at a District level to put systems in place to incubate, and align policy and practice to support these new small schools Founding Principal, Internet Academy 1997-2000  Facilitated the Design and Implementation of the first online school in the State of Washington which at the end of three years served 900 students from within Washington, across the nation and internationally  Managed a $2.5 million annual budget for the school  Developed business partners to develop, create and provide online solutions for student learning  Trained teachers for an online environment and monitored their onsite and remote teaching online  Instructional Leader for 20 online teachers  Advocated and became part of a team to rewrite, at District and State level, policy and regulation changes to allow for best practices in online learning Adjunct Professor, Seattle Pacific University Adjunct Professor, Heritage College Principal, Federal Way, WA Assistant Principal, Federal Way, WA Teacher, Federal Way, WA Director/Teacher, St George’s School Spokane, WA Adjunct Professor, Whitworth College, Spokane, WA Counselor, Seattle Mental Health Clinic, Seattle, WA 1997-2000 1997-2000 1995-1997 1994-1995 1993-1994 1980-1993 1982-1993 1977-1982 Page Linda Keller MacDonald Education Master of Arts, School Administration Seattle Pacific University 1994 Certification Accelerated Learning Harvard University 1984 Certification Gifted Education Whitworth University 1980 Master of Arts, Counseling Gonzaga University 1972 Bachelor of Science University of Oregon 1970 Clinical Child Psychology Major, with Minors in Music, Math, Biology Licenses and Certificates State of Washington, K-12 Administrative Certificate State of Washington, K-12 Permanent Teaching Certificate State of Washington Mental health Counselor License Professional Affiliations Association for Supervision and Curriculum Development (ASCD) National Association of Secondary School Principals (NASSP) Association for Career and Technical Education (ACTE) North American Council for Online Learning (NACOL) Project Planning and Facilitation School Turnaround Partner—three urban high schools—Detroit Public Schools, 2009 - ongoing Executive coaching and Teaching & Learning Department reorganization for Deputy Superintendent of mid-sized urban district 2007-08 Facilitate planning and implementation of high school reform strategy for mid-sized urban school district Converting to Small Themed Learning Communities, Clark County School District, 2006 - 2007 Conversion of Franklin High School Into Small Themed High Schools, Rochester, NY, 2004 - 2007 Conversion of Edison Tech High School Into Small Career Tech High Schools, Rochester, NY, 2004 - 2007 Design Team—Tiger Woods Learning Center, Anaheim, CA, 2004-05 “Connecting Time” - A National Networked Learning Project and Video Conference, Fall 2003 Model Secondary Schools Project—Start-up of Eight Small Urban Public High Schools, 2000 - 2004 Publication Co-author - A New Lens on Learning, Model Secondary Schools Project, 2004 Grants Received Model Secondary Schools Project - Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation, August, 2000 Conference Planning and Leadership “Converting Edison into Four Small High Schools”, Rochester, NY, July 2004 “Summer Institute” New Orleans, LA, June 2004 “Summer Institute” Seattle, WA, June 2003 “Summer Institute” San Antonio, TX, June 2002 “Summer Institute” Chicago, IL, June 2001 Page Linda Keller MacDonald School Turnaround Projects Southwestern High School, Detroit Public Schools, 2009 - ongoing Detroit Technology High School, Detroit Public Schools, 2009 - ongoing Pershing High School, Detroit Public Schools, 2009 - ongoing Cimarron-Memorial High School, Clark County School District, 2007 - 2008 Western High School, Clark County School District, 2007 - 2008 Eldorado High School, Clark County School District, 2006 - 2008 Global Media Arts High School, Rochester City School District 2001- 2008 International Finance High School, Rochester City School District, 2004 - 2008 Bioscience High School, Rochester City School District, 2004 - 2008 School of Imaging & information Technology @ Edison , Rochester City School District, 2004 - 2008 School of Engineering and Manufacturing @ Edison, Rochester City School District, 2004 - 2008 School of Applied Technology @ Edison, Rochester City School District, 2004 - 2008 School of Business & Entrepreneurship @ Edison, Rochester City School District, 2004 - 2008 Keller Middle School, Clark County School District, 2006 - 2007 O’Callaghan Middle School, Clark County School District, 2006 - 2007 Fremont Middle School, Clark County School District, 2006 - 2007 New School Development Projects Tech Boston Academy, Boston Public Schools, 2000 - 2007 Detroit Technology High School, Detroit Public Schools, 2000 - 2006 Entrepreneurship High School, Cincinnati Public Schools, 2002 - 2004 Peterson Center, Clark County School District, 2002 - 2004 Success Tech Academy, Cleveland Municipal School District, 2001 - 2004 East St Louis Networking Academy, East St Louis School District, 2001 - 2004 Compton Small High School, Compton Unified School District, 2000 - 2004 Conference Presentations Developing a District Wide High School Strategy: A Case Study, ASCD, March, 2010 Blended Learning Environments, Detroit School Design Conference, February, 2010 Success Happens Intentionally: Balancing Organizational Development, Innovation and Academic Achievement - Association of Latino Administrators & Superintendents, November 2009 Creating Student Centered Learning Environments in Small Urban High Schools, NECC, June 2005 Model Secondary Schools Project, NSBA Technology & Learning Conference, Fall 2004 A Working Vision for Change, Education Trust Conference, Fall 2004 Another Way of Thinking About Media, Defining Global Media GMA HS, Summer 2003 A Support System for a Learner Centered School Community, MSSP Project Sites, Fall 2001 A Support System for Learning and Collaboration, Gates Foundation Network Meeting, Spring 2001 http://www.modelschoolsproject.org Page

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