Andrews University Digital Commons @ Andrews University Dissertations Graduate Research 2020 Mother-Infant Attachment: Path Analysis of the Predictive Role of Trauma Therapy and Select Demographics on Mother's Cognitive Responses Nicole D Knapp Follow this and additional works at: Recommended Citation Knapp, Nicole D., "Mother-Infant Attachment: Path Analysis of the Predictive Role of Trauma Therapy and Select Demographics on Mother's Cognitive Responses" (2020) Dissertations 1727 This Dissertation is brought to you for free and open access by the Graduate Research at Digital Commons @ Andrews University It has been accepted for inclusion in Dissertations by an authorized administrator of Digital Commons @ Andrews University For more information, please contact ABSTRACT MOTHER-INFANT ATTACHMENT: PATH ANALYSIS OF THE PREDICTIVE ROLE OF TRAUMA THERAPY AND SELECT DEMOGRAPHICS ON MOTHER’S COGNITIVE RESPONSES by Nicole D Knapp Chair: Dennis Waite, Ed.D ABSTRACT OF GRADUATE STUDENT RESEARCH Dissertation Andrews University College of Education & International Services Title: Mother-infant Attachment: Path Analysis of the Predictive Role of Trauma Therapy and Select Demographics on Mother’s Cognitive Responses Name of researcher: Nicole D Knapp Name and degree of faculty chair: Dennis Waite, Ed.D Date completed: June 2020 Problem The best outcome for attachment when an infant is born would be a secure attachment, but this is not always the case Insecure attachments are likely to be formed when the mother has experienced domestic violence given the right environment (HuthBocks et al., 2011; Theran et al., 2005) A previous study showed that changes to attachment due to postnatal intervention are based on external behaviors rather than internal though processes (Theran et al., 2005) Because of this, the purpose of this study is to compare therapy categories and each of the observable attachment factors Method Participants completed a survey which measured the tolerance, acceptance, pleasure in proximity, and competence as a parent in regard to the mother’s response to her child(ren) ages zero to six months old, as well demographic information Data was analyzed using a one-way multivariate analysis of variance (MANOVA), a one-way analysis of variance (ANOVA), post hoc tests, and a path analysis to answer two main research questions and five sub-questions Results The MANOVA results showed a marginally significant difference among the trauma therapy categories on the dependent variables Subsequent ANOVA results showed that, individually, trauma therapy had a significant effect on tolerance, pleasure in proximity, and competence as a parent Bonferroni post hoc analysis showed that not attending therapy significantly differs from attending group therapy in regard to competence as a parent The hypothesized model was a good fit for the data This model indicated a weak statistically significant direct effect of childhood abuse on trauma therapy Race, childhood abuse, and support system all had weak statistically significant direct effect on ATT and trauma therapy had a weak moderately significant direct effect on ATT Conclusion This study was designed to help understand if various types of trauma therapy could be effective in the formation of a more secure attachment between mother and infant when the mother has had a history of domestic violence This study also looked to understand if various demographic factors have an effect on the attendance of trauma therapy or on ATT, either directly or as mediated through trauma therapy Results have indicated that when looking at maternal attachment responses, it may be more beneficial to look at the individual types of trauma therapy and areas of attachment rather than at trauma therapy and attachment as wholes In regard to demographic factors, there were weak significant direct effects found for both trauma therapy and ATT This study also offers various implications for future research and professional practice Andrews University College of Education & International Services MOTHER-INFANT ATTACHMENT: PATH ANALYSIS OF THE PREDICTIVE ROLE OF TRAUMA THERAPY AND SELECT DEMOGRAPHICS ON MOTHER’S COGNITIVE RESPONSES A Dissertation Presented in Partial Fulfillment of the Requirements for the Degree Doctor of Philosophy by Nicole D Knapp June 2020 ©Copyright by Nicole D Knapp 2020 All Rights Reserved MOTHER-INFANT ATTACHMENT: PATH ANALYSIS OF THE PREDICTIVE ROLE OF TRAUMA THERAPY AND SELECT DEMOGRAPHICS ON MOTHER’S COGNITIVE RESPONSES A dissertation presented in partial fulfillment of the requirements for the degree Doctor of Philosophy by Nicole D Knapp APPROVAL BY THE COMMITTEE: Chair: Dennis Waite Dean, College of Education & International Services Alayne Thorpe Member: Nancy Carbonell Member: Tevni Grajales External: Melissa Ponce-Rodas Date approved TABLE OF CONTENTS LIST OF ILLUSTRATIONS vi LIST OF TABLES vi LIST OF ABBREVIATIONS vii ACKNOWLEDGEMENTS viii Chapter INTRODUCTION Background of the Problem Statement of the Problem Purpose of the Study Research Questions Significance of the Study Conceptual Framework Definition of Terms Limitations and Delimitations Organization of Study 3 5 LITERATURE REVIEW 10 Introduction Attachment Theory Mother-Child Attachment Adult Attachment Trauma Theory Trauma Theory and Hormone Activation Trauma Theory and the Brain Domestic Violence Types of Domestic Violence Factors Influencing Domestic Violence Beliefs and Attitudes Regarding Domestic Violence Trauma Therapy and Domestic Violence Mother-Child Attachment and Domestic Violence Influences on Perceived Maternal Capability Mother’s Childhood 10 11 12 14 14 15 16 16 17 17 19 20 23 23 23 iii Impact of Domestic Violence Maternal Views of Child Mother-Infant Attachment Mother-Child Attachment Conclusion 24 25 26 27 28 METHODOLOGY 30 Introduction Type of Study Population and Sample Hypothesis Variables Definition The Maternal Postnatal Attachment Scale Data Collection Analysis of the Data Summary 30 30 31 31 33 34 35 36 37 RESULTS 39 Introduction Description of Sample Observed Variables Description Zero-Order Correlations Results by Question Question Question 2: Hypothesis Testing Intercorrelations Among Variables Summary of Findings 39 39 40 40 42 44 44 46 48 SUMMARY, DISCUSSION, AND IMPLICATIONS 49 Introduction Purpose of Study Summary of Literature Review Attachment Trauma Theory, Domestic Violence, and Trauma Therapy Mother-Infant Attachment and Domestic Violence Methodology Findings and Discussion Sample Demographics Research Question Research Question Limitations Recommendations Recommendations for Future Research 49 49 50 50 51 52 53 54 54 54 56 58 58 59 iv APPENDIX E PATH ANALYSIS TABLES 78 Hypothesized Model Regression Weights: (Group number – Default model) Estimate S.E YesNoTherapy Abuse 234 048 YesNoTherapy MaritalStatus -.048 047 YesNoTherapy Income 000 000 YesNoTherapy RaceGroup2 049 049 YesNoTherapy Support -.001 001 F1 RaceGroup2 -.300 069 F1 Support -.003 002 F1 Abuse 274 070 F1 Income 000 000 F1 YesNoTherapy 126 069 F1 MaritalStatus -.065 067 Tolerance F1 1.000 Acceptance F1 1.085 071 Pleasure F1 591 040 Competence F1 849 048 C.R 4.853 -1.022 866 1.010 -1.263 -4.340 -1.986 3908 -1.750 1.817 -.972 P *** 307 386 312 207 *** 047 *** 080 069 331 15.181 14.682 17.643 *** *** *** Standardized Regression Weights: (Group number – Default model) Estimate YesNoTherapy Abuse 231 YesNoTherapy MaritalStatus -.049 YesNoTherapy Income 041 YesNoTherapy RaceGroup2 048 YesNoTherapy Support -.060 F1 RaceGroup2 -.218 F1 Support -.099 F1 Abuse 202 F1 Income -.087 F1 YesNoTherapy 094 F1 MaritalStatus -.049 Tolerance F1 844 Acceptance F1 712 Pleasure F1 692 Competence F1 817 79 Label Variances: (Group number – Default model) Estimate S.E Abuse 241 017 RaceGroup2 236 016 Support 422.126 29.304 Income 4853388288848.390 336927133678.519 MaritalStatus 250 017 e6 232 016 e5 389 040 e1 180 021 e2 509 042 e3 169 014 e4 160 017 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ABSTRACT OF GRADUATE STUDENT RESEARCH Dissertation Andrews University College of Education & International Services Title: Mother-infant Attachment: Path Analysis of the Predictive Role of Trauma Therapy... ATTACHMENT: PATH ANALYSIS OF THE PREDICTIVE ROLE OF TRAUMA THERAPY AND SELECT DEMOGRAPHICS ON MOTHER’S COGNITIVE RESPONSES A Dissertation Presented in Partial Fulfillment of the Requirements for the. .. to further the understanding of which general category of intervention may assist in the formation of SA between mothers and their infants when the mother had a history of DV and which predictive