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Ringling College Continuing Studies 2020 SUMMER TERM: JUNE 1-JULY 24 SUMMER IN THE SUNSHINE STATE A GREAT TIME FOR LEARNING AND RELAXING Summer on the Creative Coast is often a time for locals to quiet down and enjoy all there is in our area without the crowds and multiple commitments that accompany the winter months Personal endeavors into lifelong learning at OLLI at Ringling College and Ringling College Studio and Digital Arts are great ways to be curious and creative during the quieter days of summer Summer visitors and travel can fit easily within our class schedules Our offerings have varying degrees of time commitments, from courses that last one day to those that carry you through a week or multiple weeks OLLI offers literature, history, music appreciation, science, economics, psychology, and global affairs courses designed to engage your mind, transport you to another place and time, and allow you the mental space to remain intellectually active Similarly, the week-long Studio and Digital Arts immersions allow you to intensely explore a medium while building skills in the company of other artists and with the guidance and direction from nationally known professionals We invite you to spend time with us this summer exploring new subjects and expanding and sharing your knowledge Respectfully, Janna Janna Overstreet, Director INDEX Director’s Note Index OLLI STUDIO + DIGITAL ARTS 20 21 Quick-Find Guide/Mail-in Registration Form Registration Options Mission, Academic Calendar, Advisory Council, Course Locations, Staff Membership Levels Volunteer Information 22 SUMMER IMMERSIONS COURSES Quick-Find Guide/Mail-in Registration Form Registration Options 22 CERAMICS 10 C U R R E N T E V E N T S & G LO B A L A F FA I R S 22 Understanding National Security Intelligence Explore Immigration Policy 10 10-11 H E A LT H & W E L L- B E I N G Mind-Body Reboot: Mindful Practices to Optimize Your Life Quiet the Mind: Relieve Stress, Find Peace with Meditation Mind-Body Practices for Healthier Living Evidence-Based Preventive Medicine 11 11-12 M U S I C A P P R E C I AT I O N Life on Key: Reliving Your Memories Through Music The 27 Club: Rock & Roll Heaven 12 23 23 23 S.A.F.E (Security Awareness for Everyone) iPhone for Travelers 13 WRITING Memoir Plus 14-18 OLLI Adventures: Portugal, Puerto Rico LETTERPRESS Letterpress: A Collective Book Arts Project 24 PA I N T I N G Mastering Color Through Exploration Exploring Botanicals in Drawing & Watercolor 24 PHOTOGRAPHY Mastering Adobe Lightroom Fashion Photography: Lights, Camera, Action! 24 PRINTMAKING Printmaking: Monoprints & Image Transfer Silkscreen Printing Workshop SCIENCE T E C H N O LO G Y GLASS Glass Blowing and Cold-Work Science Wednesdays 13 FILM Filmmaking: From Pre-Production to Post-Production P S YC H O LO G Y Freud, Jung, and Hillman: The Shaping of American Psychology D R AW I N G Figure, Gesture, and Expression L I T E R AT U R E Great Books 12 23 HISTORY Ancient Explorers D I G I TA L A R T A N D D E S I G N Connecting Music to Art: Gesture, Typography, Color, & Design Digital Painting Masterclass Graphic Novels: Connecting Image & Word ECONOMICS & FINANCE Successful Strategies in Today’s Market 11 Mastering Wheel Throwing Sculptural Narratives in Ceramics 25 WOOD Creative Woodworking Workshop 25 ADDITIONAL STUDIO OPTIONS Ceramics: Studio Safety & Open Studio Authorization Training Ceramics Open Studio 26-27 Instructor Bios The Osher Lifelong Learning Institute (OLLI) at Ringling College is a division of Ringling College of Art and Design OLLI at Ringling College operates year-round and is supported through student registrations and private contributions OLLI courses are non-credit and primarily based on a liberal arts curriculum There are no grades and no tests; courses are offered purely for the joy of learning Students may attend classes at any of our locations, participate in OLLI Talks, Einstein’s Circle discussion groups, and attend lectures and special events Tuition varies depending upon course length A C A D E M I C M I S S I O N | C O U R S E LO C AT I O N S | A C A D E M I C C A L E N D A R | A D V I S O R Y C O U N C I L OLLI AT RINGLING COLLEGE MISSION The mission of the Osher Lifelong Learning Institute at Ringling College is to enrich the lives of mature adults in Sarasota and Manatee counties by providing affordable and outstanding educational programs and social interaction that cover a broad spectrum of topics and are rich in intellectual stimulation, often interactive in scope, and worthy of academic consideration ACADEMIC CALENDAR 2020 Many classes have later start dates Check the catalog for your favorite class! ADVISORY COUNCIL COURSE LOCATIONS Sam Samelson: Development/Nominating • Council Chair Phillip Buck: Curriculum Janis Cohen: Nominating/Curriculum • Vice Chair Julie Cotton: Strategic Program Planning • Co-Chair Victoria Eckl: Membership Holly Freedman: Curriculum Committee Chair Louise Gallagher: Strategic Program Planning • Co-Chair Bev Harms: Development Mark Moulin: OLLI Transition and Marketing Chair Susan Samelson: Curriculum • Diversity Co-Chair Charlie Stryker: Volunteerism • Diversity Co-Chair Jack Sukin: Development Chair Joanne Swick: Volunteerism • Council Secretary RINGLING COLLEGE MUSEUM CAMPUS STAFF SUMMER 2020: JUNE 1-JULY 24 FALL 2020: SEPT 28-NOV 20 WINTER & SPRING 2021: JAN 11-APR 30 SUMMER 2021: JUNE 1-JULY 31 1001 S Tamiami Trail, Sarasota, FL 34236 407 Magnolia Ave., Anna Maria, FL 34216 Janna Overstreet Director joverstr@ringling.edu Danielle La Senna Business Operations Manager dlasenna@ringling.edu OLLI EAST (STATE COLLEGE OF FLORIDA, LAKEWOOD RANCH) Sheila Reed Education Program Coordinator sreed@ringling.edu Meghan Burrows Registrations and Operations Assistant mburrows@ringling.edu THE CENTER OF ANNA MARIA ISLAND 7131 Professional Parkway E., Sarasota, FL 34240 WESTMINSTER POINT PLEASANT (formerly Westminster Towers & Shores) 1533 4th Ave W., Bradenton, FL 34205 RINGLING COLLEGE MAIN CAMPUS 2700 N Tamiami Trail, Sarasota, FL 34234 Rhonda Stapleton Membership and Community Education Coordinator rstaplet@ringling.edu Diane Zorn Education Program Coordinator dzorn@ringling.edu Nicole Valentino Administrative Assistant Continuing Studies nvalenti@ringling.edu Melinda Whitson Records and Accounts Specialist mwhitson@ringling.edu OLLI ADVENTURES An educational travel program that promotes and provides learning opportunities through local, state, and international trips Students participating in any OLLI Adventures must sign the Ringling College of Art and Design Travel/Activity Release Agreement To view the Activity Release Agreement, go to www.OLLIatRinglingCollege.org Click on OLLI Adventures and download the form MEMBERSHIP OLLI MEMBERSHIP LEVELS Being a member of the Osher Lifelong Learning Institute (OLLI) at Ringling College of Art and Design means you’re a part of our dynamic community of lifelong learners You can choose which level of membership is better for you Both Gold and Silver membership options provide the opportunity to become a part of a nationally recognized lifelong learning institute dedicated to enhancing your learning experience, stimulating your intellect, and connecting you with a unique community of adults TO JOIN: Call 941-309-5111 or go to www.OLLIatRinglingCollege.org GO $85 annually LD M EM B * ER L SI $25 annually V ER M EM R BE * R B Eion) ss EM mi M - l Ad N nera O N (Ge Fee per Event BENEFITS 10% tuition discount on courses and other educational offerings Early registration privileges Up to free lectures per academic year Annual course registration fee: More than 300 liberal arts, humanities, studio arts, and technology courses Invitation to Shared Interest Groups (SIGs) Invitation to Special Events: Einstein’s Circle, lectures, CONNECTIONS documentary film series, workshops, and OLLI Adventures Free parking Invitation to Gold Member appreciation celebration Course catalog mailed to your home Connection to the academic and cultural resources of Ringling College, including campus library and campus galleries Rewarding volunteer opportunities *Paid membership at the Gold or Silver level is required to register for courses Membership is good for one year from date of purchase, per individual, and is non-refundable V O L U N T E E R I N F O R M AT I O N GET INVOLVED IN OUR COMMUNITY OF LEARNERS OLLI at Ringling College thrives on member involvement We invite all members to be a part of the OLLI community by serving in some capacity Participation gives you a sense of ownership as you meet new friends and stay active If you already volunteer and want to try something different, let us know your interests CURRENT VOLUNTEER NEEDS: Curriculum Committee collaborates to provide high-quality course offerings by reviewing and approving course proposals Subcommittees, based on topic areas, interview potential instructors and provide support to new instructors Current representation is needed for Current Events and Global Affairs, Health and Well-Being, and Economics and Finance Membership Committee plans activities to foster a sense of community and to attract and retain members The committee gathers feedback from OLLI members to develop strategy around current needs Catalog Teams help in two ways: Getting the catalog ready for print by proofreading and editing copy (as needed), and distributing course catalogs within Sarasota and Manatee counties Hospitality Team welcomes students and assists with class locations at the beginning of each semester The team also assists with check-in for special events Office Support Team provides stellar customer service by assisting members, instructors, and other guests in-person and by phone Volunteers copy course materials, input data, communicate changes in course status, and perform various projects as needed OLLI Adventures Team assists in planning and coordinating travel opportunities, including day trips as well as domestic and international travel options Shared Interest Groups (SIGs) offer opportunities outside of the classroom for OLLI members to engage in a shared topic of interest Facilitators may propose a topic and/or activity or contact us for suggestions Meeting times and frequency are flexible For more information on volunteer opportunities, contact Rhonda Stapleton at rstaplet@ringling.edu OSHER LIFELONG LEARNING INSTITUTE COURSES Gold Member Registration: May | Silver Member Registration: May 12 Most OLLI classrooms have a hearing aid compatible loop system Classes held in rooms without loop access will be noted in the course description O L L I Q U I C K- F I N D G U I D E | R E G I S T R AT I O N F O R M Please indicate your choice of course(s) and quantity from the list below, then complete all information on the bottom of this page Return the form to: Ringling College Lifelong Learning Academy, 1050 S Tuttle Ave Bldg 1, Sarasota, FL 34237 STUDENT INFORMATION (Please print clearly) Name (as it appears on credit card) [ ] I am a new student Billing Address _ City/State/ZIP _ Phone Number Email Address _ OLLI CLASSES • GM: GOLD MEMBER FEE • SM: SILVER MEMBER FEE (Number in parenthesis after class title indicates course sessions) MONDAYS 9-10:20 AM Quiet the Mind (8) • HW100 (p 10) • GM: $85.50; SM: $95 1-2:20 PM Understanding National Security Intelligence (6) • CV120 (p 10) • GM: $81; SM: $90 Life on Key: Memories Through Music (3) • MA111 (p 11) • GM: $54; SM: $60 TUESDAYS 9-10:20 AM Great Books (6) • LI117 (p 11) • GM: $81; SM: $90 11 AM-12:20 PM The 27 Club: Rock & Roll (8) • MA112 (p 12) • GM: $85.50; SM: $95 1-2:20 PM Successful Strategies Today’s Market (4) • EC103 (p 10) • GM: $63; SM: $70 TUESDAYS & THURSDAYS 1-2:20 PM Evidence-Based Preventive Medicine (8) • HW123 (p 11) • GM: $85.50; SM: $95 WEDNESDAYS 11 AM-12:20 PM Mind-Body Practices (8) • HW105 (p 10) • GM: $85.50; SM: $95 S.A.F.E (Security Awareness for Everyone) (4) • TC115 (p 13) • GM: $63; SM: $70 1-2:20 PM Ancient Explorers (5) • HS128 (p 11) • GM: $76.50; SM: $85 Science Wednesdays (4) • SI108 (p 12) • GM: $63; SM: $70 THURSDAYS 9-10:20 AM iPhone for Travelers (6) • TC114 (p 13) • GM: $81; SM: $90 11 AM-12:20 PM Memoir Plus (8) • WR105 (p 13) • GM: $85.50; SM: $95 Explore Immigration Policy (4) • CV121 (p 10) • GM: $63; SM: $70 FRIDAY 9:30 AM-3:30 PM (Full-Day) Freud, Jung, Hillman: American Psychology • PY113 (p 12) • GM: $88; SM: $99 11 AM-3 PM (Half-Day) Mind-Body Reboot • HW122 (p 10) • GM: $49; SM: $55 Q= = $ _ Q= = $ _ Q= = $ _ Q= = $ _ Q= = $ _ Q= = $ _ Q= = $ _ Q= = $ _ Q= = $ _ Q= = $ _ Q= = $ _ Q= = $ _ Q= = $ _ Q= = $ _ Q= = $ _ Q= = $ _ • Shared Interest Groups • Annual Appreciation Party Subtotal = $ _ Membership Discount (-10%) = $ _ PHOTO POLICY: By registering for courses, I acknowledge that my photo may be taken while at the Ringling College Museum or Main Campus, and utilized for purposes of promoting Continuing Studies programs If I not want my photo utilized, I will step aside when photos are being taken TOTAL = $ _ GOLD MEMBERSHIP BENEFITS • Early Registration • 10% Tuition Discount • Free Lectures METHOD OF PAYMENT Method of Payment [ ] Check (enclosed) [ ] Credit Card (Full credit card number required Registration system does not retain card number.) Visa/MC/AMEX # _ CCV Code Exp Date _ O L L I R E G I S T R AT I O N O P T I O N S | P O L I C I E S A N D P R O C E D U R E S OLLI REGISTRATION OPTIONS ONLINE: Visit our website at www.OLLIatRinglingCollege.org and follow the links If you have more than one address, remember to use the address that is associated with the credit card you are using BY MAIL OR IN PERSON: Fill out the mail-in form Enclose it with your check or credit card information and mail to or visit our office Monday through Friday, am to pm; Room 105 Ringling College Museum Campus, 1001 S Tamiami Trail, Sarasota, FL 34236 Contacting the OLLI Office Office hours: am to pm Monday-Friday PHONE: 941-309-5111 EMAIL: OLLI@ringlingcollege.edu VISIT: www.OLLIatRinglingCollege.org 1001 S Tamiami Trail, Sarasota, FL 34236 Guest Policy Guests are welcome to visit a class one time on a space-available basis When classes are closed (all seats filled), guests cannot be accommodated A guest cannot “bump” a registered student from any class Guests must register in the office prior to the class No guest seating permitted in CONNECTIONS: The Documentary Film Series Paid admission only Cancellations and Schedule Changes • If a class is cancelled due to under enrollment, students will receive a full refund • Students will also receive a full refund if an instructor cancels a class prior to its start • Once a class has started, and an instructor cancels a class for medical or personal reasons, students will receive a prorated refund based on the number of classes held prior to cancellation Students are expected to pay for course session(s) they attend Building Evacuation Procedures Upon receipt of an evacuation order, all employees and students shall exit via the nearest unaffected exit They shall proceed quickly and quietly to the designated evacuation relocation point for the area they were in at the time of the evacuation order If class is in session, it is the responsibility of the instructor to direct their students from their classroom to the appropriate egress route and relocation point Refund Policy If you drop a course within two (2) business days after the first scheduled class session, you will receive a refund minus a 25 percent administrative fee If you drop a course more than two (2) business days after the first scheduled class session, you forfeit your entire tuition There are no refunds for: Einstein’s Circle, Lectures, Membership Fees, Workshops, Special Events, or OLLI Adventures The $25 Silver Member fee cannot be refunded after a student has registered for any multi-session course or workshop The Silver Member fee of $25 can be refunded if a class is canceled by OLLI Transfer Policy You may request a transfer to another course (within the same term), up to 48 hours after the first scheduled class session, at no charge A transfer can be accommodated only if there is space in the class OLLI COURSES: You may request a transfer to another course (within the same term), up to two (2) business days after the first scheduled class session, at no charge A transfer can be accommodated if there is space in the class STUDIO & DIGITAL ARTS COURSES: No transfers allowed Wait List Once a student is placed on a wait list, he/she will be notified if a seat becomes available in the class he/she wishes to attend The student will have 24 hours to notify OLLI staff of their interest in the class We will use the student-provided contact information for notification by phone or email If the student has not contacted the office within 24 hours, the next student on the wait list will be contacted Learning Environment Above all else, our ultimate goal is to provide a stimulating and thoughtful learning experience We are committed to creating an intellectually nurturing environment that encourages a collegial exchange of ideas and concepts and enables us to broaden our perspectives and hone our opinions Sometimes we agree with others’ viewpoints; sometimes we question them and feel the need to present an alternative view This honest give and take of scholastic discourse, tempered with mutual respect and an open mind, makes for a rare and memorable learning experience We all play a role in maintaining this balance of civility and academic freedom Here’s how you can your part: • ALLOW others to have their say • RESPECT the rights of others to express their views • LISTEN quietly while instructors or other students are speaking • REFRAIN from quarrelsome interruptions to an instructor’s presentation • ENSURE cell phones are switched off during the class • COMPLY with staff and instructor requests Scholarship Program To apply for a scholarship, you must submit a brief letter of request, including your name, address, phone number, and email address Send your letter to: Janna Overstreet, Director OLLI at Ringling College, 1001 S Tamiami Trail, Sarasota, FL 34236 or email: joverstr@ringling.edu Successful applicants will receive a reduction in tuition for one course, one lecture, or an Einstein’s Circle Scholarships are good for one term Please submit only one scholarship letter request per academic school year O L L I C O U R S E S | C U R R E N T E V E N T S & G LO B A L A F FA I R S | E C O N O M I C S & F I N A N C E | H E A LT H & W E L L- B E I N G C U R R E N T E V E N T S & G LO B A L A F FA I R S H E A LT H & W E L L- B E I N G NEW UNDERSTANDING NATIONAL SECURITY INTELLIGENCE NEW MIND-BODY REBOOT: MINDFUL PRACTICES TO OPTIMIZE YOUR LIFE Course #CV120 Mondays: 1-2:20 pm Sessions: June 1-July Course #HW122 Friday: 11 am-3 pm Session: June RINGLING COLLEGE MUSEUM CAMPUS RINGLING COLLEGE MUSEUM CAMPUS Gary Chase The course will explore key intelligence concepts and techniques, including collection, analysis, counterintelligence, and covert action It will also address the origin, evolution, and current structure of the intelligence community, congressional oversight, politicization, and secrecy vs “the public’s right to know.” We will evaluate the accuracy of popular books, movies, and TV programs that deal with intelligence activities Gold Member: $81; Silver Member: $90 Paula Morris Come to this workshop of yoga therapy practices for a mid-year reset to live healthier, happier, and fully Develop resilience to stress through reflection, discussion, journaling, relaxation breathing, mindful awareness, meditation, and chair or standing movements that physically strengthen, stretch, and balance Give your mind, body, and life a reboot and optimize your well-being Gold Member: $49; Silver Member: $55 NEW EXPLORE IMMIGRATION POLICY QUIET THE MIND: RELIEVE STRESS, FIND PEACE WITH MEDITATION Course #CV121 Thursdays: 11 am-12:20 pm Sessions: June 4-June 25 RINGLING COLLEGE MUSEUM CAMPUS Thomas Goldman U.S immigration is complex and ever-changing This course examines the history of immigration policies in the United States, the way the system works, and the conflicting values surrounding hot topics in the news today The purpose of the course is to provide information that will help expand the discussion related to fixing a system that many believe is broken Gold Member: $63; Silver Member: $70 ECONOMICS & FINANCE SUCCESSFUL STRATEGIES IN TODAY’S MARKET Course #EC103 Tuesdays: 1-2:20 pm Sessions: June 2-June 23 RINGLING COLLEGE MUSEUM CAMPUS Bob Latessa This class will provide a broad look at the current state of today’s financial markets We will not only address the risks investors face but also outline opportunities that wealth managers look for when allocating portfolios Themes to be discussed will include: tax-advantaged investing, investing for income in a low-interest-rate environment, analysis of investor behavior, the benefits of having a financial plan, the state of corporate earnings, and, of course, where to seek opportunities when markets are trading at all-time highs Gold Member: $63; Silver Member: $70 10 Course #HW100 Mondays: 9-10:20 am Sessions: June 1-July 20 RINGLING COLLEGE MUSEUM CAMPUS Stephen Gillum In this course, you will learn and practice mind-quieting and mind-observation techniques, identify causes of stress, and learn to relieve it Discussions will include different styles of meditation, including meditation while walking, but the emphasis will be on the actual doing The approach is non-theistic and draws on Eckhart Tolle’s ideas on mind observation and presence and on Zen silent illumination Be prepared for a life-changing experience Please wear nonrestrictive clothing Gold Member: $85.50; Silver Member: $95 MIND-BODY PRACTICES FOR HEALTHIER LIVING Course #HW105 Wednesdays: 11 am-12:20 pm Sessions: June 3-July 22 RINGLING COLLEGE MUSEUM CAMPUS Paula Morris Learn to supercharge your resiliency to stress, aging, pain, and disease by using simple mind-body practices that anyone can A Harvard medical report found that the benefits of practicing yoga reduced hospital visits by 43 percent when integrated into daily life In this experiential course, you will learn simple yoga stretches that can be done with a chair or table and relaxation breathing you can anywhere You will be introduced to meditation to release past and present stress and journaling exercises to understand your emotions and personal life Gold Member: $85.50; Silver Member: $95 “Oh, The Places We’ll Go!” Lose Yourself in an Adventure PUERTO RICO Nov 30-Dec 5, 2020 S P EC I A L TRAVEL S EC T I O N PORTUGAL Mar 16-25, 2021 OLLI at Ringling College presents Great Getaways 14 OLLI ADVENTURES: PUERTO RICO OLLI ADVENTURES: PUERTO RICO, NOV 30-DEC 5, 2020 Osher Lifelong Learning Institute (OLLI) at Ringling College presents THE ARTS IN PUERTO RICAN CULTURE TOUR DATES Nov 30-Dec 5, 2020 PROGRAM COST* Single Room: $3,300 per person Double Room: $2,900 per person DR PEDRO SCHUCK, PROGRAM LEADER Pedro Schuck was born in Ponce, Puerto Rico He is an educator-artist, art travel program coordinator, and tour leader for PuertoRicoCubArtEdu programs Schuck is a graduate of Inter American University of Puerto Rico, Harvard, and Boston universities He is professor emeritus of social education in Cambridge College (MA) He was founder of the Cambridge College Puerto Rico Center where he implemented graduate programs in education, management, and counseling psychology Since 2001 he has been delivering art and educational travel programs to Puerto Rico and Cuba REGISTRATION DEADLINE: JULY 1, 2020 OVERVIEW: This program features the vibrant and rich culture of Old San Juan and the city of Ponce through architecture, visual arts, music, and dance! Old San Juan’s architecture reflects four centuries of development that shaped the historic urban landscape Today, it is the nation’s most complete Spanish urban center with its Gothic, Renaissance, and Baroque architecture Ponce is Puerto Rico’s second largest city (San Juan is first; Mayaguez is the third) Ponce is known by several names: “La Perla del Sur” (“Pearl of the South”), “La Ciudad de los Leones” (“City of Lions”), or “Ciudad Señorial” (“Majestic or Noble City”), because of its many beautiful neoclassical buildings and facades PROGRAM ACTIVITY LEVEL: MODERATE: Our program requires moderate physical activity combined with bus travel (two hours) Activities include city-walking tours (sometimes on uneven surfaces), stops along the way, standing in museums for a few hours, walking a flight of stairs, and strolling up/down hills Participants should also be comfortable walking about 2.5 miles PROGRAM INCLUSIONS: • Five nights’ accommodations at an Old San Juan hotel • Continental breakfasts • Welcome and farewell dinners • Daily ground transportation and drivers tips • Guided walking tour of Old San Juan with a Puerto Rican architect • Full day tour of the city of Ponce • Guided visits to museums, El Morro Fortress, Serrallés Castle, and more • Reading and website suggestions to learn about Puerto Rico before departure • Face-to-face AND online orientation meeting before departure *Note: All reservations are subject to availability Rates are subject to change until reservations are booked and confirmed REGISTRATION AND PAYMENT DUE DATES July 1, 2020 Registration documents deadline • 50 percent (per person) of program inclusions 45 days before departure • 50 percent (balance per person) of program inclusions NOT INCLUDED: • Roundtrip airfare to San Juan • Arrival and departure transportation to San Juan International Airport • Meals: lunches and dinners • Gratuities for hospitality staff • Trip interruption and cancellation insurance • Optional tours INFORMATION SESSION WITH PEDRO SCHUCK DATE: Tuesday, June TIME: 2:30-3:30 pm LOCATION: Ringling College Museum Campus, 1001 S Tamiami Trail To register for the free session, call 941-309-5111 CANCELLATION POLICY (Fees Apply): Cancellations after registration and before second payment: 50% refund Cancellations after second payment: No refund TO REQUEST A RESERVATION PACKET VISIT www.cubartedu.com; Go to the Contact Us page 15 OLLI ADVENTURES: PUERTO RICO Casa de España “House of Spain” was a cultural hub for Spanish citizens living in Puerto Rico Charming cobblestone streets accent Old San Juan Eclectic architecture fills the city of Ponce ITINERARY DAY 1: HOLA, PUERTO RICO • Arrive in San Juan, Puerto Rico • Transfer to hotel on your own • Hotel check-in • Welcome dinner DAY 2: OLD SAN JUAN A Puerto Rican architect leads us through the narrow streets of Old San Juan for a full-day walking tour We will become acquainted with five centuries of Spanish Caribbean history including forts, plazas, cultural centers, fountains, museums, and galleries DAY 3: PUERTO RICAN VISUAL ARTS Today’s tour begins at the Museum of Art of Puerto Rico, a modern fivestory structure in a 1920 neo-classical building The museum supports Puerto Rico’s 500-year-old tradition in painting, sculpture, graphics, ceramics, folk art, photography, and other contemporary media After lunch, your afternoon is free for optional tours DAY 4: THE CITY OF PONCE Art and architecture are today’s focus when we visit the colonial city of Ponce, the second largest city in Puerto Rico We start with a guided visit to the Ponce Museum of Art, the largest art museum in the Caribbean The museum’s collection includes European, Pre-Raphaelite, and Caribbean paintings After lunch, we set out for a city tour that unveils an enchanting portrait of colonial history, architecture, and culture Our stops will include a 19th-century fire station, La Perla Theater, and the Serrallés Castle, former estate of the wealthy Serrallés’ family, who were sugar industry barons and the owners of Don Q rum DAY 5: PUERTO RICAN CONTEMPORARY ART To conclude our journey, we visit the Puerto Rican Contemporary Art Museum Founded in 1984, the museum was the result of collaboration between a number of generous artists and the civil society Known locally as the Museo de Arte Contemporáneo (MAC), all the art collected by the museum belongs to the people of Puerto Rico The museum serves not only to educate, but also to preserve and document art from Puerto Rico, the Caribbean, and Latin America from 1940 to the present Our farewell dinner will include a flamenco dance show 16 DAY 6: HASTA LUEGO, PUERTO RICO • Breakfast • Hotel check-out • Transfer to airport on your own OPTIONAL AFTERNOON TOURS OLD SAN JUAN HARBOR SAIL Climb aboard the Amazing Grace, an American-style 19th-century topsail schooner, for an unforgettable picturesque 90-minute excursion past the wonders of this historic area Our trip includes up-close views of historic sites such as El Morro Fortress, La Fortaleza (the official residence of the governor of Puerto Rico), and Paseo de la Princesa A guide and complimentary beverages and snacks are provided MIXOLOGY TOUR OF CASA BACARDI Discover the secrets of the world-famous Bacardi rum distillery during a 90-minute tour Sip a complimentary welcome cocktail, then learn to make classic cocktails like Cuba Libre, mojito, and daiquiri with a demonstration from an expert mixologist at the famous Casa Bacardí in Cataño OPTIONAL EVENING TOURS OLD SAN JUAN FOOD TOUR We take you on a progressive two-hour walking and eating tour Stroll the cobblestone streets of this 495-year-old fortified Spanish colonial city and learn about its unique architecture including the second oldest church in the Americas Sip on Puerto Rico’s most legendary rum cocktail while learning its fabled beginnings Savor 10 bites and sips including an iconic rum cocktail Get hands-on experience making your own signature Puerto Rican dishes NIGHT TALES IN OLD SAN JUAN This tour showcases Old San Juan’s military culture and historic landscapes A 90-minute guided walking tour includes visits to Spanish soldiers’ barracks, a city jail, battleground sites, and locations where Hollywood movies and TV shows were filmed OLLI ADVENTURES: PORTUGAL OLLI ADVENTURES: MARCH 16-25, 2021 Osher Lifelong Learning Institute (OLLI) at Ringling College presents PORTUGAL FEATURING ESTORIL COAST, ALENTEJO, & ALGARVE OVERVIEW: Trip highlights include: Portuguese Riviera • Lisbon • Obidos Sintra • Choice of tours • Arraiolos • Cork Factory • Evora • Alentejo • Lagos Faro • Tavira • Winery Visit • UNESCO World Heritage Sites • Sagres TOUR DATES March 16-25, 2021 PROGRAM COST Book now and save $250 per person (valid until Sept 17, 2020) Double $3,749 Single $4,049 Triple $3,719 Double $3,499* Single $3,799* Triple $3,469* For trip details and reservation information, call 1-800-852-5655; use reference code: 991241 or visit: www.gateway.gocollette.com/link/991241 REGISTRATION DEADLINE: SEPTEMBER 17, 2020 The stunning Algarve Coast is known for its laidback feel Indulge in full-bodied wines from the Alentejo region during a winery tour and tasting The Belem Tower is a UNESCO World Heritage site in Lisbon PROGRAM INCLUSIONS: • Group pickup (from Ringling College Museum Campus) to and from Tampa International Airport • Roundtrip airfare from Tampa International Airport • Air taxes and fees/surcharges • Hotel transfers • Complimentary luggage handling • Meals: Breakfasts • Lunch • Dinners • $250 per person booking bonus valid until Sept 17, 2020 NOT INCLUDED: Unless otherwise noted, the following items are not included in the package price: INDIVIDUAL RESERVATIONS & DEPOSITS Deposit amount: A deposit of $500 per person is due upon reservation FINAL PAYMENT DUE: JAN 15, 2021 • Optional travel protection plan • Tips for tour manager and bus driver • Cancellation waiver and insurance of $329 per person All rates are per person and are subject to change, based on air-inclusive package from Tampa 17 OLLI ADVENTURES: PORTUGAL ITINERARY DAY 1: TUESDAY, MAR 16, 2021 OVERNIGHT FLIGHT Ancient castles and Roman ruins, groves of lemon and almond trees, quiet whitewashed villages, and welcoming locals—Portugal is waiting for you! DAY 2: WEDNESDAY, MAR 17, 2021 CASCAIS Welcome to the Portuguese Riviera, your home for the next three nights With mansions scattered about Cascais and Monte Estoril, embrace the feeling of luxury Join your fellow travelers for a welcome dinner DAY 3: THURSDAY, MAR 18, 2021 CASCAIS – LISBON – CASCAIS Embark on a panoramic Lisbon city tour and uncover the city’s most famous sights You’ll see the Alfama District (Lisbon’s oldest quarters) along with the Belem Tower (UNESCO World Heritage site), and the Monument to the Discoveries Step into the past at the 16th-century Jerónimos Monastery (UNESCO) and Lisbon’s Maritime Museum You will have time to discover the narrow cobblestone streets, meander past seaside cafés or pause to shop for ceramics, lace, and hand-woven works You’re on your own for the remainder of the day You may choose to join an optional experience to savor Portuguese cuisine and wine while local artists perform traditional folk music Breakfast DAY 4: FRIDAY, MAR 19, 2021 CASCAIS – OBIDOS – SINTRA – CASCAIS Explore the picture-perfect city of Obidos, where whitewashed houses sit snug within medieval city walls Continue to Sintra (UNESCO), a breathtaking coastal hub that served as the summer residence of Portuguese kings for six centuries Then, it’s your choice: Explore this quaint hilltop village independently and wander through the winding streets lined with cork products and pastries, or venture into the National Palace of Sintra Breakfast DAY 5: SATURDAY, MAR 20, 2021 CASCAIS – ARRAIOLOS – EVORA Make your way through Portugal’s charming countryside Visit Arraiolos, known as the “Village of Rugs,” and delve into the history and art of Portuguese tapestries Visit a local cork factory, where you’ll learn about the product’s importance to the local economy and why Portugal is the world’s top cork producer Your journey then takes you to Evora (UNESCO) — the “Museum City of Portugal.” In addition to Evora’s 2nd-century Roman temple to Diana, this medieval walled city is also home to the mysterious 16th-century “Chapel of Bones.” Indulge in full-bodied wines from the Alentejo region during a winery tour and tasting Breakfast 18 DAY 6: SUNDAY, MAR 21, 2021 EVORA – MONSARAZ – LAGOS Journey to the stunning coasts of the Algarve – the southernmost region of Portugal On the way, pause to take in the dramatic vistas from the village of Monsaraz Then, explore the historic resort town of Lagos, where Moorish and Renaissance influences meet towering seaside cliffs From this bustling port city, many celebrated voyagers began their explorations, and it was the home to the first school of the navigators Stroll through the fortress and historic buildings as you take in the surrounding views of the Atlantic Breakfast and dinner DAY 7: MONDAY, MAR 22, 2021 LAGOS The entire day is yours to experience the incomparable Algarve on your own Geraniums, camellias, and oleanders grow alongside fig, orange, and almond trees, while brightly colored fishing boats bob on the seas Protected by hills to the north and warmed by the sea, the Algarve’s mild climate and beautiful beaches attract visitors from all over the world Breakfast DAY 8: TUESDAY, MAR 23, 2021 LAGOS – FARO – TAVIRA – LAGOS Journey to Faro, the gateway to the Ria Formosa lagoon landscape Explore the city’s historic center and see the 9th-century Roman walls and its sought-after golden coastline During lunch, discover the flavors of the region as a local chef highlights Algarve gastronomy during a cooking demonstration Enjoy a tasting menu featuring iconic dishes of the region complete with local liquors and pastries Continue to Tavira, an ancient Moorish city that blends traditional architecture with sandy beaches and a modern atmosphere Return to Lagos for an evening at leisure Breakfast and lunch DAY 9: WEDNESDAY, MAR 24, 2021 LAGOS – SAGRES – LISBON Discover the secrets of the 16th-century fortress at Sagres, home of Prince Henry’s School of Navigation and the “compass rose.” Stand in awe before the stunning Cape of St Vincente, where 200-foot cliffs plunge into the Atlantic at the most southwesterly point of Europe Bid Portugal goodbye during a dinner in Lisbon and celebrate the end of your unforgettable journey Breakfast and dinner DAY 10: THURSDAY, MAR 25, 2021 LISBON Your tour ends Breakfast Itinerary at a glance Day 1: Overnight flight Days 2-4: Vila Gale Cascais Hotel, Cascais Day 5: Vitoria Stone Hotel, Evora Days 6-8: Vila Gale Lagos, Algarve Day 9: Turim Marques Hotel, Lisbon On some dates alternate hotels may be used STUDIO + DIGITAL ARTS Summer Immersions Registration: May Studio + Digital Arts classrooms are not equipped with a hearing aid compatible loop system 19 S T U D I O + D I G I TA L A R T S Q U I C K- F I N D G U I D E | R E G I S T R AT I O N F O R M Please indicate your choice of course(s) and quantity from the list below, then complete all information on the bottom of this page Return the form to: Ringling College Lifelong Learning Academy, 1050 S Tuttle Ave Bldg 1, Sarasota, FL 34237 STUDENT INFORMATION (Please print clearly) Name (as it appears on credit card) [ ] I am a new student Billing Address _ City/State/ZIP _ Phone Number Email Address _ STUDIO + DIGITAL ARTS IMMERSIONS (Number in parenthesis after class title indicates course sessions) JUNE 8-17: MONDAY-WEDNESDAY Mastering Wheel Throwing (6) • CE300 (p 22) • am-12 pm • $295 Sculptural Narratives Ceramics (6) • CE310 (p 22) • 1-4 pm • $295 Q= = $ _ Q= = $ _ JUNE 8-12: MONDAY-FRIDAY Figure, Gesture, Expression (5) • DR300 (p 23) • am-4 pm • $425 Connecting Music to Art (5) • DS310 (p 22) • am-4 pm • $425 Glass Blowing and Cold-Work (5) • GL300 (p 23) • am-4 pm • $695 Mastering Adobe Lightroom (5) • PH320 (p 24) • am-4 pm • $425 Mastering Color Through Exploration (5) • PT310 (p 24) • 10 am-4 pm • $375 Printmaking: Monoprints & Image Transfer (5) • PR300 (p 24) • am-4 pm • $375 Creative Woodworking Workshop (5) • WD300 (p 25) • am-4 pm • $595 Q= Q= Q= Q= Q= Q= Q= = $ _ = $ _ = $ _ = $ _ = $ _ = $ _ = $ _ JUNE 8-19: MONDAY-FRIDAY Filmmaking: Pre- to Post-Production (10) • FM300 (p 23) • am-12:30 pm • $425 Q= = $ _ JUNE 15-19: MONDAY-FRIDAY Digital Painting Masterclass (5) • DS311 (p 22) • am-4 pm • $425 Graphic Novels: Image and Word (5) • DS312 (p 22) • am-4 pm • $425 Glass Blowing and Cold-Work (5) • GL300 (p 23) • am-4 pm • $695 Letterpress Projects: Collective Book Arts (5) • LT310 (p 23) • am-4 pm • $375 Exploring Botanicals in Drawing and Watercolor (5) • PT330 (p 24) • 10 am-4 pm • $375 Fashion Photography (5) • PH315 (p 24) • am-4 pm • $495 Silkscreen Printing Workshop (5) • PR310 (p 24) • am-4 pm • $375 PHOTO POLICY: By registering for courses, I acknowledge that my photo may be taken while at the Ringling College Museum or Main Campus, and utilized for purposes of promoting Continuing Studies programs If I not want my photo utilized, I will step aside when photos are being taken Q= Q= Q= Q= Q= Q= Q= = $ _ = $ _ = $ _ = $ _ = $ _ = $ _ = $ _ TOTAL = $ _ METHOD OF PAYMENT Method of Payment [ ] Check (enclosed) [ ] Credit Card (Full credit card number required Registration system does not retain card number.) Visa/MC/AMEX # _ CCV Code Exp Date _ 20 S T U D I O + D I G I TA L A R T S R E G I S T R AT I O N O P T I O N S | P O L I C I E S A N D P R O C E D U R E S STUDIO + DIGITAL ARTS REGISTRATION OPTIONS ONLINE: Visit our website at www.ringling.edu/SDA and follow the links If you have more than one address, remember to use the address that is associated with the credit card you are using BY MAIL OR IN PERSON: Fill out the mail-in form Enclose it with your check or credit card information and mail to or visit our office Monday through Friday, am to pm; Room 105 Ringling College Museum Campus, 1001 S Tamiami Trail, Sarasota, FL 34236 Payment We accept Visa, MasterCard, and American Express, cash or check made payable to Ringling College of Art and Design Cancellation/Refund If you wish to cancel a class, we must have written notification We are unable to accept cancellations by phone Upon registration, students will receive an email confirmation with information about class location, including a map, if the class takes place at the College’s main campus at 2700 N Tamiami Trail, Sarasota, FL 34234 You may email your request to scs@ringling.edu or send via U.S Postal Service to: Ringling College Museum Campus Continuing Studies 1001 S Tamiami Trail Sarasota, FL 34236 Students are responsible for purchasing their supplies unless otherwise noted The course supply list is attached to the course description in the registration system and the syllabus is provided at the first class session Faculty and staff benefits are limited to space availability We must receive your cancellation request no less than business days before the start of class A $25 administration fee will be assessed and deducted from your tuition refund The effective date of cancellation will be upon receipt of your written notification For more information, call (941) 309-5111 or email us at scs@ringling.edu 21 S T U D I O + D I G I TA L A R T S I M M E R S I O N S | C E R A M I C S | D I G I TA L A R T A N D D E S I G N SUMMER IMMERSION WORKSHOPS 2020 June 8-12, and June 15-19 Open to adults (ages 18+) Connect with Ringling College of Art and Design’s community of like-minded lifelong learners Find camaraderie and creative inspiration by enrolling in immersive workshops Strengthen your creative vision and skills through projectbased explorations in a myriad of media Most courses welcome students of all skill levels The course description will note if particular skills are required Students traveling from outside the Sarasota area may select from a variety of local accommodations Many hotels offer special rates for guests of Ringling College of Art and Design When making a reservation, be sure to ask about Ringling College of Art and Design’s special rate For visitor information, including hotels, go to www.ringling.edu/plan-a-visit CLASS LOCATIONS: AC (Academic Center) BVAC (Basch Visual Arts Center) CJ (Christ-Janer Center) GLD (Goldstein Center) IDL (Idelson Studio) D I G I TA L A R T A N D D E S I G N NEW CONNECTING MUSIC TO ART: GESTURE, TYPOGRAPHY, COLOR, & DESIGN Course #DS310 Monday-Friday: am-4 pm Sessions: June 8-June 12 RINGLING COLLEGE MAIN CAMPUS (CJ 106 & 107) CERAMICS MASTERING WHEEL THROWING Course #CE300 Monday-Wednesday: am-12 pm Sessions: June 8-June 17 RINGLING COLLEGE MUSEUM CAMPUS (ROOM 135) Seth Barendse This workshop welcomes students of all skill levels Students new to the wheel will learn the foundations of wheel throwing, clay preparation, and the techniques and tools of the process to throw cups, bowls, and small vases Students with experience will have individual instruction based on need and level of skill Students working to advance their throwing skills may venture into working on closed forms or using wheel-thrown pieces in a series or construction Completed pieces will be bisque fired, glazed, and fired Students should complete several small wheel-thrown pieces in this workshop All skill levels are welcome Fee: $295 NEW SCULPTURAL NARRATIVES IN CERAMICS Course #CE310 Monday-Wednesday: 1-4 pm Sessions: June 8-June 17 RINGLING COLLEGE MUSEUM CAMPUS (ROOM 135) Taylor Robenalt All skill levels are invited to make a hand-built sculpture in this workshop Through demonstrations, students will learn the intricacies of constructing flora, fauna, and a face Students will learn to achieve crisp lines, clean tight surfaces with simple tools, technical skills, and finishing processes Through demonstrations, common technical problems found in sculptural work will be discussed and solved Students will also learn about finishing surfaces, oxidation firing skills, and hand-building Fee: $295 NOTE: Please see page 25 for information about Ceramics: Studio Safety & Open Studio Authorization Training, and Ceramics Open Studios 22 William Ferrell Connect your passion for music and art with the creation of gig posters In this course, students will create a promotional poster that incorporates illustration and graphic design to advertise their favorite musical artist, band, or orchestra Through the exploration of gesture, composition, typography, brainstorming, and, most importantly, research, students will learn to bring their art to life, blending together traditional media and Adobe Photoshop Fee: $425 DIGITAL PAINTING MASTERCLASS Course #DS311 Monday-Friday: am-4 pm Sessions: June 15-June 19 RINGLING COLLEGE MAIN CAMPUS (CJ 105) George Cwirko-Godyki In this immersive workshop, students will learn to create artistic images with Photoshop brushes, the mixer brush, and other features Whether pastels, oils, or watercolor, this workshop will show students how to bring their visions to life using Photoshop tools and techniques to digitally reproduce realworld media and techniques Beginners to advanced skill levels are welcome Prior Photoshop experience is helpful Fee: $425 NEW GRAPHIC NOVELS: CONNECTING IMAGE & WORD Course #DS312 Monday-Friday: am-4 pm Sessions: June 15-June 19 RINGLING COLLEGE MAIN CAMPUS (CJ 106 & 107) William Ferrell It is not a bird or plane… it is creativity soaring through visual storytelling Briefly explore the history of graphic novels while also learning the basic skills for solid character creation and sequential visual storytelling In this course, students will create a cover for their very own graphic novels This course will improve students’ abilities to utilize a combination of traditional media and Adobe Photoshop Fee: $425 S T U D I O + D I G I TA L A R T S I M M E R S I O N S | D R AW I N G | F I L M | G L A S S | L E T T E R P R E S S D R AW I N G GLASS FIGURE, GESTURE, AND EXPRESSION GLASS BLOWING AND COLD-WORK Course #DR300 Monday-Friday: am-4 pm Sessions: June 8-June 12 Course #GL300 Monday-Friday am-4 pm Section A: June 8-June 12 Section B: June 15-June 19 RINGLING COLLEGE MAIN CAMPUS (AC 510) George Cwirko-Godyki Knowledge of the human form is essential to artists Proportion and measurement, volume and space, basic anatomy, and format and composition will all be explored by participants in this workshop Using this knowledge, students will combine gesture and thumbnails, expressive mark-making, atmospheric perspective, and dramatic value and line while drawing figures in both classic and contemporary media This immersion will also examine facial expressions as a form of nonverbal communication and students will learn rapid visualization drawing skills while gaining additional knowledge of the anatomy of the human form, with specific attention to the face and facial movements Students will draw from observation, using a variety of exercises to capture the emotion and attitude of the face as it twists, stretches, pinches, and puckers Beginners to advanced skill levels are welcome Some drawing experience is helpful Fee: $425 FILM FILMMAKING: FROM PRE-PRODUCTION TO POST-PRODUCTION Course #FM300 Monday-Friday: am-12:30 pm 10 Sessions: June 8-June 19 RINGLING COLLEGE MAIN CAMPUS (GLD 103) Chandler Howard Filmmaking is a field that includes several disciplines that, when integrated, can result in a work that will move an audience emotionally Students in this course will be introduced to the basics of filmmaking through a rigorous process of classroom and experiential learning At the end of the course, students will produce a single project, which will be PG appropriate, as a portfolio piece The course is designed to give students a basic understanding of the filmmaking process Emphasis will be placed on storytelling, composition, picture and sound editing, directing, and producing The basics of each of the areas will be explored from a technical, aesthetic, and psychological standpoint to provide students with a basic understanding of the art and craft of filmmaking Fee: $425 RINGLING COLLEGE MAIN CAMPUS (BVAC 128) Noah Coleman This intensive workshop is an immersive introduction and robust refresher to working with molten glass Students will learn to create hot-blown and solid glass forms Cold-finish work will introduce students to glass-finishing and texture methods An overview of the hot shop essentials includes teamwork, terminology, safety, tools, and a variety of working methods to build students’ knowledge and equip them with an understanding of the material and how to apply it to their own work Daily demonstrations and directions will provide a handson understanding This course will focus on the steps needed to expand material awareness and skill to be able to create with glass There will be discussions regarding inspiration, processes, and the prescribed aspects of sculpture and vessel fabrication Students are encouraged and assisted to make a completed piece Proper attire is mandatory for working in the hot shop Long pants, comfortable t-shirt or long-sleeved shirt, and comfortable, closed-toed shoes Please wear natural fibers (cotton), as synthetic fibers can melt near high temperatures Please remove all jewelry from hands and arms Enrollment is limited—register early! Beginner to intermediate skill levels welcome Fee: $695 per section LETTERPRESS LETTERPRESS: A COLLECTIVE BOOK ARTS PROJECT Course #LT310 Monday-Friday: am-4 pm Sessions: June 15-June 19 RINGLING COLLEGE MAIN CAMPUS (BVAC 101) Bridget Elmer Experience the power of designing, printing, and binding a book by hand Participants in this workshop will develop their letterpress printing and book-binding skills while learning to comprehensively approach bookmaking as an art form Through the collaborative creation of a limited edition artist’s book, students will engage with the fundamentals of book design, including page layout, typography, sequence and pacing, and the interplay between text and image All participants will leave with a copy of the limited-edition book of prints collectively created in the workshop All skill levels are welcome Fee: $375 23 S T U D I O + D I G I TA L A R T S I M M E R S I O N S | PA I N T I N G | P H O T O G R A P H Y | P R I N T M A K I N G PA I N T I N G NEW MASTERING COLOR THROUGH EXPLORATION Course #PT310 Monday-Friday: 10 am-4 pm Sessions: June 8-June 12 RINGLING COLLEGE MAIN CAMPUS (BVAC 213) Marcia Johnson In this hands-on course, students will learn color relationships such as contrasts, value, hue, saturation, temperature, and spatial effects Experimenting through painting with a variety of palettes, including that of the Old Masters, students will learn to mix color without creating mud, create mood and emotion through color, and explore various color relationships Students may work in watercolor or acrylic/water-soluble oils Fee: $375 EXPLORING BOTANICALS IN DRAWING & WATERCOLOR Course #PT330 Monday-Friday: 10 am-4 pm Sessions: June 15-June 19 RINGLING COLLEGE MAIN CAMPUS (BVAC 213) Marcia Johnson Capturing the beauty and essence of plants and flowers has been the artist’s quest for centuries Sketching from observation, students will depict botanical forms Using basic watercolor techniques, they will then illuminate the delicate changes in tone and color to portray a realistic depiction of the specimen All skill levels welcome Students may bring their favorite fresh flowers to class as models Fee: $375 PHOTOGRAPHY NEW FASHION PHOTOGRAPHY: LIGHTS, CAMERA, ACTION! Course #PH315 Monday-Friday: am-4 pm Sessions: June 15-June 19 RINGLING COLLEGE MUSEUM CAMPUS (IDL & CJ 108) Tom Winchester Lights, models, and makeup—this is a real photoshoot! Students will have an opportunity to develop a fashion photography portfolio For this immersion, local professional models, hairstylists, and make-up artists will work alongside students to create images just like those seen in magazines No matter the skill level, everyone will participate in daily themed shoots that utilize strobes, backdrops, and other lighting setups and equipment Fee: $495 PRINTMAKING PRINTMAKING: MONOPRINTS & IMAGE TRANSFER Course #PR300 Monday-Friday: am-4 pm Sessions: June 8-June 12 RINGLING COLLEGE MAIN CAMPUS (BVAC 301 & 319) Eszter Szikz Explore traditional and non-traditional printmaking methods designed for experimentation and exploration Students will be encouraged to move beyond the limitations of traditional printmaking to incorporate layering and multiple plate projects to produce limited edition and one-of-a-kind images Discussions will include how past artists used printmaking as an alternative to painting and how artists today continue to incorporate the diverse elements of printmaking in fine and commercial art All skill levels are welcome Fee: $375 NEW MASTERING ADOBE LIGHTROOM Course #PH320 Monday-Friday: am-4 pm Sessions: June 8-June 12 RINGLING COLLEGE MUSEUM CAMPUS (CJ 108) Tom Winchester This immersion provides step-by-step lessons on the basics of photo management, enhancement, and publishing in one indispensable interface using what has become the go-to software for professional photographers This course covers techniques such as importing, processing, organizing, and manipulating images with ease; managing workflow; and creating post-production slideshows, web galleries, and print picture packages Students can make a series of changes to one or all of their photos at the same time, shoot from within the program, post-production and print within the same interface, and simultaneously work with Photoshop via a quick command Students will learn to create video and make books Digital Photography I or equivalent knowledge is recommended Fee: $425 24 SILKSCREEN PRINTING WORKSHOP Course #PR310 Monday-Friday: am-4 pm Sessions: June 15-June 19 RINGLING COLLEGE MAIN CAMPUS (BVAC 301) Eszter Szikz In this workshop, students will explore photo emulsion and stencil techniques through demonstrations and individual projects Screen images can be made using hand-drawn stencils, photographic film, digital separations, and photocopied images Through experimentation, participants will find new ways to express their ideas Silkscreen printing can be done on paper, fabric, wood, metal, and glass Beginners to advanced are welcome Fee: $375 S T U D I O + D I G I TA L A R T S I M M E R S I O N S | W O O D | A D D I T I O N A L S T U D I O O P T I O N S WOOD ADDITIONAL STUDIO OPTIONS CREATIVE WOODWORKING WORKSHOP NEW CERAMICS: STUDIO SAFETY & OPEN STUDIO AUTHORIZATION TRAINING Course #WD300 Monday-Friday: am-4 pm Sessions: June 8-June 12 RINGLING COLLEGE MAIN CAMPUS (BVAC 110) Dale Rieke This is a comprehensive, creative class where students will learn fine woodworking techniques and skills Students will learn to safely use equipment that includes the lathe, jointer, planer, and table saw Each student will select one of these three projects: • Artistry Slab End Table, an artistic wood slab side table/bench (approximately 20 inches wide by 18 inches deep by 18 inches high) • Plywood Miter-fold Floating Shelf, a plywood miter-fold floating shelf (approximately 30 inches wide by inches deep by inches thick) • Artisan Cheese Cutting Board, created from exotic wood, cheese or cutting boards (approximately 14 inches wide by inches deep by inch thick) Costs include a scaled drawing of each project, hardwood slab, hardwood leg material, high-quality shelf plywood and plans All skill levels welcome Fee: $595 Course #CE200 Saturday: am-1 pm Session: June 6, or June 27, or August RINGLING COLLEGE MUSEUM CAMPUS (ROOM 135) Seth Barendse This workshop is for skilled ceramics students and/or members who want to participate in the Ceramics Open Studio Participants’ knowledge of the basic ceramics process, including hand-building, wheel throwing, glazing techniques, and proper studio procedures, will be reviewed and rated by the ceramics technician and/or ceramics instructor If a student enrolled in an SDA ceramics class does not qualify for authorization upon completing the workshop, that student may repeat the training session Fee: $60 per session NEW CERAMICS OPEN STUDIO Course #CE201 Days vary: am-3 pm June 11-August Available dates: • Thursdays: June 11-July • Fridays: June 12-July 10 • Saturday & Sunday: June 13-June 28 (no studio on June 27) • Saturdays: July 11-August • Monday-Friday: July 13-July 17 RINGLING COLLEGE MUSEUM CAMPUS (ROOM 135) Ceramics Open Studio is open to current or past Studio and Digital Arts ceramics students who have successfully passed the “Ceramics: Studio Safety & Open Studio Authorization Training.” Studio sign-in is required Studio availability is on a first-come, first-serve basis Open studio fee: $150 for 30 studio hours 25 ABOUT OUR INSTRUCTORS Seth Barendse has been working with clay for the past 22 years He received his bachelor’s degree in fine arts from Oregon College of Art and Craft Seth has taught at Booker High School Visual Performing Arts Program, Wildacres Retreat, and Ringling College of Art and Design He has been a studio manager at both the State College of Florida and the Penland School of Art and Craft (p 22 and p 25) Gary Chase has held senior positions at the CIA, including Deputy Director of Congressional Affairs and Deputy Inspector General for Audit During his 30-plus-year intelligence career, Gary was also Chief Counsel to the Senate Intelligence Committee and Counsel to the Inspector General at the National Reconnaissance Office (p 10) Sandy Chase has a master’s degree in education She has over 30 years’ experience designing and presenting classes and seminars, most recently, Life on Key, a music-memory workshop praised by Tidewell, NeuroChallenge Foundation for Parkinson’s, and JoshProvides Epilepsy Foundation Sandy is co-author of The Resolutionary War and a songwriter She founded WordMasters, a writing-editorial service Sandy volunteers her expertise for several community nonprofits (p 11) Noah Coleman is an artist and educator whose expertise in materials and processes include glass, digital fabrication, electronics, metalwork, robotics, and new media He received a master’s in fine arts in art and technology studies from the School of the Art Institute of Chicago and a bachelor of fine arts in sculpture from Brigham Young University (UT) Noah has worked as an educator at the Utah Museum of Contemporary Art, the School of the Art Institute of Chicago, and Ringling College of Art and Design (p 23) Bridget Elmer has a master of fine arts degree in book arts and a master’s degree in library and information science from the University of Alabama Bridget has taught at Penland School of Crafts, Ox-Bow School of Art, Florida State University, and Colorado College She is the Coordinator of the Letterpress and Book Arts Center at Ringling College of Art and Design Her work can be found in collections including Yale University, Tate Britain, UCLA, and the Brooklyn Museum (p 23) William Ferrell is an award-winning illustrator, graphic designer, and educator He earned his bachelor of fine arts degree in illustration at the Ringling School of Art and Design, and his master of fine arts degree in illustration from the University of Hartford (CT) His career spans political cartooning, children’s book illustration, and design for numerous corporate clients Currently, William is the lead graphic designer for Reef Donkey Fishing and teaches Commercial Art at Braden River High School (p 22) Stephen Gillum has practiced meditation for more than 35 years He has spent time studying in India, including three years living in an ashram His mentors were leading authorities in the fields of mantra and meditation Stephen practices a non-theistic style that fuses Eckhart Tolle and Zen and focuses on relaxing and observing the mind (p 10) 26 George Cwirko-Godyki is an adjunct instructor at Ringling College of Art and Design George is also a freelance illustrator with a focus on whimsical linework for print and online publications Prior to Ringling College, George was a faculty member at the Academy of Art University in San Francisco where he taught various courses, including costume drawing, digital painting, and fashion illustration George has a bachelor of fine arts degree in illustration from the Academy of Art University in San Francisco (p 22 and p 23) Thomas W Goldman recently retired from his 50-year career as an immigration attorney and educator A graduate of the University of Mississippi with a bachelor’s degree and a J.D., he received his LL.M degree from New York University School of Law He is a former Teaching Fellow at Southern Methodist University (TX) law school, a law professor at the University of Tulsa (OK), and Associate Dean of Mississippi School of Law (p 10) Alan Grindal is a neurologist, a consultant at the Memory Disorder Clinic at Sarasota Memorial Hospital, and a member of the clinical faculty of Florida State University Medical School He has taught numerous courses at OLLI on brain science and history (p 12) Velva Heraty is a Jungian-certified expert on dreams who has given more than 300 global presentations She has held workshops at the University of Chicago, the International Association for the Study of Dreams in various European institutions, and et al Her research led to a breakthrough that helped many people better understand their dreams She is the author of The Dream Belongs to the Dreamer (p 12) Chandler Howard earned a bachelor’s degree in fine arts in film from Ringling College of Art and Design She has worked on commercial and documentary film projects including The Dark Night and Dynasty Chandler is an artist-in-residence at Booker Visual & Performing Arts High School and has been teaching film for Ringling College PreCollege and public programs since 2017 (p 23) Alan Freedman has a journalism degree from Boston University Until retiring, Alan was Public Affairs Director at a NYSE-listed company and had served as a financial writer and editor With a special interest in technology and publishing, he has taught iPhone classes to over 600 OLLI students and continues to explore popular technological and media topics (p 13) Marcia Johnson holds a bachelor of fine arts and a master of education She is a painter, photographer, and digital designer She is a graduate of Massachusetts College of Art, the Art Institute of Boston, and Cambridge College Marcia is licensed and certified in art education in Massachusetts, California, and Florida Her work has been exhibited in juried shows, one-woman shows, and private collections in Boston, Los Angeles, Milan, and Bali (p 24) Bob Latessa is a financial advisor with Morgan Stanley Wealth Management He earned a bachelor’s degree in government from Harvard University He is a native of Bradenton and is the head wrestling coach for St Stephen’s Episcopal School (p 10) ABOUT OUR INSTRUCTORS David Miano earned his doctorate at the University of California, San Diego and is the author of Shadow on the Steps: Time Measurement in Ancient Israel He is a historian of ancient times and has written several anthologies designed for classroom use, including Ideas in the Making: A Sourcebook for World Intellectual History (p 11) Michael Spring has a doctorate in physics He taught college and university physics and chemistry and was an adjunct professor of computer science He worked on a variety of computer hardware and software projects and was vice president of a consulting firm He also managed a futures department at a major credit card company (p 12) Ronni Miller is a playwright, novelist, and short-story writer She is the founder and director of Write It Out, an expressive writing program for individuals of all ages Ronni has a bachelor’s degree in English from Boston University and has won awards for her fiction (p 13) Eszter Szikz earned a bachelor’s degree from Eötvös Loránd University, Budapest, and completed her master of fine arts degree (studio art) at the Memphis College of Art Eszter’s work blends papermaking, installation, and video elements Her works were recently shown at the Santorini Art Biennial, International Artists Collective Museo del Brigantaggio, in Itri, Italy; Ice Hotel, Sweden; Krakow International Print Triennial, Poland; and the International Print Center New York (p 24) Tony Moon spent 55 successful years in the music business as a musician, artist, songwriter, producer, publisher, and agent He became guitarist and conductor for Brenda Lee after moving from Los Angeles to Nashville He has won several songwriting awards and has had songs released by well-known artists including the Beatles Tony currently administers an entertainment company and conducts music research for Sarasota’s Westcoast Black Theatre Troupe (p 12) Paula Morris is certified by the International Association of Yoga Therapists and has a private therapy practice in Sarasota She is a graduate of Sacred Heart University (CT) with a master’s degree in education and has been inspiring clients with the wellness benefits of mind-body practices since 2007 (p 10) Deepak Nair is a medical doctor practicing vascular and endovascular surgery at Sarasota Vascular Specialists He has advanced science degrees and holds numerous honors and leadership positions including Chief of Vascular Surgery and Chairman of Medical Education at Sarasota Memorial Hospital He is also president of the Florida Vascular Society (p 12) Dale Rieke is a master woodworker who was first inspired by working on wooden sailboats in San Diego Throughout his career, Dale has been a self-employed commissioned artist He has worked directly with designers and clients to help them achieve their design dreams by supplying hand- or CAD-scaled drawings, fine fabrication, and expert finishing and installing Dale has been designing and building furniture for 30 years His current business is Wood Street Studio, located in downtown Sarasota (p 25) Taylor Robenalt holds a master’s degree in fine arts from the University of Georgia, a post-baccalaureate from the University of South Florida, and a bachelor’s degree in fine arts from Southern Methodist University (TX) She currently serves as adjunct faculty at Ringling College of Art and Design and has wide-ranging experience as a ceramics professor (p 22) Al Tripodi has a bachelor’s degree from Cornell and a medical degree from State University of New York Upstate Medical University, where he was an associate clinical professor of medicine and board-certified geriatrician He practiced medicine in Syracuse (NY) and Sarasota for 40 years For the last 16 years, he has been a volunteer primary care physician at the Senior Friendship Center’s medical clinic in Sarasota (p 11) Paul Wax is a semi-retired computer professional and former adjunct professor Paul taught at the New School University (NY) and New York University, during which time he also held positions as Information Security Vice President and Director for various companies and consulting firms He is a Vietnam Veteran (Army Signal Corps) and holds a master’s degree in information technology auditing and security management from The New School University (p 13) Arnold Well is a professor emeritus of psychological and brain sciences at the University of Massachusetts (Amherst) He taught courses dealing with cognitive psychology, research design, and statistical analysis, and received several teaching awards He also served as a research consultant for projects based at UMass Medical School (p 12) Tom Winchester is an artist and art critic He holds a bachelor’s degree in fine arts in photography and a master’s degree in fine arts in art criticism from the School of Visual Arts (NY) He has served as adjunct faculty in Ringling College of Art and Design’s Department of Photography and Imaging He recently curated REAL Fashion Photography at the Lois and David Stulberg Gallery (p 24) Charles Sprandel earned a bachelor’s degree in history and political science from Albion College (MI) and a master’s degree in Japanese studies and comparative education from the University of Michigan He taught philosophy of education at the University of Toledo and was an administrator and teacher for 29 years at Maumee Valley Country Day School in Ohio (p 11) 27 1001 S TAMIAMI TRAIL SARASOTA, FL 34236-9117 SUMMER 2020 tut tle ave fruit ville rd s wa shington blvd n tamiami tr ail 41 Directions to Ringling College Museum Campus 1001 S Tamiami Trail Sarasota, FL 34236-9117 fruit ville rd 210 75 Continue on US 301 South past Bay Street 1001 S Tamiami Trail is on the Left 301 Go to second entrance TRAVELING NORTH ON US 41 (TAMIAMI TRAIL) Continue on US 41 (Tamiami Trail) past Bahia Vista 1001 S Tamiami Trail is on the Right bay st olli at ringling college museum campus sar asota bay p 1001 South Tamiami Trail Sarasota, Florida 34236 Go to first entrance Entrance TRAVELING SOUTH ON US 301 Continue on US 301 South past Bay Street 1001 S Tamiami Trail is on the Left bahia vista st tut tle ave s tamiami tr ail 41 N TRAVELING SOUTH ON US 41 (TAMIAMI TRAIL) Continue on US 41 (Tamiami Trail) until it merges with US 301 South Go to second entrance bee ridge rd 75 207 For more information, call 941-309-5111