The impactofG-protein-coupled receptor
hetero-oligomerization onfunctionand pharmacology
Roberto Maggio
, Francesca Novi
, Marco Scarselli
and Giovanni U. Corsini
1 Department of Neurosciences, University of Pisa, Italy
2 National Institute of Diabetes and Digestive and Kidney Diseases, NIH, Bethesda, MD, USA
G-protein coupled receptors (GPCRs) constitute the
largest family of seven-transmembrane receptors. Their
evolutionary success is due to their extreme versatility
in binding a variety of signaling molecules such as hor-
mones and neurotransmitters. The ubiquitous distribu-
tion in the human body, along with the capacity to
regulate virtually all known physiological processes,
has made this family of receptors the most important
target for drug research [1].
According to the classical view of hormone–recep-
tor interaction, a hormone binds to one receptor
protein and, in turn, the hormone–receptor complex
activates the effector pathway. A large body of evi-
dence has led us to question this classical view of
hormone–receptor interaction, for it is now widely
accepted that GPCRs may exist as either homo-
dimers or even higher-order homo-oligomers, besides
being capable of interacting with distantly related
receptor subtypes to form hetero-oligomers (reviewed
in [2,3]).
The huge interest generated by this phenomenon
among biologists in the last 10 years has led many
groups to study the mechanism(s) by which GPCR
dimerization occurs. This has contributed to the dem-
onstration that many, if not all, GPCRs can form
homo-oligomers and hetero-oligomers, but it has also
generated much pharmacological and functional evi-
dence that is difficult to reconcile with a unique mechan-
istic model of GPCR dimerization. A key problem that
still remains controversial is how dimerization affects
G-protein coupling. Although GPCR homo-oligo-
merization can be accounted for by a simple receptor ⁄
G-protein stoichiometry, GPCR hetero-oligomerization
raises the problem of how two different receptors can
influence the coupling of each other and determine the
ultimate functionofthe complex.
bivalent ligand; G-protein; mitogen-activated
protein kinase (MAPK); oligomerization;
R. Maggio, Department of Neurosciences,
University of Pisa, Via Roma 55,
56100 Pisa, Italy
Fax: +39 050 2218717
Tel: +39 050 2218707
(Received 16 February 2005, revised 7 April
2005, accepted 21 April 2005)
Although highly controversial just a few years ago, the idea that G-pro-
tein-coupled receptors (GPCRs) may undergo homo-oligomerization or
hetero-oligomerization has recently gained considerable attention. The
recognition that GPCRs may exhibit either dimeric or oligomeric structures
is based on a number of different biochemical and biophysical approaches.
Although much effort has been spent to demonstrate the mechanism(s) by
which GPCRs interact with each other, the physiological relevance of this
phenomenon remains elusive. An additional source of uncertainty stems
from the realization that homo-oligomerization and hetero-oligomerization
of GPCRs may affect receptor binding and activity in different ways,
depending onthe type of interacting receptors. In this brief review, the
functional and pharmacological effects ofthehetero-oligomerization of
GPCR on binding and cell signaling are critically analyzed.
GPCR, G-protein-coupled receptor; LTB
, leukotriene B
; MAPK, mitogen-activated protein kinase.
FEBS Journal 272 (2005) 2939–2946 ª 2005 FEBS 2939
Effect ofhetero-oligomerizationon G-protein
coupling and function
To make the issue even more complicated, hetero-oligo-
merization has been shown to occur between pairs of
receptors that couple with either the same G-protein
or different G-proteins. Onthe assumption that each
receptor in the hetero-oligomer may bind only to a sin-
gle G-protein, it follows that its coupling selectivity in
the complex should, in large part, be conserved. As a
matter of fact, several reports that deal with receptor
hetero-oligomerization indicate that stimulation of one
receptor in cotransfected cells is often sufficient to
activate a G-protein, leaving their coupling efficacy
unchanged. For instance, b
-adrenergic receptors,
which are coupled with stimulatory G-proteins, and
d-opioid and j-opioid receptors, which are coupled with
inhibitory G-proteins, are both known to form hetero-
meric complexes, but hetero-oligomerization in this
case does not significantly alter their ligand-binding
capacity or coupling properties [4]. Likewise, adenylate
cyclase stimulation by G
-coupled dopamine D
tors and adenylate cyclase inhibition by the G
dopamine D
receptors are not altered in cells coex-
pressing both receptors, even though they may form
hetero-oligomers [5]. The same phenomenon has been
shown to occur in hetero-oligomers formed by G
pled and G
-coupled receptors [6] and by G
and G
-coupled receptors [7]. One ofthe limitations
implied in these experiments is the actual impossibility
of establishing with certainty how many receptors
undergo hetero-oligomerization compared with those
that give rise to homo-oligomeric complexes or even
remain in a monomeric form. Under these conditions,
if the molar ratio between hetero-oligomers and homo-
oligomers (or monomers) falls below a certain thresh-
old, the effect ofhetero-oligomerization would remain
undetected, andthe occurrence of any functional
change in the target cells would be difficult to ascertain
experimentally. At odds with the above examples are
other reports describing how changes in function or
coupling efficacy may simply result from the stimula-
tion of one or both receptors ofthe hetero-oligomer.
For example, coexpression of dopamine D
and somato-
statin SSTR
receptors results in synergistic inhibition
of adenylate cyclase [8]. Similarly, coexpression of
angiotensin I and bradykinin B
receptors in HEK-293
cells increases the efficacy and potency of angiotensin
II, but it also reduces the ability of bradykinin to sti-
mulate inositol phosphate production [9]. In fibro-
blasts, pretreatment of A
and D
receptors with both
adenosine and dopamine agonists, but not with either
of them separately, has been shown to reduce the
signaling efficacy of D
receptors on subsequent stimu-
lation [10]. In COS-7 cells cotransfected with dopamine
and D
receptors, highly selective D
agonists inhi-
bit adenylate cyclase, but remain ineffective in cells
transfected with D
alone [11,12]. However, the role
played by hetero-oligomerization in each of these func-
tional changes remains speculative, as the same effects
may also be induced by cross-talk between the signa-
ling pathways, downstream ofreceptor activation.
The acquisition of new coupling selectivity by coex-
pressed receptors is perhaps one ofthe most intri-
guing aspects of GPCR hetero-oligomerization. Three
major studies have shown this phenomenon clearly:
(a) l-receptors and d-receptors that changed their coup-
ling selectivity from pertussis-sensitive G
⁄ G
to pertussis-insensitive (probably G
) proteins, in transi-
ently cotransfected COS-7 cells [13]; (b) chemokine
and CCR
receptors that gained coupling selec-
tivity for G
-protein in cotransfected HEK-293 cells
[14]; (c) dopamine D
and D
receptors that gained
coupling selectivity for G
-proteins in transiently
cotransfected COS-7 cells [5]. In the last instance, if each
dopamine receptor is stimulated separately with select-
ive agonists, their coupling selectivity for G
and G
not altered, whereas simultaneous dopamine stimulation
of both receptors results in the activation of G
. This
observation can be taken to mean that cells may gain
a new coupling selectivity when the two components
of thereceptor hetero-oligomer are activated simulta-
Assuming that each receptor in the hetero-oligomer
can bind only to single G-proteins, then any new coup-
ling selectivity gained by the hetero-oligomer is likely
to depend on a newly acquired spatial rearrangement
of the intracellular domain(s) that binds to these
G-proteins. This conclusion is not unexpected, as seve-
ral studies have shown that receptors that activate spe-
cific G-proteins can be induced to expose distinct
intracellular domains if stimulated by different agonists
[15]. The conformational changes that result from
receptor–receptor interactions may in fact cause vari-
ation in the exposure of certain intracellular domains
and, in doing so, alter the specificity of their inter-
action. Another possible explanation of this change in
coupling selectivity comes from recent work with
receptor homodimers. Using a combination of mass
spectrometry after chemical cross-linking and neutron
scattering in solution, Baneres & Parello [16] have been
able to establish unambiguously that only one G-pro-
tein trimer binds to a leukotriene B
) receptor
BLT1 dimer (2·BLT1.LTB
) so as to form a stoichio-
metrically defined (2·BLT1.LTB
assembly. They suggested that receptor dimerization
Function andpharmacologyof hetero-oligomers R. Maggio et al.
2940 FEBS Journal 272 (2005) 2939–2946 ª 2005 FEBS
may play a crucial role in transducing the LTB
induced signal. Similar conclusions were drawn in a
recent paper by Chinault et al. [17], who demonstrated
that yeast oligomeric a-factor receptors function in
concert to activate G-proteins. Further support for the
2 : 1 receptor ⁄ G-protein coupling stoichiometry comes
from experiments performed with receptor fragments.
Single transmembrane regions of b
or dopamine D
receptors prevent dimerization and stop functioning
when cotransfected with their cognate wild-type recep-
tors, indicating that disruption of their dimeric com-
plex impedes these receptors to couple with G-proteins
[18,19]. If these results prove valid for heterodimers as
well, they could explain how heterodimerization affects
receptor coupling selectivity. Whereas homodimers
provide pairs of identical intracellular domains, het-
erodimers have unique combinations of intracellular
domains. This could confer a different coupling effi-
ciency and selectivity onthe heterodimers compared
with that expressible by the homodimers of their
respective receptors.
Hetero-oligomerization affects b-arrestin coupling
and internalization
GPCR activation promotes recruitment of b-arrestin
to thereceptor site. This leads to signal termination by
blocking G-protein interaction and it triggers receptor
internalization by endocytosis. A large amount of
evidence has now accumulated indicating that hetero-
oligomerization influences b-arrestin binding and
receptor internalization. This is clearly described in the
excellent paper by Terrillon et al. [20]. V1a and V2
vasopressin receptors are internalized by way of the
b-arrestin-dependent process. However, whereas V1a
receptors are rapidly recycled to the plasma membrane
after dissociation from b-arrestin, V2 receptors do not
dissociate from b-arrestin and consequently accumulate
in the endosomes. In their paper, Terrillon et al. [20]
demonstrated that, in cotransfected HEK cells, V1a
and V2 receptors are endocytosed as stable hetero-olig-
omers. Upon activation with nonselective agonists, the
V1a ⁄ V2 hetero-oligomer follows the endocytic ⁄ recyc-
ling pathway ofthe V2 receptor up to the endosomes.
Conversely, the hetero-oligomer is targeted to the endo-
cytic ⁄ recycling pathway of V1a receptor if activated
with a selective V1a agonist. In the latter case, the
hetero-oligomer is rapidly recycled to the plasma mem-
brane. This work clearly indicates that it is the identity
of the activated promoter within the hetero-oligomer
that determines the fate ofthe internalized receptors.
Other examples ofthe reciprocal influence of receptors
in the internalization process are the adrenergic a
and a
receptors [21], neurokinin NK
and l opioid
receptors [22], andthe b
-adrenergic and d-opioid
receptors [4]. In all these studies, selective stimulation of
a single receptor component ofthe hetero-oligomer is
sufficient to cause internalization ofthe entire complex.
As discussed in the previous section, a critical issue
in assessing the effects ofhetero-oligomerization is to
establish the extent by which GPCRs tend to hetero-
oligomerize. To account for the above results one
would have to suppose that a large fraction of the
receptors expressed in the plasma membrane are already
in a hetero-oligomeric form. However, this is made
unlikely by the observation that j-opioid receptors
exhibit a higher propensity to form homo-oligomers
than b
-adrenergic and j-opioid receptors to form
hetero-oligomers [23]. Based on this observation, it
may be reasonable to think that, in cells coexpressing
two receptors, most of them are in a homo-oligomeric
form. In spite of this indication, however, internalizat-
ion of b
-adrenergic receptors, as induced by isopro-
terenol, is impeded in the presence of j-opioid
receptors [4].
To explain these puzzling data, j-opioid and
-receptor homo-dimers could be assumed to be part
of a larger hetero-oligomeric array such as even the
smallest fraction of this receptor complex could actu-
ally affect functioning ofthe entire cluster. The idea
that receptors may co-operate within larger aggregates
has been put forward by Park et al. [24] onthe basis
of radioligand binding to muscarinic M
Muscarinic cholinergic receptors can appear to be
more numerous when labeled with [
benzilate than with N-[
H]methylscopolamine. Binding
at near-saturating concentrations of [
benzilate was blocked fully by unlabeled N-methyl-
scopolamine, which therefore appeared to inhibit
noncompetitively at sites inaccessible to N-[
scopolamine. Both the shortfall in capacity for
H]methylscopolamine andthe noncompetitive effect
of N-methylscopolamine on [
has been described quantitatively in terms of co-opera-
tive interactions within a receptor that is at least tetra-
Besides their effects on dampening receptor–G-pro-
tein coupling andonreceptor internalization, b-arres-
tin also plays a major role in GPCR activation of
mitogen-activated protein kinase (MAPK). In this con-
text it may act as an adaptor or scaffolding for recruit-
ing signaling molecules into a complex along with the
agonist-occupied receptors (for a review see [25]). The
first evidence of this effect has been provided by
Luttrell et al. [26], who showed that agonist phos-
phorylation of b
-adrenergic receptors leads to rapid
R. Maggio et al. Functionandpharmacologyof hetero-oligomers
FEBS Journal 272 (2005) 2939–2946 ª 2005 FEBS 2941
recruitment of b-arrestin-1, carrying the activated
receptor c-Src with it. Subsequent reports showed that
b-arrestins can also interact directly with component
kinases ofthe ERK1 ⁄ 2 and c-Jun N-terminal kinase 3
MAPK cascades. b-Arrestins have been shown to
form complexes with angiotensin II type 1A receptor,
cRaf-1 and ERK1 ⁄ 2 [27,28], with protease-activated
receptor type 2, Raf-1 and ERK1 ⁄ 2 [29], and with
neurokinin-1 receptor, c-Src and ERK1 ⁄ 2 [30].
That hetero-oligomerization may interfere with
b-arrestin-mediated signaling is demonstrated by the
observation of Lavoie et al. [31] that activation of
b-arrestin-mediated ERK1 ⁄ 2 phosphorylation by
-adrenergic receptors is inhibited on coexpression of
-adrenergic receptors. They suggested that hetero-
oligomerization between b
and b
receptors may inhi-
bit the agonist-promoted b
ability to activate the
ERK1 ⁄ 2 signaling pathway. In another paper, Breit
et al. [32] showed that hetero-oligomerization of
-adrenergic receptors with b
-receptors modified
their effect on ERK1 ⁄ 2 phosphorylation. Novi et al.
[6,33] showed that a mutant muscarinic M
that is incapable of binding to b-arrestin-1 impairs
completely the ability of wild-type M
receptors to
recruit b-arrestin-1 to the plasma membrane and to
stimulate ERK1 ⁄ 2 phosphorylation. All these data
indicate quite clearly that homo-oligomerization and
hetero-oligomerization have a pivotal role in defining
the GPCR–b-arrestin specificity, and consequently in
determining thereceptor fate and b-arrestin-mediated
MAPK activation.
As discussed above for G-proteins, the mechanism
and the stoichiometry by which GPCR and b-arrestin
interact is not known. Conventionally, GPCRs and
b-arrestins are assumed to interact in a 1 : 1 molar
ratio. However, this conventional view should be
reconsidered onthe basis of more recent GPCR
hetero-oligomerization data and be replaced by a more
complex model of interaction between the two pro-
teins. For example, two b-arrestin molecules may bind
to a receptor dimer, and this may in turn cause more
efficient sequestration and signaling ofthe GPCR–
b-arrestin complex. Han et al. [34] proposed a mechan-
istic model of b-arrestin–receptor interaction in which
the initial binding ofthe first b-arrestin molecule to
the receptor is followed by displacement of its terminal
C-tail and dimerization with another b-arrestin mole-
cule. They speculated that b-arrestin dimerization may
help the b-arrestin–receptor complexes to cope with
the internalization machinery ofthe coated pits. How-
ever, the possibility that dimerization of b-arrestin also
acts as a scaffold for MAPK was left open, given the
molecular dimensions ofthe complexes containing
both b-arrestin and MAPK [27,29,30]. Another possi-
bility yet to be considered is that a b-arrestin monomer
may bind to a receptor dimer so that the resulting
receptor combination reinforces the bond strength of
the heterodimers. This hypothesis is based on a recent
study onthe organization of rhodopsin in native
plasma membranes [35]. Arrestin, the cognate b-arres-
tin ofthe visual system, has a bipartite structure with
two structurally homologous seven-stranded b-sand-
wiches forming two putative rhodopsin-binding
grooves separated by 3.8 nm [36,37]. This spatial
arrangement may mean that the rhodopsin dimer sur-
face matches perfectly the arrestin molecule by charge
complementarity. A cartoon showing the hypothetical
mechanisms of receptor–b-arrestin interaction and
ERK1 ⁄ 2 signaling is shown in Fig. 1.
Regardless ofthe mechanism by which b-arrestins
bind to GPCRs, the signaling pathway activated by
these proteins is another way by which GPCR hetero-
oligomerization can influence cell physiology. In view
of the fact that MAPK plays a pivotal role in such cell
processes as cell growth, division, differentiation and
apoptosis, it is likely that, in the near future, the phar-
macology of GPCR hetero-oligomers can be exploited
to gain control of these cellular events.
Pharmacological diversity
In the last 6 years, a growing number of receptors
have been shown to behave as hetero-oligomers and to
exhibit an unexpected level of pharmacological diver-
sity. Jordan & Devi [38] presented the first evidence
that thepharmacologyof interacting receptors is dif-
ferent from that ofthe constituent monomers (or
homodimers). They showed that j–d-opioid hetero-
oligomers had no significant affinity for either
j-selective or d-selective agonists or antagonists in
cotransfected cells, even though the hetero-oligomers
had a stronger affinity for the partially selective lig-
ands. Following this pivotal work, many other
researchers have shown how ligand affinity changes on
receptor coexpression [39–41]. In all these studies, the
extent by which ligand affinity changes is accounted
for by a single parameter determined by competition
binding analysis. It should be clear that this parameter
does not provide a realistic measure ofthe ligand affin-
ity for the hetero-oligomer. At most, it may represent
an average measure of all the different affinities that
the ligand expresses for the binding site(s) of both het-
ero-oligomers and homo-oligomers. Quite often, in the
absence of detailed analyses, it is not possible to estab-
lish which binding fractions can be attributed to the
hetero-oligomer and which to the homo-oligomer(s).
Function andpharmacologyof hetero-oligomers R. Maggio et al.
2942 FEBS Journal 272 (2005) 2939–2946 ª 2005 FEBS
Under these circumstances, if two GPCRs exhibit an
equivalent propensity to form either homo-oligomer or
hetero-oligomer, only 50% ofthereceptor population
would be in the hetero-oligomeric form. This percent-
age would be even lower if the tendency to form
hetero-oligomers is significantly different.
The pharmacological changes that occur within the
hetero-oligomers are most likely due to allosteric rear-
rangements induced by the interacting receptor mono-
mers. Ligand binding to half ofthe dimer may
somehow modify the affinity for the other half. This
view is supported by the work of Mesnier & Baneres
[42] with the LTB
receptor BLT1 homodimer. By
studying how fluorescence properties of 5-hydroxy-
tryptophan vary, these authors have been able to show
that agonist binding to part ofthe LTB
BLT1 homodimers induces conformational changes in
the remaining part ofthe homodimer. Although not
generally accepted, another possible explanation for
how receptorpharmacology may change, at least
among receptor subtypes, is domain swapping [43–45].
According to this model of interaction, two receptors
may interact in such a way as to induce rearrangement
of their transmembrane domains, and this would even-
tually result in the formation of two novel binding
sites. So far, domain swapping has been shown to
occur only among functionally impaired receptors and
never with wild-type receptors. This may be because of
the technical complexity of devising experiments to
observe the effect of domain swapping when both
receptors are functional.
The oligomeric nature of GPCRs can be exploited to
improve drug specificity by developing dimeric ligands
capable of acting as bivalent ligands. The first publica-
tion showing the feasibility of constructing a bivalent
ligand directed to heterodimeric receptors has come
No effect No effect
ERK activation
ERK activation
ERK activation
β-arrestin β-arrestin
β-arrestin β-arrestin
β-arrestin β-arrestin
Fig. 1. Alternative models of GPCR–b-arres-
tin interaction. (A) The sequential binding
of the ligands to each half ofthe receptor
dimer induces the recruitment of two
molecules of b-arrestin and then the
activation of ERK. (B) Only one molecule
of b-arrestin binds to the ligand-saturated
receptor dimer and activates ERK.
(C) A dimer of b-arrestin binds all at once
to a receptor dimer and activates ERK.
Fig. 2. Proposed models of association of bivalent ligands with
GPCR hetero-oligomers. (A) Bivalent ligands bind pairs of receptor
hetero-dimers. (B) Bivalent ligands bridge two different subtypes of
neighboring receptor homodimers.
R. Maggio et al. Functionandpharmacologyof hetero-oligomers
FEBS Journal 272 (2005) 2939–2946 ª 2005 FEBS 2943
from Saveanu and coworkers [46]. The chimeric agonist
they synthesized comprises a somatostatin–dopamine
molecule (BIM-23A387) directed against the dopamine
and somatostatin SST
receptors. They claimed that
this agonist suppresses secretion of both growth hor-
mone and prolactin in human pituitary somatotrophic
adenoma cells (each cell coexpressing both dopamine
and somatostatin SST
receptors) much more
powerfully than either ofthe two pharmacophores
given all at once or separately. Portoghese’s group [47]
has more recently synthesized the ligand KDN-21,
which belongs to a series of bivalent ligands containing
d-opioid and j-opioid antagonist pharmacophores
attached to variable-length spacers. This compound has
been shown to have substantially greater affinity for
d-opioid and j-opioid receptors than the univalent ana-
logs. Furthermore, this compound had 200-fold higher
affinity for cotransfected d-opioid and j-opioid recep-
tors than for the same receptors transfected separately
and then allowed to interact. To understand the mech-
anism by which these bivalent ligands work, the struc-
tural organization of GPCR oligomers in the plasma
membrane needs to be clarified. The models of bivalent
ligand–receptor interaction proposed in Fig. 2 foresee
two possible oligomeric organizations for GPCRs.
The possibility of developing ligands that are select-
ive for hetero-oligomeric GPCRs is the most promising
strategy yet for targeting different tissues ofthe human
body. Screening for drugs that would be so selective as
to restrict binding to hetero-oligomer receptors in the
presence ofthe corresponding homo-oligomers is the
real challenge for scientists working in this field in
the near future. With these selective drugs at hands,
we will be able to shed new light onthe physiological
role played by receptor hetero-oligomerization.
We thank Dr Franco Giorgi for advice and helpful
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. ways,
depending on the type of interacting receptors. In this brief review, the
functional and pharmacological effects of the hetero-oligomerization of
The impact of G-protein-coupled receptor
hetero-oligomerization on function and pharmacology
Roberto Maggio
, Francesca Novi
, Marco Scarselli