Saturday Club: Architecture and Design 15 Feb 2020, 29 Feb 2020, 14 March 2020, 28 March 2020 Students currently in years 9, 10 and 11 are invited to visit the University of Brighton’s School of Architecture and Design to take part in exciting Architecture and Product Design workshops Working with academics and current students from the University of Brighton, students will gain hands on experience and develop skills in visualising, making and drawing This is a brilliant opportunity for those who currently enjoy subjects such as Art, Design, Craft and Technology, but is also suitable for anyone who would like to take part in an activity outside of their current studies in a subject that they may not have considered before and see if they could be interested in studying this in the future Application Form: Closing Date for applications: 20th December 2019 Saturday Club: Design and Craft 29 February 2020, 7, 14 & 21 March 2020 Students in years 9-11 are invited to the University of Brighton’s School of Art over four Saturdays, for an exciting experience of designing and making in our wood, metals, ceramics and polymers workshops Centred around the theme 'from Taste to Waste' and working with lecturers and current University of Brighton students, we will be developing ideas and creating a variety of objects that explore possible new solutions to how we eat and how we can deal with the stuff that we throw away afterwards This is a great opportunity for students who love to make things and who would like to know more about how creative people can help make society a better place Application Form: Closing Date for applications: 20th December 2019 Saturday Club: Chemistry 7th March, 21st March, 4th April, 25th April, 9th May Students in years 10-13 and studying relevant subjects are invited to join us at the University of Brighton for a brand new Saturday club, where they will gain experience in cutting edge science in University level laboratories, focusing on chemistry and its use in our everyday lives Our aim is to have fun, while increasing students' experience, enthusiasm and aspirations around Chemistry as a potential future career Sessions will take place monthly from January-June 2019, with a series of practical workshops, a visit to the Science Museum in London, and a final celebratory poster/presentation day for participants and guests Each 3-hour session will be run by staff and undergraduates from the School of Pharmacy and Biomolecular Sciences, led by Professor Bhavik Patel, the youngest Fellow of Pharmacy in the UK! Application Form: Closing Date for applications: 20th December 2019 Saturday Club: Formula 24 14 March, April, 25 April, 16 May, June Students from years 7-10 are invited to join our very popular F24 Saturday club, where small teams will build a Formula 24 racing car to be raced at Goodwood Racecourse! Students will work with Engineering Academics, undergraduates and technicians at our engineering facilities on Lewes Road, Brighton, to design, build and drive their own racing car Sessions will take place on Saturdays from March-June, followed by test and race days in June/July competing against other teams as part of the Greenpower programme! Application Form: Closing Date for applications: 20th December 2019 Saturday Club: Photography Club 25 January, 15 February, March (London trip), 28 March, 25 April, 16 May Aged 13 – 16 and interested in Photography? Come and join our brand new Photography Club! Photography Club is an artist led programme that will help you develop new technical and creative skills, create your own portfolio of artwork and gain a Bronze Arts Award! It’s also a chance to take part in a professional exhibition organised by Photoworks next Summer Guided by photography academic Lindsey Smith and undergraduates, you will work to a broad theme, exploring a range of photography techniques and processes including experimental processes as well as traditional camera skills You don’t need a camera or any previous experience, just an interest in art and photography Sessions take place across six Saturdays and run 10am – 3pm in central Brighton and will include a London trip to Tate Modern and the Jerwood Space Photography Club Image credit: Lynn Weddle, 2019 Application Form: Closing Date for applications: 20th December 2019