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THE Waterton News SATS Celebrations Where success is a shared experience experience Congratulations to Y6 in all schools Well done to all Waterton Y6 children on the completion of their SATs last week At Normanton Common Primary Academy children celebrated the end of SATs with a Year party everyone brought lots of food that was eaten in seconds by all of our hungry Year 6s Some children from Year said that the SATs were hard, but they persevered and finished them all The children also said that they were consumed with a wave of relief when they finished their final test To give the children an extra boost in the morning they each had a cereal bar and a drink, we provided these snacks as some children had not eaten breakfast As a consequence, they were all prepared when the time came to their SATs Our Year children celebrating completing their SATs As the Sats results have not come in yet, children [and teachers] hold their breath and cross their fingers in anticipation The SATs have prepared children for their jump up to high school It also tests what they have learnt throughout the years of being in a Year and classroom and how much they have improved since they started school The test papers that the children did were arithmetic, spelling, punctuation, grammar and reasoning[x2] The whole school are very proud of the Year 6s for their excellent achievements and perseverance We hope that everyone got the results they hoped for We hope that all the children have done well with their SATs Summer 1’s Edition of The Waterton News is brought to you by children from Normanton Common Primary Academy Our School Council In our School Council, we have children from a variety of age groups We often meet to discuss problems that need to be addressed, work together as a group and vote to ensure a majority vote to help make decisions that will benefit our school Teachers often help us orientate our School Council, helping us to run our meetings smoothly (such as a very helpful Mr Oldroyd) Our Parliament Members Parliament News and Events Gabrielle (Year 6) - is the chair and keeps everything on track and ensures the meetings run smoothly Ruby (Year 6) - is the treasurer and writes about what to with the school’s money She is also the secretary and writes down everything talked about in the meetings Every month Ruby and Gabrielle go to the Waterton Parliament meetings In the last parliament meetings, we discussed the art display - which is currently being passed around all of the schools We also talked about the MAT newspaper, how it would be presented and who would be preparing it first Recently, Bradley, Iona, Grace and Mr Dickinson went around the schools discussing how parliament works and whether there are any improvements to be made to the academy We contribute to those decisions is our parliament meetings It is very important that Ruby and Gabrielle attend the meetings so that they know if there are any changes that have been made so that they can tell the other councilors James (Year 6) councilor Jake (Year 6) councilor Ella (Year 6) councilor George (Year 5) councilor Luke (Year 5) councilor Marcus (Year 5) councilor Lacey (Year 4) councilor Ruby (Year 4) councilor Isabelle (Year 4) councilor Jayden (Year 3) councilor Ruby (Year 3) councilor Nehal (Year 3) councilor Max (Year 2) councilor Evie (Year 2) councilor Daisy (Year 2) councilor London PIC The year 6s have recently been on the 2017 London residential (which was really enjoyable) They all enjoyed it lots, there was a lot of mischief, fun, late nights and shopping Day One On the first day of being in London all of us went to the Rainforest café The food was fantastic, but not many people ordered the vegetarian pasta, although the pupils who had it said it was delicious At the rainforest café, the design was fascinating, every so often fake thunder sounds played which got everyone wondering if water was going to come down After our lovely tea, we made our way back onto the coach – we had a little sing song - then we headed over to the London Eye and 4D experience Whilst on the London Eye many people conquered their fear of heights, so well done to you We took some spectacular snap shots whilst at the top Next we went on the 4D experience, it was very life-like It also had special effects: smoke, wind, snow, water and fans It was very good even though it only lasted for minutes Then we went back to our hotel rooms, flopped onto to the beds, and went straight to sleep - some of us! Day Two We all kicked off our day by having whatever breakfast we wanted, continental or full English Once our stomachs were full up we met Carol (our tour guide) As the traffic was so bad to get into Central London the teachers decided for us all to stay around the hotel and go to the zoo area We all had excellent views from our hotel rooms (they were fantastic) One of the best parts of the zoo was definitely going on the ‘Zoofari’ it was a ride where you went on a jeep and it took you upclose to animals: giraffes, white rhinos - which are endangered - and lots more Then we all had a packed lunch, which the hotel had kindly made for us all It had a very large range of sandwiches for us to choose from and was very nice After a bit more looking around the zoo, we went back to our rooms to freshen up ready for the theatre We were going to see School of Rock - the musical The performance was amazing, after the show all of the pupils were still stunned and astonished Last day It was our last day in London, everyone was excited to see their family members but were super sad to be leaving We all had breakfast at the start of the day then we headed over to Hampton Court Palace Even though all of the pupils enjoyed learning interesting facts about Henry VIII, they were even more excited to go into the gift shop Some of the pupils bought teddies, pens, pencils, keyrings and much more - let’s just say it was money well spent Then before we headed back onto the coach, we all had a picnic outside Hampton Court Palace When we arrived back home there were many smiling faces from the adults and the children We all had a lovely time in London Thank you, to all of the teachers who put their own time into the amazing trip from the pupils who went to London Summer 1’s Edition of The Waterton News is brought to you by children from Normanton Common Primary Academy Kingswood On Friday the 23rd of June 2017, 27 year pupils attended Kingswood - an activity centre - and had an amazing time Throughout the weekend the children challenged themselves personally through lots of different activities To start with was nightline (a muddy, dirty obstacle course) whilst wearing blind folds After this we went to our accommodation (dormitories) and had to make our own beds Some of us were naturals, some of us was were not brilliant! On that day dinner was fish and chips or chicken nuggets and chips Pudding was chocolate chip muffins - or blueberry muffins Yum! We had one hour before our last activity Our last activity was Scrap Heap challenge; it was amazing! We had to put cardboard armour on someone in our team - we had 45 minutes When the timer ran out we had to defend our chosen person wearing armour from water balloons After we got back, we had an hour before lights out Some people had a shower, some played football on the grass When it was lights-out almost every one fell asleep straight away In the morning,we had a choice of cooked English breakfast, cereal or toast After breakfast we experienced pond dipping and learnt about fishs’ habbitats Then we went fishing in two different ponds After pond dipping, the Year Fives dared themselves and tackled the LEAP OF FAITH Three skilful children managed to what they had been dreaming of: to GRAB THE BAR – the rest did superbly and conqured their own personal challenges and fears At lunch we had a choice of either cheese or pepperoni pizza We were all starving by the time we were done with our morning activities! After lunch, we took on the challenge of problem solving The first task was to move tyres5,4,3,2,1 - without them touching the floor or having a bigger number on top of a smaller number- to another post in front of us This simple-sounding challenge was actually really, really difficult It took us 10 minutes to finally complete it! After this, we went on a gigantic see-saw, it was hard Then we had a go at balancing the sea-saw, it was a bit tricky but eventually we managed it Later,we went for tea, it was bangers and mash (yum) Dessert was donuts or choc ice On the last two days we had lots of other exhilarating activities such as zip wire, shelter builiding, fire lighting and the epic disco Scatterball High Netball Recently, some pupils from Normanton Common Primary Academy attended the West Yorkshire Summer games at Leeds Beckett University They competed against 10 schools from all over West Yorkshire and did Wakefield proud There were a few moments where we were not playing as well as we could have played however we picked it up-scoring lots of goals and defending the ball When we found out we were playing for 3rd or 4th place the pressure started rising It was a very close game and we were playing against the other Wakefield team We had parents to cheer us on, but when it was coming to the end of the match, we were getting really tired Somehow, we found the strength to carry on and win! When we received the 3rd place medal we were all jumping for joy and so were our parents! We decided to hold a Scatterball tournament (for years and 2) at Normanton Common Primary Academy, for all the schools in the Waterton Trust to compete in Teams: Lee Brigg 1&2 Sharlston 1&2 Walton 1&2&3 Cherry Tree 1&2 Normanton 1&2 The perseverance of the children helped them when they were losing battles They suffered and slight injuries including accidentally getting hit in the face by a tennis ball ouch! There were pitches, with referees per pitch -1 of the pitches had refs on it - who either bowled or wrote down the points The teams played one another, for example, Walton and Cherry Tree The scores would then be put down on one of league tables There were rounds, then the first team from league and first team from league would play each other for the finals and so on Also massive well done to all the parents who came and supported the children, and a massive well done to Lee Brigg - who won the finals! Sports Days The KS1 sports day is a sports day for Nusery, Reception, Year and Year It is run different to KS2’s sports day The teams are Blue, Red, Yellow and Green In Nursery, each child had to bring a T-shirt in the colour of their team to wear at sports day The rest of KS1 wore a coloured sticker depending of which team they were in Upper KS1’s sports day had a competition and the winning team was…… GREEN TEAM! All the children had a great day and we looked forward to the sports days for KS2, which were yet to come at NCPA! On our (LKS2) sports day we performed lots of different activities in a team round-robin event We had lots of parents watching and cheering us on in lots of different sports Some of the activities we competed in relay, football dribbling, skipping, long jump, bean bag race and many more This year’s UKS2 sports day consisted of 88 year and pupils competing in a series of sporty events These consisted of Long Jump, Triple Jump, Javelin, Ball Throw, Speed Bounce, as well as lots of track races Mrs Lovell (a teaching assistant at Normanton Common) said the following,” The children thought the day was fun as the sports had a competitive edge to it.” A Year pupil at the same school said:” It was a well-planned out morning for all of us.” The people who competed said they liked how it had a competitive bit to it, as well as being lots of fun Everyone had a go at and I’m sure everyone tried their best and improved the sporting skills they already had Summer 1’s Edition of The Waterton News is brought to you by children from Normanton Common Primary Academy Freeston Teachers Transition Day Throughout the last few weeks, two of the teachers at Freeston have spent their time teaching our Year and pupils how to sew and bake, it also letting us meet the teachers and get to know them We had to arrive at Freeston Academy at 8:30 and sit down in the assembly hall Mr Peirson (the new head of year of year 7) presented an assembly to explain what the children were doing during the day Miss Byram - Food Miss Byram – the food teacher – has taught us to make fruit smoothies , pizza toast and most recently peach crumble (yummy) They’re also teaching us to cook our own food at home Miss Laughlin - Sewing Miss Laughlin – the sewing teacher – taught us how to sew our initials (which they ironed on to keep the crayon wax dry) and some bookmark birds In classes 9,10 and 11 they all got to take their projects home or keep to use in school These teachers have helped us with our cooking and sewing for future years , the children appreciate the hard work that the teachers have put for us to our best in cooking and sewing Thanks Freeston The lesson, which was the children’s favourite, was science The task was to use test tubes and find which pen had yellow dye in You had to fill 1cm of water in test tubes and you were in groups of so there were test tubes per person You drew a 2.5 cm line on the piece of paper the children got You had pens and on the line you did a dot of each colour and placed it in the test tube and waited to see what happened Many people said that they saw some of their old friends and reunited with some other people Everyone enjoyed the day at Freeston Academy and thought it was a different experience compared to Primary School The children are definitely looking forward to September Leaver’s Play PIC As it is coming to the end of the year, the Year 6s perform a leavers’ play to say goodbye to their fellow classmates The play is a great way to show off the children’s talents, at the end of the year, to parents and the whole school Story Plot The play is called ‘An Inspector Calls’ by ‘Andrew Oxspring’.The story plot is about a group of teachers (Miss Cropper, Mr Savage, Mrs Barker and many more) who begin to panic when they find out they are having school inspectors visiting the school…… Tomorrow! First they have to put up the Ancient Greeks display which didn’t go so well The inspectors arrived the next day and they go to observe Mrs Barker’s ‘’Brand New Lesson’’ which wasn’t the best impression.Then finally the game that all the children and staff had been waiting for the annual staff versus children Rounders Match! The game wasn’t a complete disaster! Eventually the inspectors start to write the report until they find letters from the children only to discover the real heart of Normanton Common Primary Academy Reception Graduation The tradition of our foundation stage graduation started when an american teacher came to our reception class Our Graduation is a celebration of all the hard work that children have done throughout their time in the Foundation Stage We talk about the things we have particularly enjoyed We also share photographs and sing enjoyable songs We have to wear a special Graduation blue gown and a blue cap with the school logo on At the end of the ceremony our Head Teacher (Mrs Cavell) shakes the children’s hand and presents us with a scroll Summer 1’s Edition of The Waterton News is brought to you by children from Normanton Common Primary Academy

Ngày đăng: 27/10/2022, 15:25

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