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1 Download and install Bebas Neue (Bold & Regular) & Crimson Text before editing this template (need to restart PowerPoint after installing them) There are links on the last slide Do not sell or distribute this template There are types of slides One has a Layout(defined by Slide Master function) and another doesn’t To customize slides de fined by Layout, open Slide Master from “View” tab About the slides defined by Layout, select a slide and hit Enter, and you don’t have to delete all texts and icons Enjoy! Canopus Free Powerpoint Template Jun Akizaki - The Power of PowerPoint WELCOME! A Simple & Single Column LET’S BEGIN NOW Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, ei mea unum suscipit, eu pro omnis aliquid accumsan Sit ut sint tractatos Nonumy commodo quaestio ad has, mucius adolescens id has Vix u bique mnesarchum te No mea habeo decore, aeterno luptatum dissentias cu nec Ut vix audiam alterum mandamus, doctus lobortis voluptatum sea no, mei animal epicurei ne Eam cu falli euismod, idque nullam eripuit cum at Tation sententiae vix in, gr aece similique interesset est id Tamquam definitionem usu ne Add a full screen image here INTRODUCTION Before Starting My Presentation TABLE OF CONTENTS ICON What We Do Today’s Agenda Add an image ABOUT US ICON PORTFOLIO Our Awesome Projects ICON NEW PROPOSAL Our New Ideas ICON ANALYSIS Marketing Research & Our Data ICON NExT STEP Ourt Future Plan The Power of PowerPoint | thepopp.com Add an image LET ME INTRODUCE MYSELF… I AM Jason Friedberg ICON WEB DESIGNER ICON PHOTOGRAPHER ICON DIRECTOR Nostrum epicurei vituperata at est Dico atqui singulis pri te In eum ludus nihil ridens, modo appellantur concludaturque est te Id cibo oblique detraxit usu, insolens interesset ei quo In illum labitur nec, id ponderum platonem moderatius sed Volumus partiendo vix ne, pro ei debet populo theophrastus Ad ullum lucilius phaedrum mei, sed ea nemore pericula Sea ei consequat ullamcorper Ea graeco impetus est, vix sententiae definitiones ex, sea ne doce ndi perfecto splendide ICON ICON facebook.com ICON twitter.com The Power of PowerPoint | thepopp.com linkedin.com Benjamin Stolof Art Director / Producer Nostrum epicurei vituperata at est Dico atqui singulis pri te In eum ludus nihil ridens, modo appellantur concludaturque est te Id cibo oblique detraxit usu, insolens interesset ei quo In illum labitur nec, id ponderum platonem moderatius sed DESIGN MODEL COMMUNICATION MANAGEMENT The Power of PowerPoint | thepopp.com ORGANIZATION Some Keywords and Icons ICON ORGANIZATION Novum pertinax assentior ex ICON ICON vel, eam an mollis volumus, e ICON ICON u mnesarchum reprehendunt eum Velit epicuri per eu DESINER ENGINEER Ut pro melius propriae, cu dico adolescens duo Id tantas qualisque iracundia sea, te autem numquam argumentum eam Te mazim quaerendum pro Has ad wisi prompta posidonium, id usu vide everti invenire, utinam recusabo in sit No alterum oporteat quaestio cum, eu consul reprimique referrentur nam Eam ei stet eros The Power of PowerPoint | thepopp.com Add a full screen image here ABOUT US We Are Creating Our Future OUR SLOGAN Only One Impressive Phrase It always seems impossible until it’s done The Power of PowerPoint | thepopp.com 10 CUSTOM BAR CHART This Layout Is Not Defined by Slide Master ASIA MARKET NEW YORK Te nec deleniti definiebas Nobis noster quaeque qui ne, id tollit doming vix Ut quod vide sed Ad primis labores eum At pri augue possim LONDON TOKYO EUROPE MARKET Te nec deleniti definiebas Nobis noster quaeque qui ne, id tollit PARIS doming vix Ut quod vide sed Ad primis labores eum At pri augue possim MOSCOW 50 100 The Power of PowerPoint | thepopp.com 48 CUSTOM BAR CHART This Layout Is Not Defined by Slide Master 100 D E V E LO P M E N T Te nec deleniti definiebas Nobis noster quaeque qui ne, id tollit 83 68 63 50 doming vix Ut quod vide sed Ad primis labores eum At pri augue possim 71 58 50 42 N E XT E S T I M AT I O N Te nec deleniti definiebas Nobis noster quaeque qui ne, id tollit doming vix Ut quod vide sed Ad primis labores eum At pri augue possim 2008 2010 2012 2014 2016 2018 2020 The Power of PowerPoint | thepopp.com 49 Custom Bar Chart This Layout Is Not Defined by Slide Master RESOURCE DESIgn Per assum alienum ne Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, tollit PRODUCING CODING Id ius sale epicurei mediocritatem 46 Doctus postulant contentiones an has 65 76 80 PROMOTION 70 Te periculis percipitur vel Autem minim congue id per 92 67 38 MANAGEMENT Simul nemore pertinax pro cu 97 70 Hinc tempor no vis, probo sonet 65 SOCIAL PUBLISHING 43 DATABASE PHOTOGRAPHY Mea causae prompta diceret Mea scripta diceret ea CLOUD SERVICE ART Justo abhorreant mnesarchum sed te Cu molestie similique usu The Power of PowerPoint | thepopp.com 50 Custom Donut Chart This Layout Is Not Defined by Slide Master Architecture 87% Development Ei his nisl graece latine Posse 70% pericula philosophia usu ne web Design 75% Te sint diceret maiorum nec In vis dicta tation, nam esse veri ad Photography In sea latine oporteat reformidans, quando vocibus no eos The Power of PowerPoint | thepopp.com 92% Vis inani soleat mandamus et, audire invenire maiestatis nam at 51 CUSTOM CHART This Layout Is Not Defined by Slide Master $102M 100 $78M $80M $74M $69M 50 $41M photography Video Web Design SEO Development Architecture Per ea reque mentitum In delenit vivendum his Sit dicit recusabo contentiones te Etiam civibus propriae nam cu, pri iudico alienum ne, meis persius ne est The Power of PowerPoint | thepopp.com 52 CUSTOM CHART This Layout Is Not Defined by Slide Master TOKYO ROME PARIS MOSCOW NEW YORK LONDON $41M $52M Sidney $102M $73M $46M $88M $57M Libris repudiandae eu cum Sonet dissentias cu mea.Id est aperiri placerat suavitate, sale recusabo persecuti per ex Nam atqui expetenda cu, id usu ubique noluisse evertitur Sit ex mutat zril rationibus, tritani accusata ex sed Id vim dicta utinam prompta, minimum prodesset ea mel, in vim quot altera delenit Cu audiam hendrerit gloriatur per The Power of PowerPoint | thepopp.com 53 EXCEL GRAPH This Layout Is Not Defined by Slide Master Mobile Application Publishing Web Design MOBLE MARKET Te nec deleniti definiebas Nobis noster quaeque qui ne, id tollit 2500 doming vix Ut quod vide sed Ad primis labores eum At pri augue possim 2000 1500 C H A N G I N G R E Q U i re m e n t s 1000 Te nec deleniti definiebas Nobis noster quaeque qui ne, id tollit doming vix Ut quod vide sed Ad primis labores eum At pri 500 augue possim 2010 2011 2012 2013 2014 2015 2016 2017 The Power of PowerPoint | thepopp.com 54 EXCEL GRAPH This Layout Is Not Defined by Slide Master Publishing Web Design Mobile Application 2010 2012 4000 3000 2000 1000 2005 2006 2007 2008 2009 2011 2013 2014 2015 2016 2017 Per ea reque mentitum In delenit vivendum his Sit dicit recusabo contentiones te Etiam civibus propriae nam cu, pri iudico alienum ne, meis persius ne est The Power of PowerPoint | thepopp.com 55 CUSTOME TABLE SAMPLE Defined by Slide Master Products Revenue Rate Estimation Web Design 2,195,698 26% 3,333,456 Publishing 1,333,145 12% 1,563,145 Programming 6,256,336 48% 8,156,229 OnLine Shop 2,698,115 15% 2,956,008 Promotion -2,986,556 35% -3,002,774 Management -1,112,365 26% -1,365,123 Eruditi accumsan assentior est ne, ea vix graecis deterruisset definitionem, quas sensibus consectetuer has cu Fastidii deleniti cu vel, no eum solum lorem impedit, at eros autem vim Sed sumo legere phaedrum et, suas mnesarchum interpretaris eu mea The Power of PowerPoint | thepopp.com 56 SOCIAL Media This Layout Is Not Defined by Slide Master 69,478 Likes 55,245 Followers Sharing our contents 32,756 Subscribers 24,119 Followers An simul albucius appareat vel, his vide vocent salutandi te, vim wisi dicant ex At illum scripta percipit ius, eos te conceptam temporibus cotidieque Pri id error vitae, posse ludus sanctus nec ea Has deserunt adipiscing ad, cum forensibus dissentiet efficiantur at Regione assentior est cu, mel et possim definiebas Eam illum patrioque in The Power of PowerPoint | thepopp.com 57 Life can only be understood backwards; but it must be lived forwards The Power of PowerPoint | thepopp.com 58 Key Takeaways Iconic List with Items ICON ICON ICON Et mei alii ignota Dicat tacimates Tale esse meis Malis nonumes disputando ei mei, in pro nov Eruditi accumsan assentior est ne, ea vix gra Fastidii deleniti cu vel, no eum solum lorem i um aliquip officiis Te cum eius deterruisset, ecis deterruisset definitionem, quas sensibus mpedit, at eros autem vim Sed sumo legere mutat utroque omnesque ne eum, ad per req consectetuer has cu An usu insolens ullamc phaedrum et, suas mnesarchum interpretari ue scriptorem orper s eu mea ICON ICON ICON Ex appareat Ei pri prompta Vel ea falli audiam Laboramus aliquando mel an, has eu accusa Ius case verterem dissentiunt ex In his mod Per perpetua disputationi eu Per debet utroq ta posidonium philosophia Erroribus imperdi us postea, inani deterruisset mea an Mei hin ue graecis ex In admodum assueverit duo, ti et an vis, nulla bonorum ius ad, pri ad ferri id c alienum ex, propriae fabellas qui et bique gubergren te per, pro id soluta mentit que um posidonium The Power of PowerPoint | thepopp.com 59 Key Takeaways Some Keywords and Icons ICON PEOPLE PASSION ICON WORLD-LEADING VISION HEART ICON STRATEGY LEADERSHIP ICON Malis nonumes disputando ei mei, in pro novum aliquip officiis Te cum eius deterruisset, mutat utroque omnesque ne eum, ad per reque scriptorem The Power of PowerPoint | thepopp.com 60 Add a full screen image here KEEP MOVING FORWARD! THANK YOU FOR WATCHING! Any Questions? Created by Jun Akizaki – The Power of Power Point Title Font: Bebas Neue Text Font: Crimson Text Icon: Font Awesome by Dave Gandy (Licence: CC BY 3.0)