PowerPoint Presentation Algorithms Programming with Python Python Level 1 – Lesson 1 Nguyễn Chí Thức gthuComputer programs 2 • A computer.PowerPoint Presentation Algorithms Programming with Python Python Level 1 – Lesson 1 Nguyễn Chí Thức gthuComputer programs 2 • A computer.
Algorithms & Programming with Python Python Level – Lesson Nguyễn Chí Thức gthuc.nguyen@gmail.com 0986636879 Computer programs • A computer program is a set of instructions (commands) that causes a computer to perform some kind of action • Software is a collection of computer programs Programming languages • A programming language is simply a particular way to talk to a computer—a way to use instructions that both humans and the computer can understand • We use in this course: Python • Later in this course: Pascal Installing python (on Windows) • https://www.python.org/downloads/ • > python >>> print("Hello World") >>> Ctrl+Z Default IDE: • > idle.bat Wing IDE • http://www.wingware.com/downloads/wing-personal repl.it https://repl.it/ repl.it https://repl.it/ https://repl.it/repls https://repl.it/repls https://repl.it/repls https://repl.it/repls Arithmetic operators >>> >>> >>> >>> 4.5 * 3.8 2017 + 2018 * (2017 + 2018) * ((3 + 7) * 10) / + Addition - Subtraction * Multiplication / Division % Modulus ** Exponent // Integer division 10 Multiline string • How to output this paragraph? Good morning! How is it going? • Try this? message = "Good morning! How is it going?" print(message) 20 Multiline string • How to output this paragraph? Good morning! How’s it going? Using three single quotes (or three double quotes) message = '''Good morning! How is it going?''' print(message) 21 String with quote inside • How to output this string? I’m good • Try this? message = 'I'm great' print(message) 22 String with quote inside • How to output this string? I’m good message = "I'm great" print(message) message = 'I\'m great' print(message) message = '''I'm great''' print(message) 23 String with quote inside • How about this string? He said, "I’d like a cup of tea" • • • • Using single quote? Using double quote? Using three single quotes? Escaping with backslash (\)? 24 Concatenate strings msg1 = 'Hello ‘ msg2 = ', how are you?‘ name = 'Thuc‘ print(msg1 + name + msg2) 25 Data types – string and integers Strings 'python' "programming" """ This is a sample of multiline string ""“ Integers 12 543 214 * 5233 352 // 34 452 % 12 "hello" + " world“ "My number is " + str(12345) 26 Data types - float Floats 12.0 543.12 214.0 * 5233 352 / 34 131.12 – 124.31 27 String + Integer? msg1 = 'Hello ‘ msg2 = 123 print(msg1 + msg2) 28 String + Integer? msg1 = 'Hello ‘ msg2 = str(123) print(msg1 + msg2) 29 Embedding values in string message = 'Hello Peter, how are you?' print(message) message = 'Hello John, how are you?' print(message) 30 Embedding values in string • To display a message using the contents of a variable • Using: %s message = 'Hello %s, how are you?' print(message % 'Peter') print(message % 'John') 31 Embedding values in string a = 100 b = 10 message = '%s is divisible by %s.' print(message % (100, 10)) 32 Multiplying strings Try this: print(10 * 'a') > aaaaaaaaaa spaces = ' ' * 25 print('%s Python programming' % spaces) 33 Comments # this is the first comment spam = # and this is the second comment # and now a third! text = "# This is not a comment" """ Multiline comment """ 34 ... computer can understand • We use in this course: Python • Later in this course: Pascal Installing python (on Windows) • https://www .python. org/downloads/ • > python >>> print("Hello World") >>> Ctrl+Z... computer to perform some kind of action • Software is a collection of computer programs Programming languages • A programming language is simply a particular way to talk to a computer—a way to use... it going?''' print(message) 21 String with quote inside • How to output this string? I’m good • Try this? message = 'I'm great' print(message) 22 String with quote inside • How to output this