Vung Tau land is long and narrow with an area of 82 86 km2, an average height of 3 4m above sea level, and surrounded by 42 km of coastline The area is mainly composed of low lying plains with many sc.
Vung Tau land is long and narrow with an area of 82.86 km2, an average height of 3-4m above sea level, and surrounded by 42 km of coastline The area is mainly composed of low-lying plains with many scattered ponds, lakes, and marshes mixed with dry hilly land The southwestern part of the land has two Nui Lon ranges (Tuong Ky) and Nui Nho (Tao Phung) On the two mountain ranges, there are mixed forests The northern part of the peninsula is a natural mangrove area with many undrinkable rivers and streams On Nui Nho, a lighthouse 18 m high, shining up to 30 nautical miles and over 100 years old, is considered the oldest lighthouse in Vietnam On Nui Lon, there is Ho May, a large freshwater lake and primeval forest The city is surrounded by the sea, primeval forests, high mountains, rivers, and many large lakes, which support the weather here to be cool and mild all year round