Arkansas Tech University Online Research Commons @ ATU Theses and Dissertations from 2017 Student Research and Publications Spring 5-1-2017 Perceptions of Arkansas School Counselors Regarding the Barriers of Implementing the ASCA National Model Keri Ann Rathbun Arkansas Tech University Follow this and additional works at: Part of the Education Commons Recommended Citation Rathbun, Keri Ann, "Perceptions of Arkansas School Counselors Regarding the Barriers of Implementing the ASCA National Model" (2017) Theses and Dissertations from 2017 12 This Dissertation is brought to you for free and open access by the Student Research and Publications at Online Research Commons @ ATU It has been accepted for inclusion in Theses and Dissertations from 2017 by an authorized administrator of Online Research Commons @ ATU For more information, please contact PERCEPTIONS OF ARKANSAS SCHOOL COUNSELORS REGARDING THE BARRIERS OF IMPLEMENTING THE ASCA NATIONAL MODEL A Dissertation Submitted to the Graduate College Arkansas Tech University in partial fulfillment of requirements for the degree of DOCTOR OF EDUCATION in School Leadership in the Center for Leadership and Learning of the College of Education May 2017 Keri Ann Rathbun Educational Specialist, Arkansas Tech University, 2014 Master of Education, Arkansas Tech University, 2004 Bachelor of Music Education, University of Central Arkansas, 1994 Dissertation Approval This dissertation, “Perceptions of Arkansas School Counselors Regarding Barriers to Implementing the ASCA National Model,” by Keri Ann Rathbun, is approved by: Dissertation Chair _ Christopher Trombly Assistant Professor, Center for Leadership and Learning Dissertation Committee _ John Freeman Professor, Center for Leadership and Learning _ Pamela Dixon Assistant Professor, Center for Leadership and Learning _ Barry Owen Assistant Superintendent, FSPS Program Director _ John Freeman Professor, Center for Leadership and Learning Graduate College Dean _ Mary Gunter Dean, Graduate College Permission Title: Perceptions of Arkansas School Counselors Regarding Barriers to Implementing the ASCA National Model Program: School Leadership Degree: Doctor of Education In presenting this dissertation in partial fulfillment for a graduate degree from Arkansas Tech University, I agree the library of this university shall make it freely available for inspection I further agree that permission for extensive copying for scholarly purposes may be granted to my dissertation chair, or, in that professor’s absence, by the Head of the Department or the Dean of the Graduate College To the extent that the usage of the dissertation is under control of Arkansas Tech University, it is understood that due recognition shall be given to me and to Arkansas Tech University in any scholarly use which may be made of any material in my dissertation _ Signature Date iii © 2017 Keri Ann Rathbun iv Acknowledgements First and foremost I want to thank husband, Mike and my boys, Brinnon and Ethan You are my biggest fans and greatest support Thank you for all the encouragement that you gave me each step of the way I would also like to thank my school family at Kimmons and my district office Thank you for the confidence you had in me and time that you gave me to spend writing I would also like to thank my committee members, especially my chair, Dr Trombly Thank you for “talking me off the ledge” a few times and answering my questions, even when you had probably answered them many times before You never made me feel like I couldn’t this and worked patiently with me each throughout this process My Tech/CLL friends that I have made along the way - thank you for the calls and texts It was nice to have someone on this journey with me! My sweet BSF sisters….thank you for the prayers, texts, and cards of encouragement You always believed in me and never let me forget it I consider myself to be a life-long learner and as tired as I am of trying to find more words to type, I often wonder what my next adventure will be Like a portfolio where I would make a five-year plan, I will continue to find new ways to learn and hone my craft as an educator I am thankful for my life, my family and my career as an educator I am one blessed girl! v Abstract Counselors are an important part of our schools and student development According to the American School Counselor Association (ASCA) there are three domains of development in which school counselors have received specialized training: academic development, career development, and social/emotional development (ASCA, 2012) These domains, along with ASCA’s four themes (leadership, advocacy, collaboration and systemic change) make up the ASCA National Model framework for school counseling programs (ASCA, 2012) However, many counseling programs in the state of Arkansas not implement this model as part of their program This study investigated the lack of implementation of the ASCA model in Arkansas counseling programs The follow research questions guided the study: How well aligned to the ASCA National Model Arkansas counselors report their school counseling program as being? and What barriers school counselors in Arkansas face when attempting to align their comprehensive school counseling programs with the ASCA National Model? The survey instrument that was employed in this study was adapted from the American School Counselor Association Readiness Survey from the University of Massachusetts – Amherst College of Education As a result of the survey and open response question, counselors identified lack of time, advocacy, resources and lack of knowledge as barriers to implementing the ASCA National Model framework in their school counseling programs The results of the responses received from this study provided implications for counselors and administrators to work together to improve school counseling programs across Arkansas vi Table of Contents ABSTRACT vi LIST OF TABLES .x CHAPTER ONE: INTRODUCTION TO THE STUDY Problem Statement Purpose of the Study Research Questions Significance of the Study Definition of Key Terms Assumptions Limitations .5 CHAPTER TWO: LITERATURE REVIEW Search Description Conceptual Framework History of School Counseling Comprehensive Counseling Programs in Public Schools The American School Counseling Association Model 12 Administrators’ Perception 16 Lack of Counselor Vision 18 Job Satisfaction 18 Chapter Summary 19 CHAPTER THREE: METHODOLOGY 21 Research Design 21 vii Setting and Sample 23 Data Collection 23 Data Analysis 24 CHAPTER FOUR: RESULTS 25 Demographics 26 Community Support .27 Leadership 28 Guidance Curriculum .30 Staffing/Time Use 31 My Beliefs and Attitudes .32 My Skills as a School Counselor 33 District Resources 35 Open Response Question Concerning Possible Barriers .37 Time 38 Advocacy 41 Resources 43 Lack of Knowledge 44 Chapter Summary 46 CHAPTER FIVE: CONCLUSION 47 Summary of Findings .47 “Are you ready for the ASCA national model?” .48 Time 49 Advocacy 50 viii 109 110 111 112 113 114 115 116 117 118 119 120 121 Appendix I 122 ... Four: Results The purpose of this study was to collect data from public school counselors in the state of Arkansas regarding their perceptions of the barriers they face in implementing the ASCA National... chair, or, in that professor’s absence, by the Head of the Department or the Dean of the Graduate College To the extent that the usage of the dissertation is under control of Arkansas Tech University,... PERCEPTIONS OF ARKANSAS SCHOOL COUNSELORS REGARDING THE BARRIERS OF IMPLEMENTING THE ASCA NATIONAL MODEL A Dissertation Submitted to the Graduate College Arkansas Tech University