The University of Oklahoma Health Sciences Center Technology Use in Educating APRN and Allied Health Students for Team-Based Care University of Oklahoma Health Sciences Center 1000 Stanton L Young Blvd., LIB-121 Oklahoma City, OK 73117-1213 Cathrin L Carithers, DNP, APRN, CNP 918-660-6973 (phone); 918-660-3960 (fax) Overview: Family nurse practitioner, adult nurse practitioner, occupational therapy, and physical therapy students at the University of Oklahoma Health Sciences Center will engage in a modular curriculum designed around interprofessional core competencies Use of standardized patients and telecommunication in didactic and clinical courses will enhance synthesis and application of interprofessional competencies in simulated and practice environments The strategies employed will help alleviate many of the barriers to health care access and quality that Oklahomans face Developing standardized interprofessional patient scenarios for low-income, older adults who present with multiple comorbid conditions will allow students to learn to effectively treat older adults, a growing population nationally and across Oklahoma, in a culturally-sensitive manner Objectives: This application seeks support to: (1) integrate web-based modules on interprofessional competencies, cultural and linguistic competencies, telehealth (Health IT), health disparities of minorities and older adults, quality, and safety into the curricula of the participating programs; (2) establish an integrated learning environment for nursing, occupational therapy and physical therapy students using telehealth technologies with standardized patients and clinic patients to practice interprofessional care planning for older adults in laboratory and clinical settings; and (3) implement a faculty development program in the education and supervision of interprofessional students in a telehealth environment for all faculty in the colleges of Nursing and Allied Health and made available to other colleges in the OU Health Sciences Center Methodology: Students will complete a 9-module web-based curriculum that incorporates expanded role case studies using older, low-income, adult standardized patients that require interprofessional planning for their care Two federally qualified community health centers that serve low income, older adults will provide practice settings for interprofessional student teams Some students will participate in these clinical cases using telehealth technology while others will attend in person We selected these community clinical partners based on the clientele they serve, their commitment to student education, and our ability to integrate interprofessional planning and delivery approaches to care Statutory Funding Preference: We request statutory funding preferences for substantially benefitting rural and underserved populations University of Oklahoma (OU) health sciences graduates are employed in every corner of Oklahoma, 60 of whose 77 counties are designated as medically underserved; 38% of Oklahoma residents live in a rural area of the state The initiatives in this project will develop competent health professionals in interprofessional collaboration and the use of health information technology to help meet the healthcare needs of Oklahomans