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Pitzer College Professor to Talk on Repurposing Social Media May

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CAL POLY SAN LUIS OBISPO News University News & Information May 3, 2013 FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE Contact: Andrea Nash 805 -756-152 5; anash @calpoly.edu Pitzer College Professor to Talk on Repurposing Social Media May 29 at Cal Poly SAN LU IS OBISPO- Alexandra Juhasz, media stud ies professor at Pitzer Co llege in Claremont, Calif., will present "The Internet We Want and Deserve: Repurposing Social Media Spaces" at p.m Wednesday, May 29, in Room 249 in the Computer Science Buildi ng (No 14) at Cal Poly Juhasz w ill discuss her efforts - along w ith those of her students and other "everyday" Internet users - to model and make the Internet "a place w here conversation and know ledge can be built collaboratively and complexly; a place that attends to human interaction, dignity and diversity; and a place wi th transparent rules of engagement and the identification of s hared social and political commitments." She w ill conclude w ith an inv itation to join her cunent effort: FemTechNet, the first fem inist rethinking of the MOOC (mass ive open onl ine course) At Pitzer, Juhasz teaches the history and theory of med ia production Her video -book, "Learning from YouTube" (MIT Press, 20 11) explores " these often wacky, sometimes viral, and always self-reflexive experiences and what they tell us abou t YouTube, pedagogy, making media, writing and publishing in the digital age " The talk is co-sponsored by Cal Po ly's Co llege of Liberal Arts' Lottery Fund, the Ethnic Stud ies and Women's and Gender Studies departments, and the Co llege ofLiberal Arts' Expressive Technology Initiative For more infonnation , go online to: http://cla.calpoly.edu/wgs/ lecture series.hunl or tact Jane Lehr at jlehr@ca lpo ly.edu or Andrea Nash at anash@ca lpoly.edu ### CP Home Directory Get Adobe Reader Campus Maps & Directions Microsoft Viewers Bookstore Calendar Employment Campus Policies Contact Us © 20 12 Ca lito mia Po lytechnic S tate Uni vers ity CAL POLY San Luis Obispo, Calito mia 93407 Phone: 805-756-1111

Ngày đăng: 26/10/2022, 14:18

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