528 MINERALS/Carbonates subsequently modified with the introduction of terms such as boundstone, bafflestone, and bindstone, which are typically applied to reefal limestones In some cases, prefixes (e.g., skeletal grainstone) are used to signify the dominant allochem Marine Carbonate Deposits Distribution and Composition Depending on local conditions, many different minerals can be precipitated from marine waters Seawater contains many salts, but under conditions of increasing temperature, CaCO3 is one of the first compounds to be precipitated, either as calcite or aragonite In modern oceans, carbonate sediments have the potential of forming anywhere and accumulating wherever the water depth is shallower than the carbonate compensation depth (CCD) and where there is little or no influx of siliciclastic sediments In areas where large volumes of siliciclastic sediments are being introduced (e.g., where the Mississippi River empties into the Gulf of Mexico), the carbonate sediments, which form at a much slower rate, will be masked to the extent that they will appear to be non-existent Extensive areas of carbonate sediment accumulation are found on shallow-water shelves (typically