750 INDEX Proterozoic (continued] polarity-bias superchrons 3:331f Siberian craton 4:462f, 4:463 South-east Asia 1:177 South-east Asia geological evolution l:174f southern Cordillera 4:48 subdivisions 4:350 See also Neoproterozoic proto-Alps 2:77f Protoarenicola baiguashanensis 4:3 59 f, 4:360 protocataclasite 3:388t Protoclepsydrops 2:487 Protoclepsydrops haplous 2:485 protoliths 3:394, 3:396f protomylonite 3:388t protorothyridids 2:481 Protorothyris 2:481-482 Prototaxites 2:439f, 2:440-441 Provencal Basin 2:120-124, 3:655f, 3:656 Provincial Geological Bodies 3:78 Prunum coniforme 1:269f Prydz Bay 3:154 Prydz-Leeuwin Belt 3:128, 3:132f, 3:133f Psarolepis 2:467 Psephoderma 2:506 pseudobrookite (Fe2TiO5) 4:149f Pseudoclimacograptus 2:364f, 2:365 pseudoextinction 3:375-376, 3:376f pseudofossils 4:382-386 Apex Chert, Pilbara region, Western Australia 4:3 69f conchoidal fractures 4:382, 4:384f concretions 4:384, 4:385f cone-in-cone structures 4:383, 4:385f dendrites 4:382, 4:383f fracture surfaces 4:382, 4:384f Landscape Marble, Bristol District, England 4:382, 4:383f Liesegang banding 4:382, 4:383f nodules 4:384, 4:385f Posidonia Shale Formation, Germany 4:3 84 f pseudokarst 4:679 pseudomalachite 3:508f, 5:122 pseudotachylite 3:388t, 5:183t Psiloceras 3:357 psilomelane 5:394t Pteraichnus 2:515-516 Pteranodon 2:509, 2:514-515 Pteraspis 2:462 Pteridinium 4:375, 4:375f pteridophyte 3:351 Pteridosperms 4:206f, 4:209f Pterocanium charybdeum 1:27Of Pterochitina 3:434 pterodactyloids azhdarchoids 2:514 body hair 2:511 f ctenochasmatoids 2:514 dsungaripteroids 2:514 general discussion 2:514 life restoration 2:509f lonchodectids 2:514 ornithocheiroids 2:5'10f, 2:514, 2:514f pterosaurs 2:513, 2:513f soft tissue 2:512f wing membranes 2:511 f wing skeleton 2:51 Of Pterodactylus 2:509, 2:509f, 2:511 f, 2:515 Pterodaustro 2:514 pteropods 4:646?, 5:72f, 5:74, 5:75? pterosaurs cladogram 2:513f diversity 2:513 Mesozoic 2:508 affinities 2:513 Anhanguera 2:515 Austriadactylus 2:510 body hair 2:511, 2:511f Campylognathoides 2:513-514 Dimorphodon 2:509, 2:511, 2:513-514 Eudimorphodon 2:510, 2:513-514, 2:515 historical background 2:509 integument 2:511 Istiodactylus 2:510 locomotion 2:515 origins 2:513 palaeobiology 2:514 phylogeny 2:513, 2:S13f Preondactylus 2:513-514 Pteraichnus 2:515-516 Pteranodon 2:509, 2:514-515 pterodactyloids azhdarchoids 2:514 body hair 2:511 f ctenochasmatoids 2:514 dsungaripteroids 2:514 general discussion 2:514 life restoration 2:509f lonchodectids 2:514 ornithocheiroids 2:51 Of, 2:514, 2:514 f soft tissue 2:512f wing membranes 2:511 f wing skeleton 2:51 Of Pterodactylus 2:509, 2:509f, 2:51 If, 2:515 Quetzalcoatlus 2:509-510 Rhamphorhynchus 2:512-513, 2:514, 2:515 skeletal material 2:510, 2:510f, 2:511f soft tissue 2:51 l,2:512f Pterygotes 2:296, 2:297f, 2:300t Ptilophyllum 3:359 PUCE See Pattern-Unit-Component-Evaluation (PUCE) mapping system, Australia pucherite (BiVO4) 3:589t Puerto Rico Trench 5:430?, 5:43 Of Pukapuka Ridge 4:476-477 Pulleniatina primalis 5:486-487 pumice 4:387t, 4:390t pumpellyite 3:397, 3:398f, 3:405 punctuated equilibrium bryozoans (Bryozoa) 1:268-269, l:271f microevolution 2:164, 2:164f Miocene 1:269 f Pliocene 1:269 f speciation 1:268, l:268f, l:271f Purfleet interglacial stage 5:496f Pusgillian stage 4:183f Pu'u O'o volcanic vent 3:328-329, 3:329f pyrargyrite (Ag3SbS3) 3:630t Pyrenees 2:96/", 2:98, 2:99, 3:650f, 3:654, 3:654f, 5:466-468, 5:488 pyriclasite 3:387t pyrite (FeS2) carbonatites 3:221t crystal structure 3:575?, 3:576f diagenetic processes 5:145f hydrothermal ore deposits 3:631-632, 5:394t Lagerstatten 3:312 nodules 4:385 occurrence 3:574, 3:584, 3:585t phase transformation diagram 3:580f physical properties 3:577? pyrite framboids 4:495-496, 4:497f pyritized fossils l:377f, 1:381, 3:312 stability 3:580f sulphidation curves 3:582f pyrobelonite (PbMnVO (OH)) 3:589t pyrochlore 3:221, 3:221t pyroclastic deposits 1:34-43 background information 4:386 characteristics block and ash flows 4:394, 4:394f fall deposits 4:390, 4:391f, 4:392? general discussion 4:389 ignimbrites 2:98, 4.-202/, 4:388f9 4:391-393, 4:393/i 4:395, 4:397f particle size 4:390? pyroclastic density currents 4:391, 4:393f, 4:394, 4:394f, 4:396f pyroclastic types 4:390? transport mechanisms 4:394, 4:396f, 4:397f eruption plumes 4:388, 4:388f, 4:389f explosive eruption characteristics 4:386, 4:387?, 4:388f, 4:389 generation mechanisms 4:386 geotechnical properties 1:546 natural hazards 5:573, 5:576?, 5:576f Permo-Carboniferous basins 2:98 zeolites 1:34-43, 3:597 pyrolite hypothesis 1:399, 1:401 f pyrolusite (MnC^) dendrites 4:382, 4:383f hydrothermal ore deposits 3:630? Liesegang banding 4:382, 4:383f pyromorphite 5:123, 5:126-127, 5:127f pyrope (Mg3Al2Si3Oi2) 3:561 pyrophyllite 1:360, l:361t, 3:399f, 3:631-632 pyrovanadates 3:589? pyroxenes 3:567-569 crystal structure 3:568f, 3:569f kimberlites 3:253 shock metamorphic effects 5:183t pyroxenite 3:220?, 3:253-254, 3:257f pyroxmangite 3:569