748 INDEX Precambrian (continued) chronostratigraphy 4:17Of East European Craton 2:36, 2:38f extinction events 4:379 fossil lichens 2:441 general discussion 4:350 geological events banded iron formations (BIFs) 4:372 carbonates 4:372 continent formation 4:371 glaciation 4:372 marine transgressions 4:372 glossary information 4:380 palaeobiological events death mask hypothesis 4:374 Ediacarans 4:373, 4:376*, 4:378f eukaryotes 4:372-373 general discussion 4:372 metacellularity 4:373, 4:376* shelly fossils 4:373, 4:373f stromatolites 4:373, 4:377 palaeogeography 4:3S3f Pan-African orogeny 4:378 predators 4:379 sedimentary structures 4:376, 4:379f Siberian craton 4:461 strontium isotopic ratios 4:378 Timanide Orogeny 2:49-50, 2:53, 2:54f precipitation l:477f, 4:628, 5:17, 5:19f9 5:475 Precordillera terrane 4:83f prehnite-pumpellyite facies 3:397, 3:398f, 3:405, 3:405f, 4:74f Preondactylus 2:513-514 Press, Frank 3:195 pressure-temperature-time (PTt) paths 3:409-417 age determination 3:416 anticlockwise paths 3:413, 3:416, 3:416f background information 3:409 basic principles 3:409, 3:410f clockwise paths 3:413, 3:416, 3:416f contact metamorphism 3:406, 3:414, 3:415f controlling factors 3:410 crustal thickening 3:412, 3:413f, 3:414f exhumation rates 3:409-410, 3:413, 3:416, 3:416f general discussion 3:417 Gibbs free energy 3:393, 3:393f as interpretative tool 3:416, 3:416f metamorphic facies 3:412, 3:412f schematic diagram 3:415f stable geotherm 3:411, 3:411 f, 3:415f temperature-depth diagram 3:412, 3:412f Pre-Uralian zone 2:86, 2:87f Prevost, Constant 2:183 Priabonian stage 1:322 ft l:325f, 5:466, 5:467f, 5:468f, 5:469, 5:470, 5:506f International Stratigraphic Chart (ICS) 5:517f Price, George McCready 1:384 priceite (Ca4B1oO19-7H2O) 3:5Jf2* Pridoli Series 4:87f, 4:186f, 4:187f, 4:189, 5:511 f5:511 f 95:517f Priest River Complex, northern Cordillera 4:39-42 primates 2:538-539 primitive organisms acritarchs 3:418-428 applications 3:427 biostratigraphy 3:425 Cambrian 4:169f classification 3:422, 3:423f clusters 3:420 colour changes 3:418-419, 3:419f early Neoproterozoic 4:358-359 late Neoproterozoic 4:360, 4:361f Mesoproterozoic 4:356/", 4:357 middle Neoproterozoic 4:360 morphology excystment openings 3:420, 3:422f flanges 3:419f, 3:420 general discussion 3:419 microphotographs 3:421f processes 3:419f, 3:420, 3:422f wall types 3:420 occurrence 3:418 palaeoenvironmental distribution 3:426, 3:426f, 3:427f Palaeoproterozoic 4:357 palaeotemperatures 3:419, 3:427 preservation 3:419 reef environments 3:427f Silurian 3:426f, 4:191 biosediments 1:279-294 Apex Chert, Pilbara region, Western Australia 1:291, l:292f, 3:313, 4:368-369, 4:369f biofilms 1:283, 1:283 f biomarkers 1:292, 1:293 f biosignatures 1:285, l:285t chemical fossils 1:293 filamentous microbes l:282f, 4:367f^ 4:368 geographic distribution l:280f, 1:282 glossary information 1:294 microbial effects precipitation processes 1:284, l:284t trapping and binding 1:285 microbial mats 1:284, l:284f, 4:223-224, 4:377 microfossils fossilization process 1:288 interpretive processes 1:288, l:292f oldest microfossils 1:291, l:292f significance 1:282 stromatolites Archaean stromatolites See Archaean; stromatolites biosediments 1:285 biosignatures l:285t formation processes 1:287f^ l:288t interpretive processes 1:286 lacustrine deposits 4:556 physical properties l:286f stromatolite-like structures 1:287 tree of life 1:279, l:280f, 4:124, 4:125f chitinozoans (Chitinozoa) 3:428-440 applications biostratigraphy 3:434 palaeobiogeography 3:439 palaeoenvironments 3:438, 3:439f biological affinity 3:432 carbon isotopic ratios 3:439 classification Conochitinidae 3:430, 3:431f, 3:435f Desmochitinidae 3:430, 3:431f, 3:435f Lagenochitinidae 3:430, 3:431f, 3:435f Operculatifera 3:430 Ordovician 3:430 Prosomatifera 3:430 evolutionary trends 3:434 intervesicle adjustments 3:429, 3:43Of Margachitina 3:434 morphology 3:428, 3:429f, 3:435f, 3:436f Pterochitina 3:434 Silurian 4:191 structure 3:428 vesicle linkages 3:43 Of eukaryotes 4:354-363 algae 4:356f, 4:358, 4:359f Archaean eukaryotes 4:357 atmospheric evolution 1:202, 1:203 biodiversity 1:261 biomineralization 4:359-360 carbonaceous compression 4:357, 4:358,4:360 fungi Ascomycetes 2:437, 2:440-441 Basidiomycetes 2:437-438, 2:440-441 Chytridiomycetes 2:437, 2:438f, 2:439f fossil fungi 2:437 general discussion 2:436 Rhynie chert 2:437, 2:438f, 2:439f sporocarps 2:440-441 Zygomycetes 2:437, 2:440-441, 2:441-442 general discussion 4:354 heterotrophy 4:360 Mesoproterozoic eukaryotes 4:356/", 4:357 Neoproterozoic eukaryotes early animals 4:360 early Neoproterozoic 4:358, 4:359f Ediacaran 4:362-363 general discussion 4:358 late Neoproterozoic 4:360, 4:361f, 4:3 62 f middle Neoproterozoic 4:360 Palaeoproterozoic eukaryotes 4:356f, 4:357 phylogenetic relationships 4:3 55f testate amoeba 4:360 tree of life l:203f, 4:365f ostracods (Ostracoda) 2:279, 4:191